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Joealb123 t1_j576va2 wrote

Everything Velveeta Voldemort touches turns to shit!


macross1984 t1_j5781pj wrote

That is good news for me. A crook who got Free Jail Pass from Trump still will have to answer for his crime.


OGZ43 t1_j57a0sd wrote

" $1.3 billion" dollars of the people money in Fraud. What a Billionaire.


CrisKross t1_j57a4wa wrote

Soooo a chef I worked with would look like this, but because he would do benders of coke for weeks. Sleep only 3-4 hours and doing coke literally all day while staying caffeinated to fuck off monster or Red Bull. I’m more than sure it’s all damage in his sinuses.


Coulrophiliac444 t1_j57bfez wrote

Oddly enough, the 11th circuit actually took a very hands off stance that could be used to set future precident. What worries me is that, even if convicted on the 6 hung jury accounts, he will appeal those up until the very partisan Supreme Court is able to hear this, side with the motion his lawyers are arguing, and vacate those convictions afterwards and leave this scumbag pretty much off the hook and able to just do it again, probably in Texas.

For clarification: The precident I'm nervous and excited about would be prosecution for crimes which resulted in a hung jury after presidential pardon which his legal team is arguing on the merits of 'double jeopardy' (Which I think wouldn't apply as it would be a retrial for crimes he is being accused of that did not result in a guilty or acquitted verdict) and that presidential pardons would mean carte blanche acquittal (Which, as we saw with Arapio or however Sheriff Joe's name is spelled, means that he would indeed have to be considered guilty for a pardon to take effect), which could empower a pardon potentially in a preemptive action that would vacate any teeth or liability for a possible guilty verdict short of him being guilty in verdict only.


mldeq t1_j57wj6v wrote

Trump commuted because his daddy forked over millions. This fucker owned nursing homes (many of them in Florida) where he ripped off Medicare. Hope he gets a good looking boyfriend in the can


cornnndoggg_ t1_j57wsyp wrote

Man, this article is serving as a reminder to Trump's last minute sentence commutes, which I need to add to my "insane shit I forgot about because there was just too much insane shit to remember it all" list. They were bizarre. Like, there having the ability to do that is justified, as there were people in the past who's sentences were commuted and rightfully so.

But as someone from Detroit, the dude commuted the sentence of Kwame Kilpatrick. Like, what the fuck.


richincleve t1_j580jq1 wrote

I see he comes from the Rick Scott School Of Business Ethics.


MKerrsive t1_j5817yq wrote

Man, what a bad bunch of lawyering by this dude's legal counsel.

I presume the goal was to avoid the millions in fines and forfeitures with the hung charges, but once you have clemency on the table, the lawyers should have dismissed the appeal, let the USAO attempt to retry him, strike a plea deal and waive all rights to appeal, (maybe) negotiate the fines down, and then sit and wait for the whole thing to be commuted. Especially knowing Trump would possibly not be President when the appeal was over. But instead, this dipshit took a grant of clemency before his proceedings were over. Not sure if they were just that convinced they'd win on appeal (a unanimous circuit decision says it clearly wasn't a slam dunk), but this is just bad lawyering.


SirLavish t1_j58f9lp wrote

Lemme guess. Trump commuted his sentence bc the size of his campaign donation? Geezus.


alabar523 t1_j58gwc1 wrote

So is this a separate case or did this guy fuck up his commuted sentence? Please be the second.


ShakeMyHeadSadly t1_j58ib89 wrote

Great. Now if we can just get them to reinstate charges against Rick Scott for his massive Medicare fraud things might be headed in the right direction.


edingerc t1_j58xwhf wrote

Alternate headline: "Trump supporter learns the difference between commutation and pardon"


TheManassaBaller t1_j59bzd4 wrote

It seems pretty clear that he pardoned anyone who was willing to pay for the service. Or he thought that the pardon would gain him clout in demographics he needed to win future elections or find new groups of people to fleece. Kodak black being a great example. I can guarantee Trump did not pardon Kodak cause he thought it was an unjust case.


WanderingPickles t1_j5a3fqp wrote

Honestly, who knows. And would be it be for something so common & mundane as money?

Perhaps it was because Trump saw in Rod someone like himself; it is said that Trump figures everyone is cheating and has the knives out so why not him first? Maybe he figured that good ‘ol Rod was “unfairly” targeted when everyone is dirty. The reasoning continues that if everyone is dirty then it is unfair that any one person gets in trouble.

Commuting/pardoning some of these folks would surely bring some amount of gratitude that may pay off later in terms of influence. If Trump is ever convicted maybe these people would influence the next president to grant clemency too…

There is probably some sort of (twisted) logic at play, but we don’t really know what. What is so maddening to me, and others, is that Trump (and other presidents to a much lesser degree) pardoned and commuted real dirt bags. Generally people who had flown among the higher echelons but got caught. There are advantages to that… even after being imprisoned.

Meanwhile, lots of prisoners who have been wrongfully convicted, who have become worthy of mercy languish because they are poor, nobodies, anonymous.


burner2947361810 t1_j5anqb7 wrote

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Rowdy Roddy got the pardon because he helped Trump make a discounted deal for Trump Tower in Chicago. Ground was broken in 2005 but the planning groundwork starts years prior. Roddy was Illinois rep of the 5th district (Chicago) until 2003 then became governor from 2003-2009. Being from Chicago, in a high government office, and convicted of felony corruption means it's not much of a stretch to tie it together. I'll take my time fool hat off now.


johnn48 t1_j5b5vvc wrote

>When charges were filed against him and two others in 2016, the U.S. Department of Justice called it the “largest single criminal health-care fraud case ever brought against individuals” in department history.

I don’t understand why Republicans want to cut Medicare. It’s been so lucrative for them.


deeterman t1_j5c0hj6 wrote

What does the fact that trump pardoned him have to do with it?


jerseygirl1105 t1_j5df88q wrote

This list of Republicans who are backing this POS, who is responsible for one of the biggest Medicare fauds in history, is amazing. I'm not sure how he's got the funds to pay his lawyers, considering his fine is $44mil.


zman021200 t1_j5fyrgj wrote

Now toss Clint Lorrance back in a small cage to rot.