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Petentro t1_itet95w wrote

Well a very wise man once said that guilt is a useless emotion


xXKikitoXx OP t1_itetic1 wrote

She was still a person..


techlecticwtch t1_itf53pb wrote

Not to say she deserved to die, but it's not like you could banish the thing without killing her. I would imagine she knew what she was risking.


xXKikitoXx OP t1_itf8ba7 wrote

Eric keeps telling me there was nothing left of the girl? Apparently magic like that burns through humans.. but I don’t know.. I still feel.. bad about it.


techlecticwtch t1_itf8qm6 wrote

You weren't the one who meddled with witchcraft of such power. I understand feeling bad for the girl, but guilt is out of the equation entirely.