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johnn48 t1_j54dn6b wrote

All it takes is a neo-Nazi with a gun to destroy a power station and plunge people into darkness.


insan3guy t1_j54kbvb wrote

Shooting a power distribution station and cutting power to a town is a little bit different than shutting down all united states air travel


johnn48 t1_j55856b wrote

>Two power substations in a North Carolina county were damaged by gunfire in what is being investigated as a criminal act, causing damage that could take days to repair and leaving tens of thousands of people without electricity, authorities said Sunday. Source

>About 35,000 people in North Carolina's Moore County remain without power on Wednesday after the substations were damaged in what authorities described as a "targeted" attack Source

> FBI warns of neo-Nazi plots as attacks on Northwest power grid spike Source

A simple Google search will show a disturbing pattern of attacks on power substations by suspected neo-Nazis. So these are not attacks by teenagers shooting up signs. These are attacks on the vulnerable infrastructure of the United States


insan3guy t1_j56iou9 wrote

It would take many times the amount of time, people, and equipment that the NC attacks were perpetrated with in order to effect the kind of damage that the FAA problems created.

And they are not power stations, they’re distribution stations. Try shooting up a coal plant and see how far you get. Might even make it to within eyesight of it.


Vegan_Honk t1_j55i75u wrote

yes and now they know that.
Same with now people know that an individual person can bring a decades old system to its knees.