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jab116 OP t1_j9pudnd wrote

> “Next thing I know, he walked up talking about, 'give me your keys, I got a gun.' I said, 'baby, you better shoot me, because you’re not taking my car.'”

> “He pushed me to the door and I got up and I grabbed him and was hitting his ass, and hitting him and fighting him and I said, 'you not going to take my car, youngin.”

> "They caught him and I said, 'oh, you going to jail today. You definitely going to jail, yes you are,"


Ylineya t1_j9pv7qe wrote

I bet carjackings would slow waaay down if these kids routinely got the crap smacked out of them. Too bad it falls on citizens to determine a swift and certain punishment when the parents and courts fall short.


chasonreddit t1_j9q27d7 wrote

Reminds me of a story a couple years ago about a guy who did a grab and run in a restaurant and ran into 3 marines coming in.

He lost several teeth and broke a few bones when he "slipped on the curb and fell".


danger_zone123 t1_j9q76h1 wrote

Way to go Grandma! Even if this isn't what I would recommend to my Gma or mother in the same situation.


J_Ditz100 t1_j9rcvql wrote

The weird placement of the grandma’s place of origin in that headline confused me for a couple reads thinking
What’s a DC grandma, Edison’s version of the AC grandma?


ash_274 t1_j9rj57w wrote

A few years ago, some guy in Florida tried to lift the wallet from a senior standing in from of him in like at a convenience store.

Turns out the old man was a former Marine drill instructor and Golden Gloves recipient. Took the clerk and another customer to pull the old man off the would-be thief and stop him from punching him unconscious.