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Tballz9 t1_ja7mdpb wrote

For having the bravery to be so soundly defeated in Ukraine. What a fucking clown.


trucorsair t1_ja7qeik wrote

For bravely attending every meeting when summoned by his master Putin AND taking a seat by an open window…


SylvieJay t1_ja98z59 wrote

For being brave enough to wear women's Prada Boots


Victor_Von_Doom_New t1_jab4cw4 wrote

For all the shitty charecteristics of that unevolved colaborist piece of Putin's toilet , that sadly isn't a valid criticism of his . Not gonna defend that lobotomised piece of trash through.


Corwyntt t1_jabz75v wrote

I don't think he has been very close to any of the frontlines.