Woman sentenced to three years in state prison for collecting $400,000 in viral GoFundMe scam
cnn.comSubmitted by AudibleNod t3_107k2jw in news
Submitted by AudibleNod t3_107k2jw in news
She will do more time than SBF.
More time in prison than the bankers that crashed our economy multiple times in the past two decades.
Has anyone ever gotten away with one of these donation scams?
Sad but true
Sad but true. That Wells Fargo exec who peed on a woman mid-flight will get more time for that than anyone got.
The only reason they didnt is because they only gave the homeless guy $75k. He found out they made over $400k and turned their asses in.
Its entirely possible if they had given him a bigger chunk they would have gotten away with it.
In case you're wondering the homeless guy was in on it too...
Edit: Here you go: https://www.inquirer.com/news/johnny-bobbitt-gofundme-scam-probation-20221003.html
That’s what still fucking infuriates me. None of them got any punishment for the lives the destroyed. My dad is working in his 70s because his retirement 401k practically disappeared. None of them got anything but a fucking bailout to save their asses.
The ones that get away probably never make the news. It's probably less viral and less news-worthy. While at the same time equally heart-warming and heartstring tugging.
Did he lose the $75k?
Oh yeah. He got lucky though, in that he's the only one out of the three who didn't get sent to jail.
Maybe not. Bernie Madoff got a 150-year sentence for his financial crimes.
Maybe if people paid less attention to social media....
SBF stole money from rich people, he's fucked.
System working as intended. It's in their best interest to not go after each other all the time, at the expense of everyone else.
wow. that story was so believable too. this is the kind of shit that makes me more and more jaded when i hear stories about people falling on hard times or whatever.
it's getting so frustrating.
Would you know about it if they did get away with it?
Politicians do all the time
Yep, wily old bastard died in prison
Everything is a scam
He took his toys and went home
I hate paying to read
Makes me wonder though, why the finders of the failed Coup haven’t seen any jail time
3 years more time than the failed businessman who opened a sham real estate university, allowed PPP loans to go to business that didn't need the money, hoarded classified documents, and sold NFTs of his own image.
Serious question: How is this different from the BLM Foundation (Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation) that collected millions after the George Floyd murder and then bought multiple million dollar homes with some of the money? I'm sure no donor expected their cash to be used for that purpose.
Brittany Dawn has entered the chat. /r/brittanydawnsnark
We should have the right to pee on everyone who own more than 20 million$
Was Black Lives Matter even a charity? Its a business through and through as far as I know, the same way Trump made money with his MAGA merch business.
I don’t blame the exec. Whats one woman compared to crapping on everyone. The guys is probably shook.
Yes. It's a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit corporation
> A 501(c)(3) organization is a United States corporation, trust, unincorporated association or other type of organization exempt from federal income tax. 501(c)(3) tax-exemptions apply to entities that are organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, literary or educational purposes...
But I don't think that's relevant to my question. This couple was convicted of wire fraud. IANAL but logically any corporate entity (for profit or non-profit) could be guilty of wire fraud.
Good, hopefully Brittany Dawn is next. The state of Texas is suing her for scamming many with her “fitness plans.” She “helped” a homeless man with his alcoholism by raising around 25k on gofundme but… Who knows where it went? She transitioned to running a trendy Christian ministry that charges hundreds and also is “fostering” babies while monetizing them for her content. Would love to see her held accountable.
That others made…
Literally all the time, problem here was how much money got raised and it got caught in the news cycle and then homeless dude turned them in
I've never donated to anything on GoFundMe, ever. Until you actually see the person and talk to them and hear their story, there is almost no way to verify things if you're too far removed from the situation. Give in other ways like time and energy, not money. And even then, give to them directly, not through GFM which keeps taking a cut and leeching off of people's compassion.
That website has almost never worked for me. https://www.printfriendly.com has by far been the most reliable paywall-bypasser.
I knew the story was nonsense the day i read it.
Maybe a dumb question: why is this a crime? It's a really horrible thing to do, but don't people lie to other people to get money all the time?
I'm thinking specifically about politicians and what they say to fundraise.
If the couple hadn't gotten greedy and had given the homeless guy his full share, they probably would have gotten away with it.
First, this woman was dumb enough to attach her name to it. You incorporate and you have more protections (nonprofit entities are typically incorporated).
Second, idk all the ins and outs of this story in its entirety but there are at least two scenarios off the top of my head that would allow for the BLM org get away with it. The first is that the BLM ceo gets paid a fat salary. The irs is only going to investigate and sanction a nonprofit that is paying a ceo exorbitantly more than other CEOs of a similar sized nonprofit.
The other scenario is that the org bought the mansion and used it as a headquarters. This wouldn’t even raise any red flags since places need to have brick and mortar operations and there isn’t much difference between an expensive downtown Manhattan office and a mansion in price, but the location can be justified as it’s a grassroots movement and needs the space and to be need the suburbs.
It’s fraud
I just read that a couple hours ago. That was quick.
Almost like charity isn't a good solution for systemic issues like poverty alleviation.
So he's still homeless I'm guessing.
Great work. Now with this on her resume she fits as a future Republican. The dogs of democracy.
Yet the former president scams a whole country and nothing?
The banks own the government:(
Fun fact! I work in a building that was massive loan services processing center specializing in mortgage backed securities. The feds definitely raided and confiscated the whole building and all company assets. The owner was convicted on 14 counts and sentenced to 30 years back in 2011. There was an entire episode of CNBC American Greed about it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor,Bean%26_Whitaker
Fun fact! I work in a building that was massive loan services processing center specializing in mortgage backed securities. The feds definitely raided and confiscated the whole building and all company assets. The owner was convicted on 14 counts and sentenced to 30 years back in 2011. There was an entire episode of CNBC American Greed about it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor,Bean%26_Whitaker
Fun fact! I work in a building that was massive loan services processing center specializing in mortgage backed securities. The feds definitely raided and confiscated the whole building and all company assets. The owner was convicted on 14 counts and sentenced to 30 years back in 2011. There was an entire episode of CNBC American Greed about it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor,Bean%26_Whitaker
Got sent to rehab. Basically win win
They honestly would have gotten away with it if that had given the dude like 75%.
Dude probably would have been happy and they got a bunch of cash. Their next worry would be explaining it on taxes.
Sadly you don't have that right... but you do have that freedom.
3 years seems extremely light to me but I suppose it's reasonable.
Think a youtuber did a "socia experiment' where he gave a homeless guy $100 to see what he'd do with it. The homeless guy bought food for his freinds and people were touched by the story they donated hundreds thousands to the homeless man. Later it was revealed that the social experiment was staged. The homeless man also died of alcoholism and hte youtuber kept the money
Now I'm wondering about the romance writer Susan Meachen who faked her death on social media and had people donate to her gofundme for funeral expenses and her family. That's pretty egregious and while I doubt anyone would get any money back I wonder if there are grounds to sue for fraud.
> his retirement 401k practically disappeared.
Out of curiosity, what did he choose to invest in? Did he choose to go all-in on one or a few stocks? Or did he choose to sell all his investments near the bottom in spring 2009?
Except the homeless man was also charged and took part in the fraudulent act but must have decided that 75k wasn't enough when he heard how much the go fund me really made. They're all greedy and stupid together.
Habe you heard of the charities that keep 99.9%? And its legal
Brittany Dawn is terrible and I really hope her GFM scheme, as well as allllll the other awful things she does, gets more attention soon. The recent monetized fostering was unbelievable.
Based on this, absolutely she should be in prison.
Do this as a regular person, get prison time. Do this on wallstreet, get congratulated by your peers and maybe pay a “cost of doing business” fine.
I don’t know. I’ve given to people who have had their house burn down, lost a husband, wife, or kid to an accident, or sustained life changing injuries. It sucks that people need charity, but a lot of them really can’t be faked.
Goodness, her fitness grift was only the start!
I remember this and remember when the homeless man sued them. They're despicable people for lying to so many just so they can buy expensive cars and handbags and go to Vegas. Awful humans
And his kids stole from their fake cancer charity, too. What was their punishment again?
That’s an easy one to deduce. The poor old guy panic-sold at the bottom. A guy who rode the commuter bus with me did the exact same thing.
For real. America loves these headlines but I’m like… we just celebrated a victim of systemic poverty winning the lottery. And hey, it was a scam all along, lol.
Why would you turn them in when you’re homeless and you can get $75k…
So she's basically earning $133 grand a year for 3 years off in taxpayer funded food and shelter program. Not a bad trade-off.
Sure that was my guess too, but I thought I'd ask him. And in that case, if they just rode it out instead of panic selling they would have been fine.
Wasn't that a relatively small player though? They never did anything to the big name execs.
Greed. Someone always has more.
It's not a crime any more than donating money to your local house of worship in their stupid scam basket that gets passed around.
What? Getting 75k is a once in a lifetime occurrence. Homeless dude should have just accepted the money
No don’t get me wrong is this a dick move bad people yeah. But aside from scale how is this any different then a panhandler lying about his situation or a preacher promise of miracles for filling the coffers. Like I just don’t see the crime justifying the time in this instant. Idk had they only raise a few hundred would they have been charged in the same fashion
This story made me think of her, too. It might take a long time but I am keeping my eye on her story to find out if she gets hit with legal consequences. It might all end up depending on how much money she earned from the fraud.
I run a tiny nonprofit, and we've benefited from a few GoFundMe fundraisers. The fees (for nonprofits at least) seem to be worth it; GFM has provided us with a reliable service. Our little fundraisers haven't reached people too far removed from us, but that's OK. It's enough that we can reach family members and friends and friends-of-friends; for that it's worked well.
And this is why you always make sure the terms are equitable beforehand. Come on, this is like Heist 101!
Wish this law would apply to politicians that blatantly lie about their resumes. After all, they raised a lot of money with those lies.
Not all homeless people are just unlucky and unfortunate. Some are just really stupid.
The dude was in on the scam, so it's hard to say if he would have ever been happy and not just chased for more money.
Also it's not unlikely the gofundme by itself is enough to settle the tax question. Very few situations actually get a full investigated audit.
Read the ruling (or at least the article); she has to pay back all the money.
They have felonies for the rest of their life though
If they got away with it we wouldn’t know it was a scam. So, probably.
People who end up homeless aren’t generally known for wise financial decisions.
That's fine. The majority of them probably isn't. I'd still rather go find the contacts directly and land at least some sort of personal connection, even if briefly, than just pseudo-anonymously go through GFM.
Well the OG fundraiser was for $10k. I think it blew up and greed got the better of them.
They gave the dude 20% and he wanted more. I bet if they had either split it 50/50 or given the majority he would have been happy.
Why only take 75k when they have a lot more to lose? He got probation, they both got jail time and have to pay GoFundMe back.
Thanks for a good reply. Yes, the BLM case is more nuanced and their corp status allows some discretion in how the funds were/are spent. I'm not obsessed on it but general press reporting rasies questions on corp malfeasance. I think a good comparison is the current SBF (the crypto guy) investigation, just that he was dealing in billions and BLM got millions.
> trendy Christian ministry
What a picture
No. Tell me more
Came here to say the same thing. Brittany is such an evil vile person. When I saw the headline I thought it was about her, sickening we have more than one story of people doing this.
Many people don't realize that some mortgage processors, like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, were completely bought out and taken over by the US Government for the 2008 fiasco.
They were publicly traded companies, and still are some of the largest in the world. Part of the bailout deal was a hostile takeover, and that they send all profits to the US Treasury indefinitely. The entire company was basically gutted and replaced.
Not every high ranking rich dude got off scott free, but a lot of them did.
…. The story is from 2017.
Dude, stop trying to scam us with your comment.
Gov't sponsored scams weren't available for comment
Too bad she didn’t also try to overthrow the government. She could have gotten a blanket pardon.
3 years in prison in exchange for $400,000??? I’d take that deal!!
We're working on it
Well you say that but one of them actually is a crime?
Top 10 in the country
How do you know? This was obviously a highly unstable and impulsive man since him pressing charges against them is what lead to all of them getting caught to begin with.
He got a massive amount of money for doing absolutely nothing. It's hard to believe he wouldn't have continued asking for more even if they gave him 90%.
AudibleNod OP t1_j3mr1zh wrote
This is the lady from the heartwarming story of a homeless vet giving his money to help her out.