Submitted by girl_from_the_crypt t3_10k7oob in nosleep

After confirming that Jeremy was indeed out cold, Aleksei swung him over his shoulder and carried him out into the snow, where he unceremoniously dropped him. Casimir had warned the employees not to approach the house for a while. We didn't want them to get caught up in the fight that was sure to ensue. The three of us waited on the porch, eyes trained on the motionless body of our wayward brother.

The Leshy started smoking a pipe (no idea where he got that from), I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes and Cas was typing away on his phone, lifting his head every five seconds to check on Jem. All of a sudden, he readjusted his grip on the device and slammed it onto the floor. I jumped, and Cas took a step back, staring at the phone with wide eyes.

"What the fuck!" he whisper-shouted. "I… I didn't wanna do this!"


"I didn't wanna do this! I just… suddenly… got, like, an impulse, I don't even know—"

"The Bies," I said quietly.

"It's here," Aleksei confirmed, tucking his pipe away. His voice was low and stern, the look in his eyes steely.


My brother and I spoke at the same time when we realized that Jeremy had moved. His limp body has been pulled up into a sitting position, his legs below him, his head tilted back to gaze heavenward. His eyes had rolled back, leaving only white and sore red. Slowly, he drew himself up, his movements resembling those of a puppet manipulated through unseen strings. I stared at him with bated breath, needing a moment to get a grip on myself as my heart began to race. Jeremy staggered to his feet, looking kind of like a zombie from a movie. His eyes came back down to focus on us, the glare from within them intense, unyielding and absolutely murderous.

"Well, this is… alarming," Cas muttered, suppressing a nervous chuckle. I could tell he was just as stricken with fear as me.

Gritting my teeth, I sucked in a deep breath, bracing myself. "Alright, let's move while he's still dazed! We can't let him get the jump on us. If either of you feel him in your heads, drop all weapons and get as far away from me as possible," I hurriedly instructed, assuming the most commanding tone I could muster.

"Yes, ma'am," Cas replied. He grabbed his cross necklace from the windowsill behind us, hastily looping it around his neck, then reached for his gun.

I checked myself. Cross was there. I had my knife. Go-time.

I lunged at Jeremy's unsteady form, and he thankfully didn't react right away, allowing me to knock him down and sit on his bare belly. The Bies let out a furious howl that sounded all too human through my brother's throat for comfort. I sank the blade into his skin, just deep enough to carve, and hastily jagged it down his chest to form the first couple lines of an upturned pentagram. Unfortunately, I didn't get much further than that. Not-Actually-Jem pushed me off, growling as he threw himself at me and began to tear at my hair, limbs and dress in a frenzy. My grip on the knife was unrelenting, and I swung it at him a few times until he grabbed my arm and pinned it down.

Aleksei descended upon the possessed man like a hawk, grabbing him and dragging him off of me before flinging him to the ground, sending him sprawling into the snow. I jumped to my feet, and, coughing and panting, pounced on him once more. Aleksei held him down for a few seconds as I placed the tip of the knife in the spot where I'd left off. The pentagram was almost finished, there was just one line missing, two dots yet unconnected. That's when I noticed Aleksei was starting to squirm.

"Fuck! No, no, stay with me!" I shouted.

"It's trying to get in!" he yelled back at me, looking more distressed than I'd ever seen him before. His eyes were wide and terrified, his jaw clenched, and he was gripping Jem's arms with a panicked, white-knuckled force.

"I'm almost done! Please, just… stay with me!"

He cried out, a mix of a growl and a scream that reared his head back, but he didn't let go, and I drew the final line, deeper than all the ones before. Blood sprayed out as I yanked back the knife. Aleksei's eyes cleared up immediately, like the sky peeking out from behind bursting clouds. I wasted no time in pulling him to his feet.

"Stand back!" I heard Casimir holler from behind us.

I hastily moved aside, bringing the Leshy along with me. I didn't even have the time to turn and look at my brother before the gunshot rang out. Blood spattered, further tainting the snow, and Jeremy's writhing body fell still.

Casimir was standing a few feet away from us, his gun still raised, his shoulders trembling. It was like he didn't dare lower his arm yet for fear the possessed man would come back to life. There was no chance of that, though. The bullet had entered Jeremy's skull at an odd, sideways angle. I couldn't bear looking at it for long. My whole body was shaking, and I felt compelled to stumble over to Cas and throw my arms around him, almost not caring that he was still holding a weapon. He immediately dropped it, fully embracing me and even pulling me up to my tip-toes to bridge our height difference. He cupped the back of my head and buried his cold face in the crook of my neck, inhaling deeply as I did the very same. His smell calmed me—not his cologne or the scent of my fabric softener he'd obviously used on his sweater, but the fragrance that laid beneath it all.

"Is that Little Brother by Calvin Klein?" I asked with a faltering chuckle.

"What?" he pressed out, snickering slightly in-between sobs. It was only then that I realized he was crying.

"No matter."

"You're weird."

"So are you."

We pulled apart, only for Cas to take a surprised step back, gaze trained on something behind me. "Whoa," he uttered. "Fi. Look."

I turned around only to find that Aleksei, once more in his true form, had grown to easily seven times his size. His antlers branched into the skies as though they were trees of their own, his huffing snout sent forth clouds of warm breath as big as my head and each of his paws was the width of a tree trunk. Without warning, he wrapped a wooden claw around me, picking me up to hold before his eyes. They were shining like twin stars. For a moment, we just stared at each other. It felt like my heart was overflowing.

"How're you feeling?" I asked, a tentative smile tugging on my lips.

His voice rumbled like a thunderclap. "Excellent. You've done right by me, heiress. I'm… grateful."

"I had to," I replied by way of explanation. Daring a glance below, I saw Casimir looking up at us in awe. I kicked my feet a little; it felt like I was flying.

"I did not force your hand," the Leshy argued.

"Of course not. But I still had to. I mean, it's you. You're my home. You're everything."

He gently sat me back down in the snow, then laid down to get on eye level with us. He reminded me strangely of a resting fawn. "I have not felt this good in a long time," he admitted. "What do you intend to do now, Fiona?"

It took me a while to get over his use of my name and the fact that he seemed to be willingly awaiting instructions. Not being out of my mind, I refrained from mentioning it. Standing a little taller, I allowed a smirk to creep up on my face.

"Now I'll make Tom Hayes wish he never crossed my path."

It's moments like this that I'm thankful to have my loyal senior employees. Knowing that Gus was currently making his rounds, I called him and explained that I was about to rely on him regarding an unsavory task that needed instant completion. He didn't even question my reasoning when I asked him to knock out Tom Hayes and bring him to me.

"Smart," Cas commented. "He's not gonna get suspicious of another guard approaching him. Though I don't know if it truly would have made a difference—he seems a bit dense."

"Exactly why he's probably not the one who's been planning for all of this to go down. Maybe the Bies even has something to do with this. I mean, it is a very inconvenient coincidence for all these problems to come up at the same time," I thought aloud before turning to the Leshy. "After I'm done with him…"

"It'll be my turn to exact justice as I see fit," he completed my sentence.

I smiled thinly as he turned to disappear beyond the treeline, his cheerful humming ringing out over the meadow. Casimir cleared his throat. "God, I'm glad," he muttered mistily. "I wish we could sit back and relax for just a minute after this." Looking down at the lifeless body of our brother, he let go of a ragged breath. "I can't believe this."

"I know. That, uh… that was a great shot, though. Just by the by."

He gave me a wan smirk. "Thanks. So… do we keep him lying around here, or…?"

I started. "Right! We need a box! Shit, where do we get—"

"I called my coffin guy earlier. He owes me a favor… He'll be here in an hour or so and drop off something for us."

"You have a coffin guy?"

"I have a guy for everything, sis. Cars, suits, ill-gotten documents, gossip that can be used for defamation… I'm very well-connected, I'll have you know."

We returned inside where we were joined by Gus after just a few minutes. Strong as an ox, that guy. He was carrying Tom Hayes with ease, slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Help me take him down into the basement," I ordered, and Gus grunted, following me down the stairs. In the basement, he dropped the unconscious man on the floor.

"There you go, Boss. Do I wanna ask?"

"I know you do," I replied steadily. "Don't worry, though. I'll tell you all about it sometime."

He looked at me with a tilted head before treating me to a crooked smile. "Sure, Miss Novak."

He turned and went back outside where Cas was waiting to send him off with a coffee. This left me alone with Tom. I took the time to bind his wrists and ankles together using zip ties, then I sat down beside him and started to shake him by the shoulders. Getting him to wake up was rather difficult. At first he didn't respond at all, but he eventually began to stir and moan. When I gave him a final slap across the face, his eyes flew open, darting around in confusion before settling on me. They widened in horror when the veil lifted.


"Yeah, that about sums it up," I replied, nodding in agreement. "Your situational awareness astounds me."

"I-if you hurt me, I'll kill the white rabbit!"

I frowned. "Tom, I already have it back. I'd be taking a huge risk pulling this stunt otherwise, don't you think?"

His lip quivered. "No… no, how'd you…"

"Somebody retrieved it for me. How do you not know the rabbit's gone? Where were you keeping it?"

"I wasn't! H-he was. I just… I didn't have it. He did, all along. I don't even know shit about souls, I just wanted to make some cash!"

"I pay you enough, why betray me?"

He shrugged. "I dunno. It was cash."

"So you're saying somebody hired you?"

He nodded.

"Okay, Tom. How about you just tell me everything."

"I'm not supposed to."

"Tom, I have literally kidnapped you and am holding you prisoner. Whoever hired you can't help you. Your job right now is to convince me not to kill you," I explained slowly, holding his gaze. "And to hurt you less."

"You wouldn't do that!"

"Oh yeah? Just a sec. I think… it's around here somewhere…" I held up a finger, then turned on my heel and started rummaging through the boxes behind us. I had thrown a lot of my old stuff down here, including some things I used to use back when I was with Jacek. These items were of too much sentimental value to throw away, but keeping them in my room wasn't an option anymore as looking at them caused me pain… a different kind than what they were intended for. Whirling back around, I held up two thin, long black objects, one in each hand. "What do you think? Cat o' nine tails or riding crop?"

Hayes' jaw dropped.

"Come on, I'm giving you the choice here," I encouraged him. "Or I've got other stuff, too, if you'd prefer."

He just started screaming.

I sighed deeply. "This isn't getting us anywhere, Tom. Talk. It's as easy as that. I don't wanna have to resort to this. It's no fun if the other person's not into it."

"Fine! Fine, okay! Jesus! You're crazy!"

I smiled, lowering the whips. "I'm listening."

"Okay, so… This guy came up to me one day. Completely outta nowhere. He just showed up at my apartment. And he told me to post a bunch of shit online about the woods, and to set up cameras and upload videos, too… He gave me this weird-ass cage with the rabbit inside. There were a bunch of symbols on it. Some kinda spell to keep that thing from running off. Anyways, he made me keep it at my place to watch and said I should use it as leverage if you ever were to find out."

The words spilled from his lips like water from a broken dam. I kept a close eye on his face. He seemed to be telling the truth.

"Anyways, after you called us in to talk about the cameras, I wrote the note, and then I kinda just didn't know what to do for a couple days… I was getting nervous; I was afraid you'd find out or… or something. I kept second-guessing everything, and then I ended up calling that man. I got him to take back the rabbit and store it elsewhere, cuz I had a feeling you might try to get to it. And that's basically it." He looked up at me with wide eyes, awaiting judgment.

"Who was he?"


"The man, dumbass! Who was he? Didn't he give you a name?"

"John Smith. Obviously fake, but I didn't care. I just took the money he handed me when he came over."

"What's he look like?"

Tom thought for a moment. "In his late sixties, I'd say. Tall, kinda built. Bit of a bird's nose. Green eyes…" He trailed off. "That's all I got, really."

For a moment, I didn't say anything. Then, I turned around once more to look through some other boxes. I finally produced an old photo album which I leafed through, stopping at a specific picture taken several years ago. I fished it out to hold in front of Tom's face. He craned his head to examine it.

"Could that be him?" I inquired, my throat bone dry.

"Yes! Yes, I-I think so!" Tom nodded eagerly.

"Okay," I said calmly. "Then I guess we're done here." I grabbed Tom and dragged him to his feet, forcing him to half-stagger, half-crawl up the stairs. Behind the basement door, Cas was waiting for us, his laptop at the ready. We took Tom by the arms and carried him over to the couch where we had him sit down. My brother cut his hands free, then shoved his laptop into his arms.

"There. Log into your accounts and delete every single thing you ever posted about us. In fact, delete the accounts, too," he commanded.

Not in the mood for backtalk anymore, Tom went straight to work. Meanwhile, I went back downstairs to tidy up the mess I'd made in the basement, bringing the photo album with me upon my return. It took Tom Hayes an hour to wipe his social media clean of the crap he'd been spouting. When he was done, Cas cut his ankles loose, too, and Tom sighed in relief.

"Can I go now?"

"Hayes, you're responsible for several deaths. It's because of you that the safety of our property and the creatures dwelling within it was compromised," Casimir said slowly, each word rolling off his tongue with grave emphasis.

Understanding once more forced its way into Tom's features. "Wh-what are you gonna do to me?"

"Nothing," I answered plainly, helping him up.

"Am I fired?"

"Oh, no. Just get back to your spot and walk your route."

He eyed me with suspicion, but still moved to walk out the door. I followed, stopping on the porch to look after him as he headed for the edge of the forest. He didn't make it very far. Before he was halfway across the red meadow, a massive shape parted from the trees and gigantic, branch-like claws descended on the now screaming man. He tried to run, but it was useless. The Leshy closed his hand around him, lifting him into the air not unlike he'd done me. There was nothing gentle or careful about it this time, though. The wood-demon threw his head back, opening his mouth before dropping the squirming man down his maw. A crunch of bone, a spatter of blood to color the snow. A cry of pain and panic breaking off abruptly.

That was the last anyone ever saw or heard of Tom Hayes.

I returned into the house with a long, soft sigh. Casimir was waiting for me on the sofa, long limbs stretched out, one hand in his hair. "I took care of the body while you were downstairs," he announced. "But we're gonna have to dig a pretty large hole pretty soon. I don't think Jeanette likes sharing her stable with a coffin. Has Hayes been… dealt with?"

"The High King of the forest has exacted his revenge," I muttered grimly, feeling rather like the narrator of a creepy old fairy tale.

Casimir nodded. "Alright then. I'm dreading to ask, but we both know I have to. So. What did you find out?"

"Tom really was hired by someone."

"Someone we know?"

"Someone who hates me."


I dropped down beside him. "Dad."


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

Part 15

Part 16

Part 17

Part 18

Part 19

Part 21



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mossgoblin t1_j5oznk9 wrote

Fi, no offense but your fams a bit of a disaster


stomaticmonk t1_j5p0jwl wrote

Do you think he had your rabbit the whole time?


UsualAlarmed1472 t1_j5p15j8 wrote

Thought it was one of your sister but I'm not really surprised that it's your dad but the question is, why? Maybe he blames you for the death of your mother or you were an illegitimate daughter of his? The latter might be the result of me reading too much drama stories.


MotherofPuppos t1_j5p1ilc wrote


Have to ask…dom, sub or switch?


ISawWendiGo t1_j5p1kuy wrote

So, you and Jacek were into a little bondage slap & tickle? 'Atta girl! When he's returned to you maybe you should meet him in a slutty black wedding dress, holding a rawhide whip or riding crop, jumper cables, a battery, and a case of motor oil and a saddle by your feet. Now ask yourself, how much would you give for a piece of rawhide??? All kidding aside, so glad Aleksei is so much better and thriving! Your father has always seemed kinda douchy, but now he's moved up to being the equal of those old water bottle type douchebags that everybody's grandma used 50 years ago. You know, the ones with the long ass tubing and nozzle that you'd catch a glimpse of every now and then hanging from the showerhead? Yep, great big old nasty douche. Maybe this is where Jem gets his debauchery and love for evil from ...


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j5p23c6 wrote

I ain't ever gonna hear the end of this, huh? Well I don't mind lmao. I bet y'all are way kinkier.

And yeah, my Dad isn't really a good guy. Never liked him. Never respected him. But fuck, this is still kind of a shock.


PandaBennington t1_j5p4aaa wrote

As soon as you pulled out the photo album it was obvious. We've all kind of been expecting it since he pretty much hates you.

Father of the year. 🙄 Thank God you at least have Cas.

Glad the thing with Jem went rather smoothly. So many ways that could have gone sideways. Honestly this was a very smooth productive day. Knew you could do it.

Time to prepare for another shit family reunion. Rooting for you as always. 🧡


Michal_17 t1_j5p5e53 wrote

Huh, didn't think that killing the Bies would instantly grant Aleksei all of his strenght back, thought it would be a bit more gradual. Glad to be proven wrong tho.


ExplodedToast t1_j5p9ewt wrote

Absolutely love Aleksei, we stan a Forest King.


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j5paml7 wrote

Yeah, thank God for Cas. Or whatever else is responsible for that loudmouth being born into this shit family. He's like the only relation who genuinely loves me anymore.

You bet, I saw pretty much all of them in my head, too... Thanks for the support.


Rikki_Untwin t1_j5pbmta wrote

OMG I love you!! You are amazing!! And I'm so glad everything went smoothly. Sucks about your pops though. . . . Also, good interests 🥴🥴🥵🥵 cuz same!!


ellie_kabellie t1_j5pee9h wrote

GODDAMN I WAS HOPING IT WASN’T DAD. Is it possible Nick assumed his appearance as a disguise???


lady-pooley t1_j5phqtn wrote

Your dad?? Seriously?? Ugh ever since you told us how you lost your soul in the first place I've been suspicious of him. Just the way he slammed the door on your mom cause she said it was his turn to deal with the "poltergeist" it gave me the feeling he brought it in to go after HER. Girl you better be careful


lauraD1309 t1_j5pp7lv wrote

I'm sooo glad Leshy is back to being himself. Hail the King of the Forest!! Not to bring you down but don't you have to meet the Devil pretty soon?


Thehobbitgirl88 t1_j5pps0m wrote

Oh shit! Dad!?!?!?!?!?! What is with your family, Fiona?


TadpoleOfDoom t1_j5pvwuc wrote

Dang, your family, wew lass. First half of this you're shooting your serial killer brother and second half you're revealing your own pops was Bies-hind the Bies the one letting people in. Yikers, my dawg.


Nope I'm kinda dumb, he was behind letting people in, not the Bies. My brain delay kicked in. But still a problem.

Oh and the obvious part, I'm only talking about this specific chapter.


nothanks64 t1_j5q0ukc wrote

Omg how fucked up must your dad be to do this to you!!!! You don't deserve this at all Fi. No matter what his damage is he shouldn't be taking it out on you!!!! What a dick. Whatever you do to him he will totally deserve it. Maybe you could even give him to Nick as a present.... sorta a "sorry I reconnected with my ex and made you jealous, I totally didn't mean to and also thank you for my soul back" kinda thing. I'm positive Cas would agree to it too.

And very very nice job handling the Bies. I love how Alexsei immediately started feeling better and was so sweet and gentle with you. You two should totally have babies and carry on the bloodline and protect the woods. You even gave him a snack to help him feel better.

I'm pretty sure Jacek would understand you and Alexsei together and you understand his dedication to Nick so it could work. I mean you'd def need to chat with Nick and negotiate sharing your bf, and Alexsei and Jacek would need to discuss boundaries but it could work. You deserve to be happy.


petiteasianbae t1_j5q63rv wrote

What a plot twist… your fam, though. Also how does Tom Hayes not know your father? Was he working at your property before your father left? Or did he start working after your father left? (I might have missed something here…)

At first I thought it was Cas, after what he said about having a coffin guy, but given everything he went through with you while he’s been home, my suspicion of him went away.


cass_erole_ t1_j5qa5q5 wrote

I love Cas, he's the only person who could have a coffin guy that I'd still trust


chalaismyig t1_j5qbwhj wrote

>Whirling back around, I held up two thin, long black objects, one in each hand.

>He just started screaming.

>I sighed deeply. "This isn't getting us anywhere, Tom. Talk. It's as easy as that. I don't wanna have to resort to this. It's no fun if the other person's not into it."

... lol

Ok now that my filthy fun is over let's get into it. I literally gasped when I realized it was the father behind all this. So much for a fun retirement in Florida.. what has he been up to? Besides kidnapping souls and learning about runes/sigils? What was his endgame? What did he intend to do after destroying the woods? Was he aware of Jeremy's dirty deeds?


Bsmith1119 t1_j5qcqen wrote

Your dad 😳 what’s with the men in ur family holy shit


Kallyanna t1_j5qm46o wrote

I mentioned this in a comment a good few chapters ago. She is the eldest, it would make sense that she may have a different dad to the rest. My original thought way back then was that the Leshy was her real father, but a few more chapters later… that would be very incesty 🫣


Blubelle85 t1_j5qqk0j wrote

Ah, I'm typically a read the story, catch the first couple of comments, and go. I don't like reading too many comments because I like being surprised with the new chapters.

I don't think it would be the Leshy, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a supernatural creature.


Writerhowell t1_j5qv9ny wrote


Oh, uh, I mean, I'm sorry, Fiona. But having had a shitty father myself, I can spot them pretty easily. Listen, I'd write more, but I've gotta go to work. I hope you're doing okay.


Kallyanna t1_j5qvyh5 wrote

Just a note from Chapter 8? Yeah, yeah I did a back read… (sorry I don’t know how to quote)

"First off, don't speak to me like that in front of my daughter. If this bothers you, take care of it yourself, you coward," Mom replied nonchalantly, raising a haughty brow at him. She had become great at getting under his skin over the last couple years.

From Fiona’s Mother “MY DAUGHTER” she says …. Not OUR DAUGHTER! I’m hoping I’ve caught onto something here!


Kallyanna t1_j5qwvvy wrote

Honestly, when the bird nose came up I was like “NOOOO NOT CAS?!” Due to the nature of what Jems creepy speech had to do with it all… I’m actually GLAD it was your “dad”.


HoneyMCMLXXIII t1_j5qx4l7 wrote

Oh no! Between your serial killer brother trying to kill you and your father betraying you and your forest, I’m hurting so much for you right now! Looks like you and Jacek had a very exciting sex life! No judgement, of course! I am so happy Aleksei the Leshy is back in good health! I can’t wait to see how you deal with this.


S4njay t1_j5qxvn3 wrote

Alright, I read it. And... I was NOT expecting the guy to be your dad... even if we did push the entire family theory.

Like, wtf is wrong with this guy even? What's his problem? This is why we need Daddy Jacek. Daddy Jacek > dad.


Nelfiegirl t1_j5qynfn wrote

I thought was bad, your is worse than mine ever could have been. I hope the situation is resolved so he stops messing with your life.


Traditional-Panda-84 t1_j5qztku wrote

Now I'm wondering if there's anything left of your dad to go after, since, after all, it was a hell-hound that retrieved your soul.


danielleshorts t1_j5r1su8 wrote

Well shit, the next family gathering is gonna be awkward 😆. So happy that you got your soul back & the Leshy is back in tip top shape. Can't wait to see what the Devil had in mind for you.


numdegased t1_j5r4wfe wrote

NGL, with how fucked up your life has been, there was part of me that was convinced he had been hired by like, Cas or Jacek…


Tytticus t1_j5r5s6k wrote

Ugh, his own daughter. Your dad is the worst. Invite him for a visit and introduce him to Aleksei (and I'm so happy my darling is back in all his terrifying glory! ) You know the men in your family are bad when a womanising child abandoner is the best of them.


_-Sesquipedalian-_ t1_j5r7ztk wrote

I have to be honest, I love the sex positivity♥️ but these are a whole other kind of daddy issues lol


Its_panda_paradox t1_j5rb1on wrote

I breathed a sigh of relief he didn’t describe Jacek. I was just waiting for him to say the guy was pale and veiny with black hair. Now I’m good to go back to standing a 3-way-misandrist relationship between her, Aleksei and Jacek. :)


ashleyxokidd t1_j5rfwxh wrote

Her father resents her because she was her mothers favorite. Over time due to Fiona being the one who would inherit the land her mother nursed all her love and attention toward her consequently hurting not only her other children and I’m sure it hurt Fiona to watch her siblings feel that way but it really resonated with her father in an awful way. I think a lot of it has to do with you being so much like your mother. That love hate relationship they had (aside from real love for one another) as much as it bothered Fiona’s dad he thrived off of it as well. He probably feels that if her mother hadn’t spent so much time with her she could’ve spent it with him and now Fiona is just a painful reminder to him instead of seeing her as a blessing as she is just like her mother. Pffft MEN. Horrible creatures 😈😝


tina_marie1018 t1_j5risv2 wrote

Well I honestly thought it was going to be the Devil himself who had your White Rabbit the whole time. It's so much Worse when it's the man who raised you!

I am so Glad that Leshy is back to his Former Glory!

Please be Careful when you go to get your Hunny back.


JKJeepHawk t1_j5rnqgr wrote

Fiona, I'm curious to know (I'd have to go back and re-read) what the timeline was between your father leaving and Jem cutting off contact. With the apparent levels of hatred your father and Jem both have/had for you, or maybe just women in general, is it possible that they were working together when Jem was committing his murder spree? And with Nick having such a profound, vile distaste for Jem, I wonder if your brother and dad were working together on some more dangerous that "just" misogynistic murder?


stomaticmonk t1_j5rowtu wrote

I think I’ve been in a bit of a daze for a while. Probably from blood loss. Managed to patch myself up with some moss and some cloth though and it seems to be getting a bit better. I’ve made it back to the mill so I guess I’m waiting here for the time being. Hope Fiona doesn’t decide I’ve seen too much…


Nature_Dweller t1_j5rxuxm wrote

sighs satisfaction. Okay, now I feel safe coming to your forest. I'm following the Leshy's orders however since it's not my forest.


Thr33Littl3Monk3ys t1_j5s3g70 wrote

Me too. He sounded like he was just lost without her mom.

But then...maybe (probably) he blamed the woods for her loss, and the loss of at least one of his children. Sounds like it made him bitter...

Why he'd actually target Fiona like that, though...


Thr33Littl3Monk3ys t1_j5s42or wrote

Now I think we might know where Jeremy gets it.

That a father would want to hurt his own child like that's sickening. Especially since...gods, how old were you when the rabbit was lost?! Has he had it ever since then?!

Or did he trap it while you slept, and that's why it was lost?!

Ugh. I thought my family was screwed up (it is, though...)


Blubelle85 t1_j5s4h7f wrote

I read your line, "I think a lot of it has to do with you being so much like your mother." and was 😯😯 someone from real life is totally calling me out!! Then i realized you were talking hypothetically... although you're not wrong and weirdly enough, it is why my dad hates me!! Oh well, my mom and I have a great relationship, so while I love you dad...I don't need your approval anymore! 😁


Blubelle85 t1_j5s5uvy wrote

hugs We've got this!! It took me a long time to realize I don't need others' approval. As long as my kids are happy, healthy(within my powers), and treat others well, then I'm succeeding! I'm still figuring things out.


MizzCroft t1_j5s5v92 wrote

Geez. Your dad of all people. I figured it was the devil but guess not. I know and feel Cas and Jacek are totally loyal to you 100%. Glad the Leshy is good and that things are coming into place at least.


ashleyxokidd t1_j5s9yyy wrote

Awe you’re so sweet! :) it’s so refreshing/hard to come across other gentle(but fiery🔥) souls on the internet. That’s all that matters though! As long as you’re trying for them and showing them what it is to respect and love you can’t ask for much more! I thought I knew everything at 18 here I am 3 years away from 30 and feel like I don’t have a clue! Lmao. I try my damndest not to care what others think of me as well I’ve always struggled with being the anxious care too much and apologize for everything type but as I get older that has waned a good bit. It does get exhausting but as you said after a certain point/age you think how much energy youve wasted on others and realize it’s not worth it. It’s truly liberating. If they don’t love you the way you are quirks and all then fuckkkkemm! I don’t have kids myself yet but I can only imagine what that love feels like. So many take having a family or a close knit family for granted. It’s a hard thing to watch when it’s something you’ve struggled with/wanted all your life. Sorry for the crazy rambling though!! Is it apparent I have no friends irl anymore??😅 thank you for being so sweet and kind! It’s a rarity these days. Sending much love and happiness to you and your little ones :)

-ash 💜


thatsnotexactlyme t1_j5sr6si wrote

I KNEW IT WAS GONNA BE UR DAD I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!!!! i remember a few other people called it earlier on in the comments too lol


Eliz318 t1_j5ta4jc wrote

I’m glad Aleksei is okay but your DAD???? Didn’t see that coming


phillipjhart t1_j5tocq9 wrote

The rabbit ran away from the bird lady monster when Fiona fell asleep at the top of the stairs. I think she said she was around 9yo. Whether or not he then trapped it I don't know. Maybe his reluctance to deal with the "poltergeist" was because he was in cahoots with the chicken lady as part of an elaborate ruse. Maybe Nick just made himself look like Fiona's dad when he was making the deal with Tom. Or maybe Tom is much more than he seems to be. Hopefully we'll find out soon


Thr33Littl3Monk3ys t1_j5u6u09 wrote

Ah! I missed that; I think I got distracted by something and didn't finish reading that particular post... long has he had the rabbit, and how did he capture it? He had to know what it was when he came across it, especially since the cage itself had bindings on it.

It's still sickening to me.


Global_Forever_7104 t1_j5ulu41 wrote

Fiona You pretty much have the best team and alliance right now who has a chance really shit I’ll come work for you for real my pleasure


Global_Forever_7104 t1_j5uoeva wrote

You and your mom got closer made him envy you because he lost everything, attention and affection etc to his own child … now that aspect alone can be viewed in so many perspectives that men do even when you first bring the child home from the hospital… yea that dry up crunchy a** blames you! But why? Is the question.. I had to laugh out loud recalling your mom calling him a coward haaaaaa


ancientevilvorsoason t1_j5vr8ee wrote

How does a heavily religious person marry somebody like your mother? Why are all of your siblings are affected or afflicted? What's going on?


yourexsbestie t1_j61p77r wrote

Ugh the men in your family are shit! Except Cas and the one who's name starts with an M Forgive me for my forgetfulness


karmadovernater t1_j6fkc0b wrote

I'm just putting it out there before I find out the truth but I think jem is in envy and he wanted to kill you bc he's envious of the attention you had off of your mom. When the youngest son died and she withdrew, it was all about you. But all he saw was her loving you more, instead of her training you. Still. You had mom.


karmadovernater t1_j6fo9kn wrote

Jem hates you, Dad hates you. How did that happen. Did he blame you for taking his wife's attention too? How can Casmir and you have an unbreakable bond, yet other siblings lay waste at the complete opposite side of the spectrum?


karmadovernater t1_j6fsn85 wrote

We've heard of the happier times,and the time that changed it all. I hope you tell us about the time it unravelled. Then they dispersed. Only problem with that is you wouldn't know. We never truly know somebody. Only we know our true face. So even from your point of view. It won't he told as their truth. Still its crazy how Jems yate cane as a surprise. Family aye.


Thr33Littl3Monk3ys t1_j6gqm2n wrote

Nah...further update says that he actually kind of hated her growing up, and resented how close she was with her mother.

While alternately, he was close to her brothers, while their mother was cold, distant, and demanding of the boys.

Which kind of explains Jeremy's feelings for her. Kind of... aside from the big ick factor...