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Telrom_1 t1_j3bgww5 wrote

In a month no one will even remember their names.


nasty_nater t1_j3c3jhe wrote

Fuck the small dick, little men that run this piece of shit regime. Glory to the people of Iran to take back their country. Justice for all those senselessly killed.


NoHalf2998 t1_j3c6v2l wrote

It’s funny; people shouted down activists that said this would happen for “exaggerating”.

I wonder if they’ll even see this


eros56 t1_j3cmira wrote

…A second Iranian revolution - this time to expel the ayatollahs and install a secular democracy - would be a dream come true..


Reckless-Bound t1_j3cpceg wrote

Are you kidding? They were well known world rated athletes. Talk about your ignorance elsewhere.


Edit* Turns out your brain is actually fried from so many hallucinate drugs. Of course you can’t remember much in a month’s pass.


CountBeetlejuice t1_j3cw9z6 wrote

so, looks like there is no longer a reason to not fight to the death, when facing regime forces, as arrest means death anyways


TexDen t1_j3e37qk wrote

Go ahead Iran, kill all your people. You know, nothing gets rid of a crazy mindset like self-inflicted population attrition.


epwhat t1_j3gv3o3 wrote

If Iran is executing protesters after arrest then then country is begging for a revolution.


FapMeNot_Alt t1_j3j66cw wrote

The murders will continue until morale improves

^^Or ^^Khomeini's ^^head ^^is ^^put ^^on ^^a ^^pike