Submitted by PangolinPix t3_11txrew in nosleep
Dear-Original-675 t1_jcpqxj3 wrote
Yeah one thing a lot of people never got was that leprechauns arent just mischievious (sp?) they can also be plain evil assholes. I hope you and your family are safe. Maybe look up some ways to keep them out?
PangolinPix OP t1_jcpzd0x wrote
Thanks for your concern. We are ok. I never knew about Leprechauns and how they aren't just the mischievous little beings, but can be pure evil.
Dear-Original-675 t1_jcq31j0 wrote
Growing up Irish we're taught to respect the fae and faery folk. Can have dire consequences if you dont. We are modern people here but still have a lot of superstitions
PangolinPix OP t1_jcqg16j wrote
Here in the states we don't have that same folklore and history of myths...I now know to respect the stories of yore.
Shadowwolfmoon13 t1_jcskwz2 wrote
Same here! Mom from Ireland but she didn't tell many stories. I love Irish myths and and folk lore so I'd tell her. But yep! Leprachauns aren't Like the ones on the cereal box. They are mean!
Dear-Original-675 t1_jct11qr wrote
Leprechauns are like genies and djinn, theyll offer something nice like wishes and gold but theres always a dangerous catch
PangolinPix OP t1_jcto5wg wrote
This one threatened my family, so you're right. We also seemed to provoke it with our promise of candy instead of what it really wanted.
PangolinPix OP t1_jcto2cu wrote
This one was evil.
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