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realchessman t1_iui938h wrote

i was thinking the pumpkins were actually skulls rather than heads


1MoreTiredTeacher t1_iui9ju4 wrote

Hummm... You can't really carve skulls' mouths into anything, so I'm betting on heads. Also if it was skulls there would be no difference between boy and girl, but I guess that might be OP's preference. I've been an artist for quite some time and every single one of us has a quirk so that's possible


CandiBunnii t1_iuiczbw wrote

OP seems to be a woman, and after being picked on for years during Halloween by the other girls may subconsciously (or consciously) be taking it out on young girls.

Probably something she should discuss with a therapist. It's not fair to discriminate when it comes to your victims.

Those boys had perfectly good heads and could at least have been made into pies.