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kersenkoekje t1_iuwwl4h wrote

I wonder if the praetors have finally learned to successfully mimick a family of 'innocent' tourists..


Muted-Professor6746 t1_iuy933x wrote

I wonder if they’ve learned how to impersonate the military


pamperedthrowaway t1_iuyra3k wrote

Oh fuck, they were wearing gas masks


Muted-Professor6746 t1_iuz4nn0 wrote

Well, then again, the military was in the mix before everything started. But it is odd that was the ONLY bunker not destroyed.


smurfey002 t1_iv3yy3a wrote

And if the roads into town were really blocked did they get there. But the loss of his brother seemed genuine. Something is amiss and definitely going to go down!


Wishiwashome t1_iuzr5lq wrote

Something is different this time, as OP says. I wonder if what he can’t recall is a key to this? As OP said, something definitely unusual. This could surely be it!