Submitted by TheHiddenApp t3_11421it in nottheonion
Warsplit01 t1_j8tp99v wrote
pic-of-the-litter t1_j8tqdug wrote
What a piece of shit, I hope the beavers gnaw his fucking legs off
MrNavinJohnson t1_j8tqtou wrote
>The officer also noticed the water level had dropped dramatically resulting in there being less water upstream and more downstream where it eventually leveled out.
They must've sent Clouseau.
meelawsh t1_j8tr0l5 wrote
South Park did it first
TigBiddiesMacDaddy t1_j8tro5c wrote
No one fucks with the national animal of Canada
canuckcowgirl t1_j8twj01 wrote
Pm7I3 t1_j8twyf0 wrote
What a stupid twat
Plonsky2 t1_j8twyft wrote
A-hilk-a-hilk! They blowed up real good!
Gordon_Explosion t1_j8ty2bs wrote
Do those movies hold up? Been thinking of introducing my cinephile teen.
MrNavinJohnson t1_j8u1rsy wrote
Eh, kind of. An elevated intellectual quotient is required to find the funny. Because the length of attention span needed to be patient for the gags to play out is considerable.
Absolute genius screenplays, just drier and slicker than current efforts.
Gordon_Explosion t1_j8u29j4 wrote
Well goddam, we're in.
Ok-Celebration7924 t1_j8u2gwl wrote
I broke the dam
tchads t1_j8uat0w wrote
If it was the dam and not the lodge where the beavers live destroyed, the waters shall rise again. Be sure to have the same officer comment on that.
0110010001100010 t1_j8ug16z wrote
I broke the dam
PBYACE t1_j8uhavh wrote
Give them a week. It's not like beavers are going to sit around and feel sorry for themselves.
MrNavinJohnson t1_j8ukffu wrote
Please tell me how my description played out.
mooseman1776 t1_j8ukqf7 wrote
Had a beaver come onto our land once. Destroyed around 20 trees and then left. Many were partially chewed and just left standing there dying. Had to cut them all down. Beavers can be total POS animals.
Not saying he wasn’t an idiot to do this but I am saying beavers aren’t the cuddly little sweethearts people think they are.
Cubeytheawesome t1_j8ukyt6 wrote
Oh fuck now people will make only in michigan memes instead of only in California since they deserve it more
Iwonatoasteroven t1_j8ul2nj wrote
They were beavers.
snakkeLitera t1_j8umdaa wrote
Fun fact ours is actually the goose. Hell manitoba will pay your the kill then there’s a tail bounty
TasteCicles t1_j8uy8si wrote
Heh heh, I broke the dam.
No-Combination-1332 t1_j8v3y7s wrote
But why? Just for kicks?
Solidsnakeerection t1_j8vcv6o wrote
Beaver dams are very important to the ecosystem and environment
[deleted] t1_j8vdx8d wrote
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[deleted] t1_j8vglv4 wrote
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CameoAmalthea t1_j8vgz6q wrote
They eat trees, things gotta eat.
imnotsoho t1_j8vm9oc wrote
Don't you mean Cousteau? I will show myself out.
Pm7I3 t1_j8vuqdq wrote
DrSendy t1_j8wbw8h wrote
Florida Man, but further north.
cote112 t1_j8wu08n wrote
Beavers gotta beave.
But there has to be limits to which people leave nature alone. If honey bees started building millions of hives in elevator shafts of every building in major cities, nobody would be saying "Leave the bees alone".
cote112 t1_j8wudp7 wrote
So is their inevitable death.
The flooded area returns to meadow and eventually forest because of the years of flooding and sediment deposits.
enzovrlrd t1_j8x6h0q wrote
The joke went over with the water
descendingangel87 t1_j8xa18j wrote
Probably because beavers are an invasive species and can destroy as much habitat as they create wetlands. They don’t stop expanding and can destroy fuck tons of forest and land with their purposeful flooding if left un checked.
MrNavinJohnson t1_j8xs7v5 wrote
Hahahaa. Please. And thank you.
StillSundayDrunk t1_j8zypq9 wrote
It's a dam shame
Jazzfinger1 t1_j90c1oh wrote
I too have caused a beaver related flood
Nigredo78 t1_j910ma2 wrote
you can tell nobody really got hurt because they left out the race of the dude.. as sad as that is.
Illustrious_Crab1060 t1_j979hr7 wrote
Isn't pretty common to blow up beaver dams? Especially if they cause problems by flooding. Of course only if it's necessary and with proper permits but it's reasonable common and necessary to do
Iwonatoasteroven t1_j9hiyrm wrote
It’s just water over the bridge now.
sneakyturtles7 t1_j8tp6x8 wrote
What a monster. How sad for those animals.