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emokitty1994 t1_j9ga3wv wrote

She said your houses have different appetites, I wonder what hers likes and if it’s the house making her younger or if she’s something…else.


Brinska t1_j9hltci wrote

Her house likes to eat children


Thr33Littl3Monk3ys t1_j9i4eyo wrote

And then feeds their youth back to her. Jesus...


-DoctorSpaceman- t1_j9jitby wrote

While OPs house eats murderers… and feeds the murder into OP? I mean she did go from swearing never to use the house to making it a regular thing!


Its_panda_paradox t1_j9i5m9o wrote

Kids. Her house likes kids, specifically. OP’s house just likes to eat, but prefers blood and food.