Submitted by callingforduty t3_108htu1 in news
[deleted] t1_j3t3mks wrote
TheShadowKick t1_j3tg0ja wrote
Who supports open borders?
Mammoth_Sprinkles705 t1_j43c69w wrote
Anyone who supports not immediately deporting people entered the country illegally
TheShadowKick t1_j44p3wz wrote
That's a really weird and cruel way to describe open border policy. Not to mention entirely inaccurate.
[deleted] t1_j3toun2 wrote
squidking78 t1_j3tr0qr wrote
No sane person who understands economic and how the world actually works supports “open borders”.
The right wing like to tar anyone vaguely left with this completely extremist, fantasy view of “what the left wants”. It’s great for votes and outrage. Sometimes the far left fringe is their own worst enemy, with the stuff they come up with.
TheShadowKick t1_j3uhro5 wrote
> If you're gonna look at me with a straight face and tell me that progressive bastions such as NYC and Chicago didn't have solid pluralities or even outright majorities that supported such a state of affairs prior to all the buses I'd call you a liar.
Then you'll have to call me a liar because I've lived within an hour of both New York and Chicago and open borders isn't a popular policy in either of those places. Open borders isn't a popular policy among progressives in general. You can find a few who support it, but for the most part progressives just want better treatment for illegal immigrants and to make the legal immigration process more accessible.
squidking78 t1_j3uues5 wrote
Yup. Only an insane fringe want “open borders” or will argue with you on “what they mean”… despite using that insane language. It’s just as bad as abolish the police entirely as a solution to policing issues. ( even if they don’t actually mean that, it’s an idiotic catch phrase that gives the far right ammunition against sane solutions for years. )
[deleted] t1_j3xlq6s wrote
[deleted] t1_j3xmdlc wrote
squidking78 t1_j40k75z wrote
Let me be clear. It’s not center right to say that having no border with the rest of the world as a sovereign nation is a good thing. That’s normal, standard international rules. You’ll find liberals like the international rules that allow nation states to exist. If you want “open borders” then make something like the EU. Freedom of movement is great, but there’s a lot more integration that comes before you simply “open the borders”.
I’m aware that there’s a constant creep to the right, in many things, but Jesus, preferring the thing that makes a nation actually sovereign ( protecting its borders and controlling who can come in and out and do business ) is how the world works. Far left twitter liberals aren’t the rest of the world. Or more importantly, the electorate. ( just as much as the fringe far right )
TheShadowKick t1_j3uuwl3 wrote
>If you're gonna look at me with a straight face and tell me that progressive bastions such as NYC and Chicago didn't have solid pluralities or even outright majorities that supported such a state of affairs prior to all the buses I'd call you a liar.
Then you'll have to call me a liar because I've lived within an hour of both New York and Chicago and open borders isn't a popular policy in either of those places. Open borders isn't a popular policy among progressives in general. You can find a few who support it, but for the most part progressives just want better treatment for illegal immigrants and to make the legal immigration process more accessible.
[deleted] t1_j3xkl8t wrote
TheShadowKick t1_j3ya0or wrote
Then I'm calling you a liar. Either that or you have no clue what "open borders" even means, because it's not a popular policy among the Democratic Party. You're either making up bullshit or you've badly misunderstood the actual policies that people want.
Yonder_Zach t1_j3ugi6g wrote
It sounds like your entire understanding of the situation comes from unreliable right wing media. The people you trust for your information are not acting in good faith- they are grifters misleading you intentionally and systematically because they don’t respect you.
[deleted] t1_j3xmn1f wrote
getmendoza99 t1_j3tjwiu wrote
No one, u/Future-Studio-9380 is a liar.
[deleted] t1_j3tkdx8 wrote
[deleted] t1_j3td8d4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j3tocq4 wrote
Mammoth_Sprinkles705 t1_j43cgh5 wrote
Liberals only want people brown people they can pay shit to be their nannies, gardener and pick their food.
They don't actually want to live around them
intoxicatednoob t1_j3tn7al wrote
Colorado can't afford them.
MeatsimPD t1_j3tf9y1 wrote
> Shouldn't those that support open borders enthusiastically support helping migrants reach their final destination
No one supports open borders.
Maybe if Republicans stopped saying the border was open and started echoing Biden who's telling people the border isn't open and to not show up there, then we'd have less people showing up expecting it to be open
Contrary-Canary t1_j3tintd wrote
No one supports open borders. Turn off the Fox News grandad and go touch grass.
[deleted] t1_j3trgd2 wrote
[deleted] t1_j3zlb8w wrote
epraider t1_j3u77ub wrote
There are many liberals and average Americans who support streamlining and expanding the legal immigration process and providing pathways to citizenship, while also supporting enforcing immigration laws.
The problem is that many Republicans don’t want to fix the legal immigration system, they want to limit legal immigration even further and limit acceptance of asylum seekers even further, and support throwing money at symbolic shit like expanding border walls that will not stop illegal immigration.
Fix the problem at the root cause and fix the immigration process and expand processing of asylum seekers, treating a symptom will not solve the problem.
And if you want to invest in securing borders and limiting illegal border crossings, we should be investing in more drone and surveillance networks, intelligent detection systems, and rapid response units. You can’t build enough walls and fences that people won’t be able to go around, over, or under, particularly in remote areas with a lot of variable terrain.
While we’re at it, we should also be taking more measures like reducing sanctions on countries like Venezuela and invest more in aid programs and economic partnerships to help make these counties more viable to live in so so many people don’t feel a serious need to migrate to the US to protect their families and live comfortably.
getmendoza99 t1_j3udro7 wrote
Walls and barbed wire don’t keep them out, and such efforts are vanity projects and wastes of money designed to buy votes without actually fixing the problem they use to attract votes.
wonder590 t1_j3tl98l wrote
The only hypocrisy in immigration is on the side of Conservatives and the Republican party, full stop.
Every Democrat administration has tried to make overtures to the right-wing to desperately try to come up with at least slightly better solutions to our absolutely broken immigration policy. Republicans block it every time- and simultaneously these pieces of shit will broadcast migrant caravans on repeat around every single election cycle, only to drop the coverage the day after the elections are over. Republicans own communities in red states are getting overrun with migrants and they STILL refuse to do anything about immigration that isn't just arbitrarily reducing the amounts of people allowed into the country because of their weird racial/political views surrounding non-white people predominantly voting Democrat.
This shit with busing/flying migrants to Liberal states is just the cherry on the shit sundae of hypocrisy. If Republicans wanted to change immigration to construct a systemic approach to evening out the load of receiving migrants I could respect that- but the fact that they've been denying any attempts on a Congressional level since George W. Bush and probably even earlier means the ball is in their court. Let people in border states like Texas vote for a Republican that actually wants change in immigration policy that isn't isolationist drivel- or better yet vote for a Democrat.
When people in these border states actually vote for real change and not inflammatory bullshit give the Democrats in Congress a call, otherwise miss us left-wingers with that bullshit.
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