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Jezzzebeelzebub t1_j9utyx1 wrote

I'm trying to be patient with you, Ashley, but at some point you're just going to have to get the fuck over yourself and your guilt and your insecurites and reach real far down into yourself where you've got some fucking grit and just decide to stop all the hand-waving and hissy-fitting, and understand that shit happens. Sometimes it happens to you. Sometimes it happens to others. Sometimes the shit hits the deserving and often it doesn't. Sometimes you can help it and sometimes you can't. If Daniel is able to save his own ass, great. If not, thems the breaks. Your boyfriend is dead, and it's either your fault or it ain't but he's dead in any case. If you can't do what you have to do, then what are you doing. The devil was right. Unfuck yourself and carry the fuck on with some conviction. I doubt your life is going to get easier from here- do with that what you will. (Or don't. ) DAMN


Fairyhaven13 t1_j9uzhvz wrote

Wow, you are an actual jerk and I feel very bad for your real life friends. The problem here isn't that she needs to "get over herself," it's that she doesn't value herself enough to back out! And putzes like you make it worse. So shut up and learn some empathy.


Jezzzebeelzebub t1_jaaj5h5 wrote

I guess you're right, I guess the best thing to do for people is to coddle them to fucking death (literally, even!). That way they're nice and tender for the supernatural predators to nosh on! You know, like a veal. I bet you'd melt in the Laundry Lady's mouth. I may be a jerk, but you're lunch.


ybnrmlnow t1_j9x1vo3 wrote

Survivors guilt is very difficult to "get over" and because Ashley has a good heart, she tends to think along the lines of "why didn't I get killed because my boyfriend wasn't always a jerk and didn't mean to hit me" and sees the good in other people so she takes these thoughts and applies them to herself. She knows she's not at fault but logic gets overridden by neverending guilt.


QueenAnne t1_ja3xa2t wrote

Compassion is bringing out the best qualities in Ashley. She should learn to harness it, and to see when it can harm her.