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DRsavy_sunshine_13 t1_jbmukuv wrote

Hmm, do u think ur mom came back, or was it more of an entity acting like her


Neurotic-Egg t1_jbn61su wrote

That's what I was wondering. Since the other person that did it said they saw their husband, and then op saw it in the reflection afterwards while they were mostly right again..maybe it's an entity that, idk, looks for moments of insanity like that. Maybe it has a sweet spot for the water torture techniques


foundcashdoubt t1_jbqonll wrote

I like this idea. A entity that prey on insanity, but maybe it is too weak to overcome true insanity, and because of that it can only prey on the thin line between sanity and craziness that lies on the center of the water board torture.

But when it bites, it holds on real tight


UwuTranslator4 t1_jbon4jk wrote

the whole point was that it was a hallucination, was it not?


DRsavy_sunshine_13 t1_jbpuou2 wrote

Yeah but at the end he saw a shadow move on the video so something was there


Netherdan t1_jbqxwg7 wrote

Lasting side effects, which in my opinion makes it scarier