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mmartinv OP t1_j1b2452 wrote

Reply to comment by _embr in Mal Treatment by mmartinv

Thanks. I don't think I'll ever forget how disappointed he looked after I laughed at him.


Writerhowell t1_j1cfkpx wrote

Honestly, laughing at them is a good reaction, since it throws them off guard. Unfortunately, it can also lead them to being more vicious as they get angry. You're lucky it simply made him clumsy this time.

I don't suppose you can share a link to the new post? Maybe Reddit can find the next person before they become a victim?

Also, though I'm sure the police have done this already, it would be interesting to go back to the first known victim. There's this thing in criminal investigation called murder mapping, used to work out where serial killers are most likely to live. The theory is that their first murder is committed closest to where they live, and as they grow more confident - continuing to kill without being caught - they choose places further away to kill their victims. You've found several cases already, so you have the locations. After all, this person is only human, not supernatural; they can't cover huge distances in a second.


mmartinv OP t1_j1doscn wrote

Yeah, it's kind of crazy that I owe my life to mal****'s fragile ego and my Stupid Freaking Cat.

Not sure if it would be good to share his new post. Reddit lets you know if someone has shared your link. I don't want him looking in my direction after I've done so many things to hide.

Sometimes I wonder if mal**** started with the stories or if he was abducting people before that.


Writerhowell t1_j1fkg7c wrote

Look, I'm on your cat's side, because we had a tortoiseshell cat when I was growing up and I still miss having her around. She had to be put down in 2006, when I was 17 and she was 19. Of course, it could be that your cat was saving your life simply because you provide food and shelter; or the cat simply doesn't like strangers.


mmartinv OP t1_j1fl3om wrote

That cat will rub up against anything. There is no loyalty.