Submitted by Frosty-Rest-707 t3_10qapbr in nosleep
My name is Greg, I'm a peculiar person, I live under a child's bed if that gives you any sort of context of what I am. No I'm not a serial killer, I'm not a weirdo, I'm the monster that lives under your bed.
The monster that your child would run to you about in exactly 30 minutes. You may think that this is going to be a scary story, well it is but there won't be a child that gets hurt, well at least not yours.
I've been told by multiple of my other friends that I should get over my fear, that I should just do what I have to do as the monster that lives under your child's bed, at first my fear started off as just a fear of children because children are scary they do weird things.
But this child, this child in particular is the most terrifying child that I have ever seen. Her name is Leslie, she has beautiful blonde hair and beautiful green eyes like emeralds. They may be sitting there thinking why Greg, why are you scared of this Leslie.
Well I'll tell you; she's 15 she has a boyfriend, well had. She was her parents favorite child she has three siblings, typical teenage things angsty going through the works I guess. I've been watching her for a year under her bed. I got to meet her boyfriend Tyler.
Now you may be sitting there wondering why I'm telling you all this and when am I going to get to the part where I'm scared of her, I need to build up the characters I need to make you think that Leslie is a regular girl. But I'll skip to the chase.
About a week ago Leslie's boyfriend Tyler came over at first the night started with them just watching movies, but it got worse. Leslie told Tyler that she was going to get a drink and asked if he wanted anything. Tyler said "yeah a Coke" and Leslie left the room a few minutes later she returned with two glasses both filled with Coke.
I noticed immediately that one glass was a little bit foggier than the other. I thought well this will be interesting because last I checked Tyler was so down bad for Leslie why would she need to drug him?
There's a lot of things that I know about Leslie, this was not one of them. She handed him the drink and he drank it within 15 to 20 minutes he was saying that he didn't feel good. Leslie got him to lay down, they kept watching the movie. I heard Tyler snoring a good 20 minutes later, and then I saw Leslie get up.
She opened the closet door and pulled out a butcher's knife, a hammer some nails and a few other things. She dragged Tyler out of the bed laid him on the floor and then left the room, 10 minutes later she came back with one of those foldable tables that is pretty sturdy and usually used at kids parties.
She set up the table put Tyler on it and nailed his hands to it making sure that he was not going to be moving anytime soon. At first I thought nothing of it I thought that she was just psycho I thought that she was going to date r*pe him or something, but it was so much worse than what I thought it was.
Leslie pulled her hair into a ponytail and got to work she started with grabbing the hammer and breaking his arms. Slam slam slam I sat there and I watched from under the bed. She grabbed the butcher's knife and started cutting away at his flesh on his arms, cutting through shattered bone muscle and skin.
Then she did the same thing with his legs, breaking them with the hammer and then cutting away once he had no arms or legs she left the room. You may be sitting there thinking where her parents, her parents were on vacation and thought that they could trust Leslie to be on her own for the week.
Leslie came back into the room with a lighter a knife, needle and thread, and a few other little trinkets. She picked up the butcher's knife and cut off Tyler's head. Then she took the nails out of his hands and moved his body to the side she gently place Tyler's head on the table like a mannequin head and started cutting away at the skin filleting it.
She stitched his eyes closed after she removed his eyeballs, she cut off his tongue, and stitched up his mouth. I sat there watching a little bit scared, but I couldn't leave because if she saw me crawl out from under the bed either a she'd be terrified or b I would be her next victim.
After a few minutes of filleting she was left with muscle. She put the head down on the floor and grabbed his midsection removed the shirt that he had on and started carving something into his chest. I couldn't see because I was under the bed, she then cut open his stomach and removed his organs.
She put them on the floor beside her as if she was saving them. She grabbed his legs and remove the meat and put them with the organs. She did the same with his arms. She left the room and came back a few minutes later with a big pot, she put the organs and the meat in the pot as well as the eyeballs and the tongue and put the pot to the side.
She then left again and returned with a trash bag and put the remaining of what she didn't want inside then she left the room. She didn't come back for another hour and when she did the trash bag wasn't with her.
She got the pot and left the room when she came back she had a plate in her hand on the plate looked like food she sat on her bed and started eating and continuing to watch the movie like nothing happened. I'm terrified, I need to find a way to get out.
newbieboi_inthehouse t1_j6ozci5 wrote
Man, Leslie is more of a monster than you are, just like the old saying "sometimes humans are the real monsters". Btw I have some multiple questions: 1.Are you a monster that looks like the ones from Monster's inc or a Monsters from most horror movies? Cause if you were the latter, I think she would be more scared of you if you use your appearance to frightened her. But I can't blame you for being traumatize by that psycho-chick. You need to seek therapy after what you had witnessed 2. Can't you just leave from under her bed and find a new home?