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gregklumb t1_jad5ogv wrote

I wonder what the is the significance of the crucifixes?


spacetstacy t1_jae3nu9 wrote

I'm thinking they're graves?


gregklumb t1_jaf2tjp wrote

Me too, just wondering why so many broken crucifixes were in the shack. Curious as to who or what is buried there


spacetstacy t1_jaf4879 wrote

Maybe the bodies of all people left stranded there... then killed? Or maybe a family was stranded and built the cabin... then the child ate them all one at a time, and the family buried them as they were killed? Or.... the pale child killer buried all the poor critters he had to eat until more people showed up? It's definitely weird. I love thinking up possibilities. 🙂


gregklumb t1_jaf4nou wrote

It is interesting to think about. How did the family get stranded there? Did they alll transform? What caused the change in the first place?