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darthlincoln01 t1_j5p7ky4 wrote

There seems to be a once a decade jump in AI and ChatGPT seems to be representative of that jump.

That said, being on the cusp of Star Trek we are not. ChatGPT is a very useful and strong tool however in general you still need to be a professional on the subject matter to use ChatGPT. At this time it spits out garbage responses frequently and you need to be an expert on the subject to know what's garbage and what's not.

I don't see us getting to the point where a laymen can ask something like ChatGPT a question and have faith in the answer they receive back for at least another decade. Until then however ChatGPT is something an expert can use to significantly reduce their workload by having it do a majority of the work for them; just so long as they're practiced enough to ask ChatGPT the right questions.