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darkside1911 t1_izb2502 wrote

OMG! You killed a fourth dimensional being, serve him right that creep from the fourth dimension exploiting his 4D view.


FunToBuildGames t1_izbbc5f wrote

Only a 4D being can truely love you for what’s inside … as well as past, present, and future you all at once


scarymaxx OP t1_izbckq1 wrote

We must have different definitions of love.


Elbryan-Wyndon t1_izhalbl wrote

The 4th dimension isn't time, as a 2 dimensional being doesn't move constantly on the Z axis, neither would a 3 dimensional being on the 4th, a W axis wouldn't really work any differently than any other axis in 3 dimensions.


Superior-Solifugae t1_izcru0j wrote

The fouth dimension is time, so wouldn't a 4Dperson be a time traveller?


PfizerGuyzer t1_izezqpv wrote

The fourth dimension is not necessarily time. Temporal and physical dimensions are different things. You can have four physical dimensions, or three physical and one temporal. Those are different arrangements.