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Sawdamizer t1_j6p639i wrote

That’s why pencils have erasers, Rio Tinto! No biggie… just don’t let it happen again! :D


FuckUGalen t1_j6p659i wrote

Stay 5 metres away from a cube smaller than the average dice "when seen"


Burnbrook t1_j6p66ay wrote

Is there anything in Australia Rio Tinto won't screw up?


Kizmo2 t1_j6p6qk0 wrote

Oh, I'm sure it'll turn up somewhere. Eventually.


008Zulu t1_j6pclv8 wrote

Might not even be on the ground any more. We got a few species of bird here that like to collect shiny things to attracts mates.


jay_cee_seventy_two t1_j6pddfl wrote

They are more sorry about the pellet than the irreplaceable 50,000 year old cave paintings.


bob2235 t1_j6pgzhm wrote

I love how they just threw in the last sentence “in 2020 the firm took credit for destroying a 46,000 year old aboriginal site”

Like wtf


PangPingpong t1_j6pj35f wrote

Sorry they did it, or sorry it's been in the news so much?


Musicfan637 t1_j6pj82s wrote

Fly those drones with Geiger counter devices in them. Or those planes. I say they find it in less than 45 days from today. Do you like the over or under?