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ToughSpitfire t1_j8esx30 wrote

Dude who ever thought this was a good Idea needs a crash course on common sense.


great_gastly t1_j8gc1hz wrote

They likely didn't know about blackface because we, on a whole, don't like talking about the history of racism in the US in structured classes in schools.


1-800-fuck-0ff t1_j8fjl6q wrote

Ok but who would teach it?


KingKapwn t1_j8fskb3 wrote

They’ll have to call up someone from outside of Florida, that’s for certain.


espressocycle t1_j8wn4cq wrote

Sounds like it was a latina immigrant. If you don't understand the baggage of blackface in this country the idea of putting yourself in another person's skin is not intrinsically offensive.