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SnooRobots3379 t1_j60ywgo wrote

Is that really the point of the story? Who cares. Just like when the media prints sensationalist race baiting headlines. Does him being born in another country really change this story in any way? If not it’s click bait rage porn


4thdegreebullshido t1_j6108je wrote

Is he an immigrant?


SnooRobots3379 t1_j6163qx wrote

Better question- do you think asking the same question multiple ways will get you different answers?


4thdegreebullshido t1_j616aaf wrote

So, are you against when they identify color of person committing crime as well?


SnooRobots3379 t1_j61c9tc wrote

They did identify the color of the person committing the crime, that’s literally what we are talking about? But yes, I don’t think the race ans ethnicity needs to be in the headline. And the victims. Cop, who is white, shoots man, who is black. It’s all meant to be divisive as fuck. Unless it’s a specific hate crime and that’s the story the focus doesn’t need to be on what color everyone involved is. It’s annoying.