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girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j5w1327 wrote

He just wanted me to locate it... Like, it's not like it actually belongs to me.... But, you think I could do that?

Yeah? I never heard of anything like it...

You think that's great?? Nick wants to eat it!!


S4njay t1_j5w5dmk wrote

You'll figure it out, I have faith in you!

Well, it reminded me of ths Nasadiya Sukta in the Rig Veda, though it attempts to describe the nature of the universe:

>Who really knows? Who will here proclaim it? Whence was it produced? Whence is this creation? Gods came afterwards, with the creation of this universe. Who then knows whence it has arisen?

>Whether God's will created it, or whether He was mute; Perhaps it formed itself, or perhaps it did not; The Supreme Brahman of the world, all pervasive and all knowing He indeed knows, if not, no one knows

That's kind of a reach though...

Even if Nick wants to eat it, the act preceding it... 🎆🎆🎆