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RowBowBooty OP t1_jdy5f8e wrote

I know, right? I can’t deny that even though it was terribly frightening in the moment, it was kind of a funny experience.

Except for what you mentioned; Marla’s sacrifice. Like too many men, we opted not to really talk about it. Once he dropped us back off at the Arby’s, we both asked each other if we remembered everything, but after that we never really spoke of it again.

He stopped being our scoutmaster, and I kind of stopped going to scouts, so there wasn’t much interaction, and I was too young to take the initiative and reach out. It wasn’t until I got much older that I began to want to see him, to TALK with him about it, but by then it was too late. I looked him up only to find out from Facebook memorials that he was dead. He got lost in the woods apparently. Sometimes I wonder if he didn’t go looking for Marla, or for to avenge those who killed her. I guess I’ll never know.

Tl;dr - talk about stuff while you still can


MamaOnica t1_jdybglj wrote

I'm in my late 30's now and I'm finding more an more how I wish I could go back and just talk. When we're teenagers and young adults, we don't think of the future and how right now will be our past. And god forbid someone with a bit of wisdom tries to learn your young self some! I'm sorry about Steve. I want to believe there was a forest fire that burned down an old buffet in the middle of those woods. Marla and he are happily together in their afterlives.


RowBowBooty OP t1_jdyuwsi wrote

I really hope so. You’re right, as a kid you don’t realize that things will ever change and people don’t stick around forever. Also, if the buffet did ever burn down I’d bet anything it was Steve