frodosdream t1_j5z7r5g wrote
>She said she left Lithuania and broke contact with her relatives because she did not want anything to do with them
A happy ending (in that she is safe) turns out to be not so happy news for her parents.
stml t1_j5zee1y wrote
Her parents are probably happy that she's alive and well.
Also we don't know her story, but families can be incredibly toxic or dangerous and straight up disappearing can sometimes be the only choice.
Jillredhanded t1_j5zttkg wrote
Mine knows I'm in Canada but nothing beyond that, been 4 years. Do not miss.
Cormetz t1_j61izzx wrote
I have a crazy story like this.
I knew my friend's youngest sister had a falling out with the rest of the family, but figured they would have patched things up in the 5 years since I had heard anything about it. My brother happened to run into his sister in Kathmandu of all places, so I texted my friend, the conversation was as below:
Me: hey, my brother just ran into X
Friend: oh is he in DC now?
Me: no Kathmandu?
Friend: have time for a call??
Basically they have had no contact to her since like 2016, and had no idea her husband had moved from being a musician to being an aide worker. He was blown away. I actually went to visit my brother a few weeks later and met up with her, she wasn't upset I mentioned it luckily.
Attrm t1_j5zxid1 wrote
If they were so awful that she ghosted them and moved to another country, content to let them think she died, they probably are the kind of people that would have been happier if she had actually died rather than know that she just left specifically to get away from them.
[deleted] t1_j605hes wrote
[deleted] t1_j60avi7 wrote
HachimansGhost t1_j60vnxp wrote
I mean, they were the ones who looked for her. If they didn't care, they wouldn't have even made a report.
Its definitely more complicated than evil parents.
waffebunny t1_j610mu6 wrote
We don’t know the details; so it could indeed be more complicated. Judgement should be reserved.
I will note as an aside that it is entirely possible for toxic individuals to search for people that have cut contact with them.
(Perhaps they are doing so as a way to reestablish control over the other party; perhaps they genuinely care, and are simply blind to their own toxicity.)
AlternativeBasket t1_j625uhz wrote
Neglectful isn't the only evil parent option. A controller might still look for them as well.
[deleted] t1_j61lbze wrote
255001434 t1_j61jgbo wrote
You can tell there are a lot of teenagers here when a fair and reasonable comment like yours has negative karma. Picking sides in their family issue based on so little information is idiotic.
But parents are bad, amirite kids? /s
[deleted] t1_j61l07f wrote
Same_Cantaloupe_7031 t1_j6me82w wrote
You’re defending a comment that says “definitely more complicated”. With the same little information. Bit embarrassing.
But teenagers bad, amirite?
255001434 t1_j6n7lm1 wrote
Nope. Saying it is "more complicated" is not drawing a conclusion about who is to blame, it is a truth about most familial relationships and it was said in response to comments that were taking sides. It was simply saying that we don't know what happened. Nothing embarrassing about supporting that.
Same_Cantaloupe_7031 t1_j6o1wvs wrote
“Lot of teenagers here”
Hilarious that you’re grandstanding about not knowing enough with these ridiculous generalizations. I’m glad you don’t feel embarrassment because you would no cap through the floor if you could.
notoriousnationality t1_j60qgdp wrote
20 years ago I almost did that, and I was 19 too. I used to dream about cutting contact, changing my identity and never coming back. 20 years later, and trying everything else possible, I still want to do that, just as badly! But instead I visit them and pretend everything is fine. I still want to never see them again, now with even more and more certainty. Initially I hoped that as time passed, I would start to understand them. But instead I see that they are still as heartless as they ever were. Rather I regret giving them the opportunity to demonstrate their lack of humanity to the point that I’ve become so certain of their character. If I left earlier, I would have had doubts but now I have zero doubts, and it’s quite sad to see myself become so convinced about them. Family can be toxic.
LincolnMarch t1_j63dzsr wrote
Apparently this sort of thing is built into Japanese culture. Check out the podcast "The Evaporated" a westerner it's absolutely fascinating to think that you could disappear and not be found again on an island nation just to avoid something like a debt.
waffebunny t1_j6118ve wrote
I’m sorry you find yourself in that situation, friend.
Perhaps you could still cut contact? (This far into your life, you may have laid down roots that you cannot now pull up. However, you might also have access to resources that your younger self didn’t - like the funds necessary to secure a restraining order!)
notoriousnationality t1_j63jdjm wrote
I actually live in another country! But I still visit (short visits). Still doesn’t feel far enough.
waffebunny t1_j64tmo4 wrote
Ah, that I can understand! Well - hopefully that means, at a future point, you can decease your visits if you so choose. 🙂
[deleted] t1_j61lkis wrote
[deleted] t1_j62wvuz wrote
mazarax t1_j64v2uu wrote
If you are still in contact, tell them exactly this, what your wrote here.
If they are indifferent to it, and can’t discuss it meaningfully, maybe leave for good?
Intrepid_Leather_963 t1_j6cpd78 wrote
You can still cut contact. I'm 54 and done it 7 years ago. Best thing I ever done. I've had counselling and need more, but I'm happier away from them. X
[deleted] t1_j6ovr2q wrote
TheLaGrangianMethod t1_j61bs1t wrote
Haven't spoken to any birth family in over 4 years. At this point, the person who is currently in my life and has been in my life the longest is my 15 year old daughter. I don't know why but that seems very strange.
[deleted] t1_j5zj8op wrote
mods_r_jobbernowl t1_j611u90 wrote
Reading the headline I thought for sure it'd be sex trafficking. Glad to see it's not that
[deleted] t1_j60ezle wrote
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