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dano415 t1_j0ge79l wrote

Oh boy. 4Chan detectives are great. I went to an AA meeting, actually a few.

I noticed speaker after speaker had to out do the previous one on what they did while drunk.

One guy claimed to kill a prostitute in Nevada. This was 25 years ago.

I can offer this. If you are self-medicating stopping is a bitch. Cutting way back helped me. That means only drink when nervous. Stop all social drinking if possible. If severely hooked, a 10% decrease per day is safe. Don't stop cold turkey.


Illustrious_Bison_20 t1_j0yh5hz wrote

stopping cold turkey damn near killed me. I'm not sure why OP is so unsettled by the conversation at dinner, in rehab and my meetings we constantly discussed how to handle the guilt of not knowing everything we did. I'm sure Alex just embarrassed himself or pissed someone off