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ABDLTA t1_j3utd6r wrote

Wait, people use Amtrak???


yblame t1_j3uxdj5 wrote

Barely. Cross country train travel is a novelty in this country these days. Freight rules the rails, and passengers are an afterthought.

Those songs "City of New Orleans" and "The Gambler" or "Folsom Prison" romanticize things that are no more. Don't even get me started on the ass fucking the railroad unions got recently. Rail travel is dead in this country,.


bukkake_washcloth t1_j3uyvf4 wrote

Goddam I miss living in Japan. I’m sorry America but I am just not seeing the appeal at all.


rivervalism t1_j3vbxet wrote

“Passengers traveling on an Amtrak Auto Train from a Washington, D.C., suburb Monday evening expected to arrive in the Orlando area by Tuesday morning. But their planned 17-hour journey experienced significant delays caused by a freight derailment.

The southbound Amtrak Auto Train was detoured off its normal route due to the derailment of a CSX freight Monday night and was stopped in Denmark, South Carolina, while waiting for a new crew to arrive, Amtrak said.”

Collided with vehicle. Moving again.


man-in-purple t1_j3vcpf7 wrote

This shit happens all the time. I had a train delayed 16 hours because a freight liner conductor broke his fucking ankle deboarding to fix a separate problem and they had to send a taxi with new crew and ambulance.


aShittierShitTier4u t1_j3wgnsv wrote

City boys and small town girls alike take the midnight train going anywhere. I don't know if that's because it's late and they don't want to be stuck at the station or what. I just know that they would pay anything to roll the dice just one more time, and gambling addiction is tragic.


InsuranceToTheRescue t1_j3xfwno wrote

Why Amtrak is awful.

tl;dr, Although freight rails are supposed to give priority to passenger trains, they don't. Nobody enforces this law and even though there are places for one train to "pull over" in order to allow another one to pass, freight trains are often too long to fit into these. All of this combines to make passenger rail awful.


Bad-Infinite t1_j3yg37i wrote

I take Amtrak 3-4 days a week for work (Milwaukee to Chicago). It's cheaper, quicker, and better for the environment than driving. Plus, I get extra work done, watch Netflix, sleep, or do multiple other things I can't do while driving.


cleverdawny t1_j3ze672 wrote

So yeah you live in a big city

Amtrak is far more useful for people who don't live within driving distance of major airport hubs. I would have to drive two hours to a regional airport, go through security, then take a flight. Doesn't even end up saving that much time