Submitted by WhichAssist1352 t3_zhhq66 in nosleep

Part one

Hey, I’m still alive and in relatively good health. After about an hour of hiding in my bedroom I heard the fighting and chaos move to the southern end of the neighborhood and away from me. Still nothing about this on the news. Someone in the comments of the last post said that these people might infected, some sort of rabies on crack. It would explain the whole foaming at the mouth thing. I grabbed a face mask and left my house through the back door to avoid going near the possibly contagious corpses.


It was a horror show outside. It had gotten dark now and what little I could see what lit by street lights. Bodies strewn across lawns and sidewalks, some were shot, others had been beaten. I got low and crouch walked to my car, scanning the area for hostiles as I went. Bad news. Someone had slashed the tires on my car and my lazy ass hadn't bothered to buy any tools as I had been here for less than two months. God, I wish I knew how to hotwire cars. Across the street from my house was an abandoned cop car. The lights were still on, casting red and blue light onto the once peaceful neighborhood turned battlefield. When I got to the car I noticed it was empty, no cops, no weapons, and no keys to the car. I was about to abandon it when I realized the radio in the car still worked. I flipped a switch and spoke into the radio.


"Hello? Is anybody there?"


"Hello? Hey, I need help, people are killing each other out here!"


"Hey! I'm not infected or whatever the hell is going on here. I'm normal, I'm friendly!'


Still no response. The radio was dead silent, I tried switching to some other frequencies but got the same result. So with all hopes of driving out of here dashed, I decided to retreat back into my house to formulate a plan. I pulled up google maps and figured out that if I cut through the woods in the back of my house, I'd be able to get to the Sheriff's office while avoiding the more populated area's of town, maybe their holed up in there, Dawn of The Dead style. It wasn't much but it was better then waiting here for some wave of lunatics to kill me. Now that I had a plan, I geared up and headed out. I grabbed my back pack and brought a flashlight, some water bottles, and an extra mag for my rifle. I brought my phone cord and a portable charger too, thank god the power hasn't gone out.


As I started my journey through the woods I walked around in the dark, I wasn't about to turn on my flashlight and potentially alert a fuck ton of creeps with guns to my location. I stumbled around in dark guided only by my phone telling me my position on a map. I can't count the times I almost tripped and broke my neck. Running around in the woods made me realize just how much I'd let myself go recently. I have a beer gut and a bad knee that hurt like hell as I ran through the woods. Fortunately old army training kicked in and I pushed my self through the other side of the woods. I was at the entrance to the urban part of town and the Sheriff's office wasn't too far. I could see the outlines of office buildings and shopping centers. I could hear screaming, gunshots, just like I had in my neighborhood. Worst fears confirmed, the chaos was spreading.


I pushed on to the Sheriff's office traveling the long road that led to the town. I was lucky I didn't encounter any lunatics on the way, I figure they've all crowded at the most populated part of town, like they were drawn to the bloodshed. I finally got to town and walked down the street to my destination. As I was getting closer to the Sheriff's office I heard something that grew louder as I got closer. It sounded like a wet thud. Repeating over and over again.


Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat.


I turned the corner and made it to the Sheriff's office. I swear to god I heard an angelic choir singing I was so happy. But the relief didn't last long. In the parking lot there was a man, sitting atop a body. He raised a rock above his head and brought down on the body.

Splat. Splat. Splat.


I leveled my rifle at his head and slowly approached him. He must've heard me because he stopped beating the corpse. Time slowed to a crawl. I don't know how long we stood there, minutes, an hour? Eventually he turned his head around to face me. He was young, 15, 16 maybe. He was covered in blood, head to toe. He smiled at me and giggled, the kid fucking giggled like this was some sort of sick game. He raised the rock he had used to kill the person he was on top of and said. "Do you want a turn?"

I painted the pavement with his fucking brains without a second thought.


The Sheriff's office was dead quiet when I got there. Empty. The computer at the front desk hadn't been logged out of, the lights hadn't turned off, in the break room there was still food in the microwave. They were repainting one of the walls from a dirty brown to an eggshell white and they just stopped halfway through. What happened? Even if all the cops were dispatched there would still be other staff here. Maybe the cops told the staff to retreat somewhere safe. What would be safer than a secluded location full of guns and cops? Hell, maybe everyone just snapped at once, the cops, the staff, everyone.

They even left the armory unlocked. I took as much as I could, but there wasn't much. Most of the gear was gone, luckily there was still a Kevlar vest and pistol with some extra mags. I was hoping for riot gear but beggars can't be choosers I guess. As of now I've locked myself in the armory, eating beef jerky I found in the fridge, and sipping on bottled water. No way in hell am I drinking from the tap, maybe there's something in the water that's making people crazy. I'm starting to get suspicious about how there's no news about this, I'm pretty sure I'm the only person that's talking about it online. Is news about this whole thing being suppressed? How the fuck does blurry photos of UFO's make headlines but "Entire town goes apeshit crazy" doesn't? Maybe the news just hasn't traveled yet?


I don't know what the hell I'm going to do. I'm currently scouring google maps for a way to make it to the next town over without going through the hell scape that is town square. And then what? How do I know if the other town isn't infected? What about the town next over? It's fucking with my head, I need to rest. I'll post again if I figure out a way to make it out alive.



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Magic_the_Angry_Plum t1_izmrfvx wrote

could be a similar scenario to the maze runner, crank behaviour and stuff. try to find any other sane people while traversing to the next town, but don't risk actively seeking out sane people.


MeAndYourMumHaveSex t1_izn44hl wrote

Is there a place with a lot of security cams you can go to and watch them all? Cuz you could figure out the monsters behaviour and also possibly see some normal humans


Gold_Shoulder3773 t1_iznev17 wrote

could be the government conducting an experiment in that town