Submitted by NotLivingRight t3_ztuzqx in nosleep

My family goes way back the years. Longer than you could imagine. But now it is just me. All alone. A few nights ago, I woke up to find fourteen dead bodies in my room. I screamed. I wailed around. I shouted. I panicked. And i waltzed in circles over the legs of the dead bodies. As i ran out of my bedroom I noticed more and more and more dead bodies. Just sitting there. But I noticed something. There was my mum and my grandad. Who both died 2 years ago. I couldnt really make out who anyone else was.

The weird thing was, they looked fine, infact, they looked exactly how they were before they died. Same clothes and everything. As i was carrying out my investigation as to the piles of dead bodies in my hallway i heard an unfamiliar voice call my name from downstairs. I immediately froze.

I went down. trampling over dead body after dead body. Everything was now silent around the house. But as i was walking around more and more demonic whispers called my name. The bodies would come to life and shout my name and even began to say their own before returning to their dead state. And I had confirmed it, my whole bloodline was in my house. All dead.

Some time after. I woke up again randomly, fully aware of what just happened. thinking it was all a bad dream. I lifted my head up and it was not my bedroom. Sure my bed was there. But, it was a long corridor with mouldy green wallpaper.

All. All of the dead bodies were in a long line. standing up. chanting my name. They stopped as loud noise of someone running came towards me. I screamed like a little girl.
A demonic fully white figure came darting towards me and it didnt even seem to change direction. Not even a blink to its left or right, or behind.

So i acted fast and did what i thought might work and may save my life and end this historical family torture of this weird creature. Because i kind of assumed this was how it ended for all my family. So i forced myself up against the slimy mouldy green wallpaper as hard and as far back as i could and to my surprise it worked. I assumed that the figure would change direction to face me and the wall but it didnt. The figure kept the exact same rapid pace. Darting down the never ending corridor even after passing me. It clearly wasnt “programmed” to do anything else when confronted.

My first instinct was to immediately look at where the dead bodies were lined up. They were gone. A sort of confetti looking message shot up. Reading. “You saved our souls. About time someone did it, we all love you”

What i think was the ashes of everyone slowly dissolved. And a countdown of 2 minutes and 30 seconds revealed itself. When the timer had finished i had returned to my room. Sweating and crying. That same message was on my bedroom wall. I woke up half expecting something else to happen so that demon could get his hands on me but no dead bodies and no unnaturally long corridors. Everything seems to be “back to normal” but this may not be the case forever. I think that creature wants me dead. But maybe me “saving their souls” saved me.

I’m just glad i don’t have a family yet in fear that this would happen. I already hate to know that this is probably how it ended for the people i love the most.



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Im_a_boy_fromYT_ t1_j1go1u4 wrote

Oh my God this is so wholesome. You did good saving your bloodline bro.


Orange__Moon t1_j1h251i wrote

Do you and your family exist in a video game? Or in the grid like in Tron? My wall has never given me confetti messages of hope. No fair.