Submitted by WorldAwayTweedy t3_z0qe7j in nosleep

Not sure if anyone has run into anything like this before, but I’ve been having the weirdest experience ordering from Uber tonight. I’m doing some prep work for an important meeting tomorrow and decided to order some shawarma to power me through the evening.

I put through an order about an hour ago, but every time I’d confirm the order, I’d get the following series of notifications:

Placing Order…

Hang Tight…

Order Could Not Be Confirmed. Please Try Again Later.

This restaurant was only available on Uber Eats, and since it's hard for me to change my mind once I've committed to what I'm going to eat, I kept trying. Once again:

Placing Order…

Hang Tight…

Order Could Not Be Confirmed. Please Try Again Later.

I gave it a few more attempts. I really didn’t want to waste any more time looking for another restaurant to order from. I double-checked my payment info and other settings just to be safe. Finally, I noticed a change:

Placing Order…

Hang Tight…

Uber Eats™ Does Not Recommend Ordering At This Hour. Please Try Another Time.

Super weird. Usually, they specify if the restaurant needs more time to prepare the order, if the payment option I’d selected wasn’t working, or if there weren’t enough available drivers.

Given my futile attempts, and the app itself telling me to give it up, I decided to let it go.

As I went to close the window and brainstorm my back-up plan (picking up a slice from a nearby pizza joint), I noticed a change. The window updated:

Placing Order…

Hang Tight…

Oh snap. Maybe it’ll actually go through. My efforts weren’t for naught!

Order Received

Fuck yes. Alright, back to work. With a newfound sense of motivation, I started plugging away at my meeting prep.

Roughly 15 minutes passed before I looked at my tab with the UberEats order to see what the estimated arrival time was. It said:

Preparing your order…

Arriving at N/A

Weird. No estimate, I guess. I continued reading.

Latest arrival by 6/10/2026

Huh. Naturally, I wasn’t trying to plan ahead for my future by ordering shawarma for 4 years from now.

It took me a couple of minutes to remember that 6/10 is my birthday.

The app kept updating.

Latest arrival by 6/10/2025

Latest arrival by 6/10/2024

Latest arrival by 6/10/2023

Latest arrival by 6/10/1994

Okay. Weird. That last one was my actual original birth date. Before I could take it in and figure out exactly what the hell was happening, the screen updated again.

Latest arrival by N/A

Alright. Cool. They’re probably just… fixing up some glitches on the website. All good. No reason to panic, right?

I tried to go back to my work, but I couldn’t focus for too long. After a few minutes, I looked back to check on the app.

I wasn’t sure if I’d just missed this before, but the app was starting to look strange. A few things were off.

First: there was no car icon (or details like the type of car, license plate, etc.) that were showing up. Where there should’ve been an icon, there was nothing. The only details that I saw were that the driver’s name picking up the order was “His Servant.”

Second: The location for picking up the order wasn’t the restaurant I’d selected.

It was my address.

I refreshed the page and looked extra carefully just to be sure, but there it was.

Picking up your order…

And a line leading straight to my house, with nothing else on the map. I checked the receipt just to make sure I didn’t accidentally fudge up the details when I was first ordering.

Delivery Details

To his throne.

Order Summary

From [my address]

Amanda Lee 60kg

Yes, that is my name, and no, I don’t recall placing an order for myself to be delivered “To his throne”.

Shit. I see lights outside my house.

I’m writing this from my phone. I ran from my backyard and I’m currently in an empty park in my neighborhood.

The fucked up thing - the pick-up location keeps changing based on where I am. I’ve already seen the “drivers” re-route three times since I first started running. There’s more than one person picking up. There’s couriers coming from every direction.

I’ve tried calling the cops but nothing is going through. I've tried my family and my parents as well but it immediately goes to voicemail for everyone.

Everytime I check the app, it just says: Your order is taking longer than expected. Then it’ll default back to: Preparing your order…

I’m starting to feel a presence around me.

Fuck. This is just some weird prank, right? Am I losing it?

It just updated again. The map on the app just turned red. And the status changed.

Your order is almost ready.

Amidst my panic and hiding, I noticed a section in the order details that I'd completely missed before.

Special Instructions: Torso only.



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no1nct t1_ix77223 wrote

I'm gonna be real with you here... pretty sure that UberEats driver is going to hand-deliver you to the Scarlet King. Not a whole lot you can do at this point.


Rancid_farts t1_ix77hkh wrote

It's because you still have ur phone either disable location or ditch it


JazTheHartless t1_ix77zk5 wrote

Late night munchies... Amanda bagel bites coming right up, hot n' ready.


Legacy_Ranga t1_ix7qdnc wrote

Had this happen to me once, just showed them someone else's ID and told them they must've rocked up to the wrong restaurant and to confirm their details again.

Door Dash on the other hand, those are persistent fuckers.


M00N3YES t1_ix7vcg6 wrote

I suppose someone hacked into the ubereats app?


LeEpiclyUnepic t1_ix86jmx wrote

That would explain the weird order I received yesterday...


allnighter_1 t1_ix93yle wrote

this is scary considering that THAT is my birthday aswell.


EducationalSmile8 t1_ix9ieal wrote

I would say, throw your phone away. But since they're apparently paranormal, it appears to me that they're gonna catch you even if you discard your phone somewhere. Be safe OP


liebertsz t1_ix9m6ga wrote

The app is haunted or someone hacked into it. Terrifying


randauum t1_ixa3e9y wrote

The more I see if these, the more I think "should I just become vegan?" Because ordering food is my favourite vice, and you can't eat me if I ordered a tomato salad now can you?


fwoopfwop t1_ixauoxt wrote

Let me guess- you live in ohio?


Nomis555 t1_ixb1wg7 wrote

Just tape some pineapples to yourself. Nobody eats Amanda with pineapples.


Opsirc9 t1_ixbf6wo wrote

I ordered from UberEats once, and the next day an UberEats driver called me because he was having trouble finding my address in Guyana, South Africa. I live in Southern California. I was annoyed that I had to cancel my card and wait for a new one, but after reading this I see I dodged a bullet.


doncastiglionejr t1_ixbhhqv wrote means there are either not enough drivers or the place you want to eat from is swamped with the same time, I've seen this happen just to find out that my idea did go thru and its sitting at my door