Submitted by t3_xuulul in nosleep

I(28M) am now in a different world, I think. I don’t know if posting on Reddit will go to my world or the other. Doesn’t matter too much anyway, I bet I’ll be dead soon.

I was on my way back from work, walking down the street, whistling my favorite tune. I’ve always been a good whistler. It’s a talent of mine I suppose.

Then, suddenly, I saw someone — or something — in the alley way. It was crawling, and once I got closer, I saw a trail of blood.

“Hello? Sir or ma’am? Are you okay in there?”

I heard sobbing from up ahead, inside the dark. But nobody answered. Now, I’m no horror movie character, so I knew this whole situation was sketchy. Besides. I’ve been robbed before, and I’m not about to do that again.

“Hey. What’s wrong?”

I said, still from the entrance. If nobody answered this time, I was leaving. Too bad for anyone there. Especially if it’s a mute person.

“M-my leg…”

It was a lady, for sure, and it sounded almost like… my fiancé, Diana(29F). I did pause, but then, I went in. This lady sounded scared, and most specifically, hurt. I couldn’t just leave her there! I took out my phone, too, in case I needed to call 911.

Everything suddenly became quiet. Eerily quiet. No cars drove down the road. Birds stopped chirping. And I saw Diana right there, bleeding from her leg and clutching it, crying.


I cried, lunging to her. What happened to her? Why wasn’t she at home with our infant, Lily? How did she get to my work route? It’s a bit far away from home, I walk to a bus station to get home.

And suddenly, I was in bed, over Diana, holding her hand rather tightly. Gasping heavily. Honestly, from her view, I was probably looking absolutely crazy in my shocked, scared state.

Then she laughed. Her hearty, beautiful, flowery laugh. But it almost didn’t seem like her. She usually would be concerned, not laughing, if I did this.

“Hey OP, good morning.”

Her French accent was a bit thicker, like it was when we met, five years ago. Confused, I got off her and she sat up. Her hair was tied up, something she never did.

“What? But- I thought you were… you were bleeding, and your leg was hurt. How did we get here?”

I had stammered. Again, she looked amused, not at all worried like she usually would be.

“OK. Go check on Kyle, will you, you jokester? It was probably a dream, babe. I wouldn’t worry.”

She added that last part because she could see the shock and pure confusion on my face.

Then, Diana got up, stretched, and headed towards the door.

“Wait! Who’s Kyle?”

“What do you mean, my husband? He’s our son.”

She left before I could ask anything else. You see, Kyle is what we would’ve named a boy Lily. But… she’s a girl. And we’re not married yet. And Diana would worry. And she never uses pet names.

So… I don’t know. Somehow, I went to a different world in that alley way. And I just heard something whisper into my ear: “I’m coming”.



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t1_iqxiwin wrote

Well, she knew your name was OP at least


t1_iqxxrl7 wrote

Well keep us updated if you ever find out who is coming.


t1_ir02ueb wrote

Go back to the same alleyway if you can. Also keep note of any discrepancies


t1_iqzqs9x wrote

Light a match and blow it out and promptly stick it to the back of her neck.. if she doesnt doesn’t “hulk out” and kill you within 5 seconds.. then you’re fucked, and in another reality and shes hiding her true identity..well. If she does kill you, wake up.. it was a dream from the coma your in.. those guys hit hard huh?


t1_ir00wf4 wrote

Wow, your fiancé sure brushed off the whole “I forgot the name of our kid” thing! Have you had a history of sleepwalking?


t1_iqy1ugk wrote

Hey dude, uhm i think go check outside maybe theres a clue outside ur house or smth or go back to the alleyway