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CMG30 t1_j6tn8d1 wrote

The professional/managerial class is actually the most vulnerable to automation. It's far easier to automate nebulous paperwork than it is to automate real world work. Even the mighty Tesla had to backtrack on how many robots they used on assembly lines. We've only just begun to see how much of the "thinking" can be done by AI.

If you wear a suit and tie to work somewhere, chatGP and especially its successors should be scaring the pants off you.


override367 t1_j6twa54 wrote

most professional work is just busy work that exists to justify itself anyway


Alkans_bookshelf t1_j6ut0pf wrote



override367 t1_j6wy5yx wrote

most might be an exaggeration but a huge percentage of every corporate hierarchy I've been a part of is full of random vice presidents and middle managers that are totally unnecessary