Submitted by Clem_Doore t3_10gc5cj in news
MultiStratz t1_j51ucqq wrote
That's gotta be more money than his music ever made him- cheers!
jofizzm t1_j51udjd wrote
I was January 16th 2023 days old when I realized that dude's name spelled "Florida".
[deleted] t1_j51uff9 wrote
Critical_Band5649 t1_j51uvrq wrote
Lol. He had been a thing for a couple years before that dawned on me.
[deleted] t1_j51vqh8 wrote
karavasis t1_j51wade wrote
So he owns Celsius now?
sPunDuck t1_j51wi6x wrote
[deleted] t1_j51x2yt wrote
Furimbus t1_j51yw1b wrote
82 million degrees, that’s why they call him Mister Fahrenheit
djamp42 t1_j51yx1e wrote
Well I just figured that out today also.
Lastunexpectedhero t1_j51znri wrote
The "sipping on a Celsius, while talking to reporters" is just amazing
RPDRNick t1_j5217lo wrote
Shawty got dough, dough, dough, dough, dough, dough.
WhyDoIHaveAnAccount9 t1_j521dnz wrote
that dude made 5 songs that I know of and they all sound the same
[deleted] t1_j521zct wrote
[deleted] t1_j5222y9 wrote
Bazin_B9 t1_j5227cc wrote
Rich rapper with his own company gets bilked on a promotion deal: >$80 million dollars award.
US Army vet gets threatened and tased by bloodthirsty cops: <$4,000 dollars award.
Christ I hate this fucking country.
MultiStratz t1_j5228ln wrote
I know his name, but can't think of a single one of his songs.
LiliNotACult t1_j523krc wrote
Why hate it? This is all by design. It's working as intended
HurricaneDDT t1_j524c94 wrote
No way he's made or been on atleast 20 songs that have made the top 100 charts and that doesn't include songs that have sampled him or artist on his own label
kudichangedlives t1_j524fn4 wrote
You can't hate something that is designed to be predatory?
MultiStratz t1_j525f0h wrote
But 82 million? Artists don't usually get that rich off their music alone. All the highest net worth rappers own crazy diverse portfolios. 50 cent and Jay-Z aren't banking off their music anymore, but they're still banking.
Edit: I looked it up- Flo Ridas net worth was 30 million before this suit.
--zaxell-- t1_j525lts wrote
That's $147,600,032 in Fahrenheit.
Stromaluski t1_j525xlz wrote
I had to double check the math, but you are indeed correct!
[deleted] t1_j527810 wrote
[deleted] t1_j527ife wrote
[deleted] t1_j5295vs wrote
Fulker01 t1_j52a57r wrote
"I just want what I worked for."
Nobody "works" for $82 million dollars.
secondsbest t1_j52a8pm wrote
You don't remember the boots with the ferrr? Thats low.
crunchsmash t1_j52ab47 wrote
"Net worth" searches on google are never accurate
MultiStratz t1_j52adi5 wrote
That was him? Ok, yeah! I thought that was Nelly for some reason. My memory is shot! Yeah that's not a bad jam!
[deleted] t1_j52agfc wrote
[deleted] t1_j52ah1b wrote
MrZero3229 t1_j52auie wrote
50 Cent made his fortune by partnering/investment in Vitaminwater
MultiStratz t1_j52axyg wrote
Yep. Smart move!
MultiStratz t1_j52b28k wrote
Well he didn't make the top 30 best selling rappers either. Vanilla Ice outsold my man!
MultiStratz t1_j52b4jo wrote
Also DDG, fuck Google!
[deleted] t1_j52be7q wrote
[deleted] t1_j52cq18 wrote
spectert t1_j52cwbk wrote
You must have been spun right round to think that was Nelly.
MultiStratz t1_j52d03w wrote
Lmao. Must be the money!
[deleted] t1_j52f15m wrote
IndieHamster t1_j52hw50 wrote
While I agree in theory, this isn't the best case to use as an example. Most of the awarded money comes from 750,000 shares that the company was supposed to issue to Flo Rida. He was supposed to be issued 250,000 in 2014 when it was trading around $0.40-$0.50 a share, and then was supposed to be issued 500,000 more in 2016 when it was trading at around $2-$2.60 a share. Today it ended at $97.81/share, and hit an all time high of $115/share in January.
To me, this just looks a guy finally getting compensated for what was outlined in his contract
[deleted] t1_j52i2mo wrote
mr_potatoface t1_j52i3wn wrote
Gotta have money to make money.
Army vet should have pulled himself up by his boot straps and made himself worth 100 million first before getting tased and then he probably would have got 400 million awarded.
Pretty sure Bezos would get more than 4k if he were in the same scenario.
[deleted] t1_j52ih2h wrote
[deleted] t1_j52isas wrote
[deleted] t1_j52l920 wrote
Art-Zuron t1_j52mf0s wrote
Accounting for inflation, it'd be about $2,483,403,742.37 Kelvin.
Jeffuary t1_j52n2jd wrote
I worked with him about 6 or 7 years ago and he was a super nice dude.
western_red t1_j52or1y wrote
I have no understanding of this title. Must mean I'm getting old.
Might_Aware t1_j52swqi wrote
Nelly is - 🎶Come on shawtee take a wit ride me, something something inside of me- Hey! Must be the monay! 🎶
[deleted] t1_j52tfa3 wrote
mynameisalso t1_j52u2dt wrote
I can't believe I never noticed Florida flo rida
Majesty1985 t1_j52ymcl wrote
Didn’t Pepsi just buy them out? Like less than six months ago?
DarthBrooks69420 t1_j531kqf wrote
It's not 'toss me the money'??
CharlotteTheHarlot22 t1_j532bdd wrote
Well your mom sure didn't, or else your childhood nickname wouldn't have been Payless Patrick.
90swasbest t1_j5339ff wrote
It's gonna blow your fucking mind to learn where he's from...
[deleted] t1_j533cju wrote
ArmlessGeodude t1_j53422j wrote
Rapper sued energy drink Edit: and won
[deleted] t1_j534ruw wrote
SpuddMeister t1_j536aex wrote
I thought Celsius was another rapper.
[deleted] t1_j536d3y wrote
PMzyox t1_j536zsd wrote
Florida doesn’t need that money
[deleted] t1_j538xvf wrote
AStartIsBorn t1_j5394oi wrote
I was thinking this is the most Onion headline I've ever seen.
AStartIsBorn t1_j5395fu wrote
As did I.
Enderswolf t1_j5395zw wrote
Fahrenheit for the win.
AStartIsBorn t1_j539in7 wrote
If you're being sarcastic might want to indicate that at the end of your comment.
SirPotterOfHogwarts t1_j539phe wrote
Well Done.
dominus_aranearum t1_j539z2e wrote
Couldn't be. Celsius is spelled correctly.
AintEverLucky t1_j53a33a wrote
Anybody know if the lawsuit revealed why Celsius tried to stiff him? Did they simply think he wouldn't lawyer up and get what he had coming to him?
AStartIsBorn t1_j53a5qj wrote
You make an excellent poynt.
brow47627 t1_j53aaw6 wrote
Well there wouldn't be any reason to speculate on proper damages if they didn't completely breach the contract he signed with them. They did this to themselves lol.
bigbangbilly t1_j53bvlg wrote
Way more than 50 Cent and hotter than an Ice Cube in a glass of Ice T
dalenacio t1_j53c7ju wrote
Well there was that one song that made every national radio about teaching a girl how to suck his dick. Sorry, I mean how to whistle.
Kevo_NEOhio t1_j53fwaf wrote
How much is it worth to Cali Fornia though?
Inphearian t1_j53jeb3 wrote
One of todays 10,000
neercatz t1_j53jppc wrote
Is that in the reddit rulebook?
keyser-_-soze t1_j53jpmo wrote
Well said.
Kumbackkid t1_j53k3jg wrote
He had bonus shares of 500,000 if they met certain numbers. They claimed they didn’t until he actually dig into it and they actually exceeded expectations
teastain t1_j53l2wz wrote
Florida should ban The Entire ISO Metric system, especially teaching it in schools.
(just kidding, jeeeeeez)
Bootyblastastic t1_j53log5 wrote
You’re thinking of Cel$ius
mynameisalso t1_j53lz81 wrote
fluerto rico
[deleted] t1_j53n197 wrote
kzlife76 t1_j53n9gi wrote
Take that International system of units.
rnd765 t1_j53ol9h wrote
Not really just out of touch. Flo Rida has been around for more than a decade. So has Celsius.
AintEverLucky t1_j53osmu wrote
did they even provide him with the original 250,000 shares? because the numbers I've seen ITT -- an $82MM award, divided by a share price of about $98 each -- tells me that they stiffed him about all of it. not just the 500,000 bonus shares
[deleted] t1_j53pz4i wrote
[deleted] t1_j53qbq0 wrote
randy88moss t1_j53rukz wrote
Also Nelly 🎶 Must be your ass ‘cuz it ain’t your face 🎶
[deleted] t1_j53ryuw wrote
JohnHwagi t1_j53rz34 wrote
50 Cent sorta went broke for a minute though with a series of dumb shenanigans
Might_Aware t1_j53sggm wrote
Ooh yeah! Gotta listen to that one again
Foodwithfloyd t1_j53uaub wrote
That's correct. They essentially tried to stiff him on both the initial vest and bonus vest. No idea how anyone thought this was gonna fly
anallover1220 t1_j53v0at wrote
Yeah unless they haven’t stepped into a club, bar, wedding, house party, or turned on a radio since 2008 I don’t believe they haven’t heard the song “Low” by Flo Rida ft. T-Pain. That is one of the most played songs for at least a 10 year period that I could think of.
BubbaTee t1_j53vm5z wrote
>No way he's made or been on atleast 20 songs that have made the top 100 charts
You're over-estimating how much recording artists get paid.
I saw a story of Lisa Lopes talking about how, at the peak of TLC's popularity, they were taking home ~$50k/year each. That was despite having just released one of the best-selling albums ever at the time, CrazySexyCool, which went 12x platinum. It later came out the group only got 56¢ per album sold - at a time when CDs cost $18 each.
"Industry rule number 4080: record company people are shady." -A Tribe Called Quest
[deleted] t1_j53wgud wrote
Ed_Durr t1_j53wu54 wrote
FaceMaskYT t1_j53x73j wrote
He didn't really go broke, he just had short term liquidity issues which needed to be dealt with through bankrupcy, he still had a shit load of assets
[deleted] t1_j53xej9 wrote
BubbaTee t1_j53xh8x wrote
So you're basically arguing workers should never be given stock options or other ownership shares as compensation, because there's a chance those shares could one day increase in value. How very robber baron of you.
misogichan t1_j53xi23 wrote
I would blame the executives more than the lawyers. It wasn't the lawyers that broke the contract and tried to rip off their spokesman. That said, it wouldn't surprise me at all if their leadership sacked their legal team and said "the problem is fixed."
Tesus4 t1_j53zsef wrote
I have seen a video of Nelly saying he thought it was him singing😃😃
AintEverLucky t1_j540mrd wrote
> No idea how anyone thought this was gonna fly
Jesus tapdancing Christ. "Hey, you signed the deal -- how about you honor the deal?"
shavemejesus t1_j540z9q wrote
Sounds like this Celsius guy is an absolute zero.
[deleted] t1_j541vng wrote
SaltyShawarma t1_j54211b wrote
Some of us just don't get it much, anallover.
Docthrowaway2020 t1_j542dp0 wrote
Essentially same mistake here- I thought Flo Rida was another temperature scale
Katiari t1_j546l14 wrote
When a state sues a measurement of temperature...
Katiari t1_j546q8z wrote
Wouldn't it be 102,500,273.15 Kelvin, including inflation?
[deleted] t1_j54702u wrote
CaracalWall t1_j5478xu wrote
That’s good to hear that famous people don’t always let it go to their head. He seems like he is.
ripvannwinkler t1_j548h2p wrote
Also if I think with my, put your mouf on my brain
[deleted] t1_j548is2 wrote
anallover1220 t1_j54ig9u wrote
You don’t have to. His music has also appeared in 128 movies, tv, or music videos. Most notably Deadpool and most recently The Simpson’s.
MultiStratz t1_j54mq3q wrote
Nice, I don't feel nearly as bad now!
[deleted] t1_j54odbg wrote
trueredtwo t1_j54qu57 wrote
When you get to adulthood you'll find most people don't know the names of new artists, even when the songs are massively popular
[deleted] t1_j54qzlz wrote
[deleted] t1_j54rx1j wrote
Fulker01 t1_j54tfg1 wrote
You sound like a guy who owns a few NFTs.
[deleted] t1_j54tjma wrote
boofbeer t1_j54vd6q wrote
I had no idea that Flo Rida was a rapper and Celsius was a company suing him for breach of contract or something. I thought this was a joke about another DeSantis stunt, mandating that in-state temperatures could ONLY be cited in Fahrenheit.
Only reason I clicked, really.
boofbeer t1_j54vtu5 wrote
I AM old, and I thought this was a story about new DeSantis mandates. I've never heard of Flo Rida the rapper or Celsius the drink company. I thought the Florida GOP was cracking down on the "woke" behavior of using undesirable words like "centimeters" and "celsius" LOL.
boofbeer t1_j54wkk0 wrote
I've been to a couple of weddings, mostly listen to public radio. I've seen Deadpool, so I have probably heard "Low", but it didn't make an impression --- I just found it on YouTube, and it doesn't ring any bells. Sorry. I know lots of movies (and I do watch lots of movies) include music, but unless the songs are already familiar or you take notes during the credits, associating even a memorable song with the artist(s) that produced it is not a given.
[deleted] t1_j54ymwv wrote
[deleted] t1_j54zx6k wrote
[deleted] t1_j551yr6 wrote
[deleted] t1_j55241e wrote
Fuzzy_Logic_4_Life t1_j553up6 wrote
When I grow up I’m going to sue Fahrenheit!
[deleted] t1_j557nn1 wrote
Art-Zuron t1_j557yu1 wrote
Why do you think that?
Accounting for inflation from 1913, which is actually after Lord Kelvin died, but it's not a terrible approximation, we get about a 2998% inflation.
But that's just with USD.
It'd actually be more realistic to use the British pound. So, accounting for inflation from 1909, it'd be about 10,109,866,311.27 GBP. That'd actually end up at around 12,479,618,974.63 USD, about 6 times my original value.
anallover1220 t1_j55aexi wrote
Sick dude.
[deleted] t1_j55apxx wrote
JohnOfA t1_j55bteb wrote
I should share this with my elderly aunt on Facebook. Just to see her comments.
notasrelevant t1_j55dcb0 wrote
In this case, there was an agreement in place for compensation, but a party was not properly compensated. The suit ended with that party receiving compensation similar to what was supposed to be received, accounting for the growth on value as well.
It's a bit more of a straightforward case as conditions for receiving said compensation were outlined in contract, with specific numbers and the value at the time and present day values are known.
The case of the army vet is not a fair compensation, but it's hard to compare to a case when a contract between 2 parties was established and agreed upon and included specific details outlining compensation.
mlc885 t1_j55e4g1 wrote
Why would we let some shady company ignore his contract just because the amount of money is silly? I don't think we can really claim that he took advantage of them, if the agreement added up to many millions and they never paid it then they still owe it to him. Just like a company could owe me 1k or 10k or a million.
mlorusso4 t1_j55e5yf wrote
Vanilla ice had a 20 year head start
ghostalker4742 t1_j55fhzx wrote
Would you really be surprised to see Florida ban the metric system, after everything else?
I wouldn't.
boofbeer t1_j55iifx wrote
It wouldn't surprise me at this point if they declared that the only textbook that could be used in Florida schools was the Holy Bible, and My Pillow airbags were required in all new vehicles sold in the state.
[deleted] t1_j55k3j7 wrote
DarthLysergis t1_j55lezt wrote
"There's only one flo and one rida"
spacepeenuts t1_j55p3zn wrote
I hope he uses some of that to get some singing lessons because I’ve seen him live and he could use a few.
fvb955cd t1_j55pl30 wrote
That's it. These two are both in the class that the legal system is most designed for. Two parties with sophisticated lawyers but without so much power and money that they can literally shape the law or bleed the other dry
In those situations, if you fuck up, the best lawyer isn't saving your ass.
[deleted] t1_j55qszw wrote
Katiari t1_j55tb8p wrote
Because the court case is from 2014.
That would be like accounting for the Earth's position in 1666 to calculate where orbital bodies are now. The measurements and laws may have been discovered in past times, but the calculations don't get pinned to those dates.
Art-Zuron t1_j55vz8w wrote
That is fair enough.
thejoeface t1_j55w4yz wrote
I worked in a stripclub for a decade. I know the words to any of the popular songs during that time, but that doesn’t mean I know the artist or even the song’s name.
You can define it as “out of the loop,” as the music I liked wasn’t really what’s played on the radio. There’s a lot of stuff out there and it’s hard to keep track of it all, and in the end not really worth it unless it matters to you personally.
vox1028 t1_j55zx7e wrote
this title is insane. i thought the state of florida had won against the celsius system of temperature measurement
[deleted] t1_j562ond wrote
joemeteorite8 t1_j562sew wrote
One of the best songs ever
shewy92 t1_j56d163 wrote
Uh, how are the two comparable?
shewy92 t1_j56d7kz wrote
I didn't even know Celsius was around back in 2014
irkli t1_j57lzdg wrote
Dammit I thought you the article was DeSantis opposing centigrade/celcius as foreign influence, in favor of farenheit.
You realize that's possible.
anallover1220 t1_j586o0r wrote
That wasn’t the point. People acting like they have no clue who he is but a quick google search would clue people in. “Oh, it’s this guy.” I’m not saying you have to know anyone’s name. Just a trend I see on Reddit of people acting as if they are “out of the loop.” I see it as a tired and lazy comment that’s repeated in every thread.
GunKata187 t1_j5b09vk wrote
Does Celsius even have any real money though? Or will he take payment in magic beans?
[deleted] t1_j5htgvv wrote
[deleted] t1_j5htlli wrote
[deleted] t1_j51trfx wrote