Submitted by StorytellerNumber1 t3_znp74w in nosleep

I was a 911 call taker 10 years ago when I received one of the creepiest calls ever. It was freezing that night, which usually equaled a calm, quiet shift due to even the criminals not wanting to go outside. Around 3am my call box popped up green and as usual I asked what the emergency was. A man started frantically screaming that he still was possessed by a demon and tried to cut his heart while he slept. He had run when the attack started and locked himself in his bathroom. I ask him a series of questions trying to figure out what the hell is going on.

I ask him a series of questions trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Everytime he tried to answer I heard what sounded like scratching and banging on the bathroom door. He whispered “There is a demon in my sister’s body, it has been battling me for days. It got free from the chains…” I swear what I heard next chilled me to the core. This unearthly voice began taunting my caller through the door. It didn’t sound like a 20-something woman. It was low and guttural, like she had gargled razor blades before speaking. She continued to growl and speak in a strange sounding language until police arrived. She let out a terrifying scream when the officers broke in, then dead end.

The call was over, I was shaking and had to know what happened? Even my supervisor (who had been listening to the call in real time) was pale and speechless when the line abruptly ended. Before my shift ended the commanding officer on my creepy call called in to tell me what they found. He told me he would have nightmares for the rest of his life.

Apparently, when my caller said his sister got out of her chains, he wasn’t joking around. She still had a chain tied to a bloody handcuff when the officers came in. Her whole body was covered in self-inflicted scratches, her one eye had popped a blood vessel and was bright red. Most of what she was wearing was also shredded and her skin looked like she had been drained of her blood. She was taken in for a psych consult and as you probably guessed, stayed there for a long time. The brother was okay except for deep gouges in his chest. His sister literally tried to dig out his heart.

There was some talk about arresting the brother but nothing ever came of it. I still can vividly remember that voice, it still makes my blood run cold

I will be posting more on this platform about my other experiences.

Also, while on sight an officer reported his camera going off on its own after the event.

It managed to take 1 photo of the scene after it was cleaned up.

What do you guys think? I'll add the photo below

What's creepy about it is not because of how the photo was taken all by itself, but because it was taken after the crime scene was cleaned up.

What do you guys think?


The camera shot






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johnnyrio454 t1_j0imb9h wrote

Thanks for sharing. I got an error screen when I clicked on the pic link.


Kuz0624 t1_j0js9vc wrote

It won’t let me see the shot


Melodic_Preference60 t1_j0juht0 wrote

Now I guess I’m gonna die, because I did 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣👀😢


StorytellerNumber1 OP t1_j0kbwub wrote

It was nothing special anyway. Just a dark dining room with what looks to be like a splilled mess on the dining table.