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cutelyaware t1_j9spfry wrote

Jesus, the title should really be "Neighbors beat 15 year old attempted car jacker so badly they put him in the hospital".


Tea_and_Alc_RPACC t1_j9sr32v wrote

The thought of a clichee granny beating the shit out of a little shit like this is just too good to change the title tbf...


cutelyaware t1_j9svigt wrote

She didn't do anything more than call his bluff and taunt him when he was getting beat.


Tea_and_Alc_RPACC t1_j9svjy3 wrote

Read what I wrote again, please.


cutelyaware t1_j9sw45a wrote

Being amused by your own imagination isn't interesting to others and probably shouldn't be to you, but you do you.


Tea_and_Alc_RPACC t1_j9swy76 wrote

Human imagination, this including mine for my personal amusement and some others sharing the same humor, is a major factor in amusement. Without Imagination, there would be next to no comedy, jokes, memes.

But you do you.


WeLiveInAnOceanOfGas t1_j9tgrwn wrote

Yeah I hate all those pesky writers and comedians boring everyone with their imaginations... It's not amusing guys!


cutelyaware t1_j9vr4me wrote

It's the same difference between sex and masturbation.


blahbleh112233 t1_j9t6qc6 wrote

Allegedly. If anyone were willing to testify the kid didn't just take a bad series of tumbles


Vectorman1989 t1_j9ubfmu wrote

Back in the 80s someone snatched an old lady's handbag in front of my dad. My dad chased him and managed to catch him, at which point he gave him a good kicking.

Dragged the guy back to where the old lady was by which point the police had arrived. One police officer was like "What happened to him?" and the senior officer just said "He fell" and they arrested the guy.


blahbleh112233 t1_j9udovu wrote

Yeah, but we live in today. We should be glad the carjacker didn't film a tik tok video about a dank gas hack of just stealing a car instead of buying one


cutelyaware t1_j9t9etx wrote

Nobody appears to be trying to cover it up


blahbleh112233 t1_j9t9jq2 wrote

The article never said he got beaten up either. Just that he got caught and they called am ambulance for him


Drogdar t1_j9tmn28 wrote

Right, kids these days are very clumsy. He was probably trying to help the lady get into her car when he fell several times. Others came to assist him and, realizing he had hurt himself, called him an ambulance.

It's like that guy leaving a best buy and fell off the curb. Luckily a few marines where there to help him.


blahbleh112233 t1_j9to6hx wrote

Yeah. There's precedent too since the cops seem to always be arresting people that suddenly have a lot of injuries/death inexplicably on them.


Mitthrawnuruo t1_j9torsu wrote

I don’t know where anyone would have gotten the idea he was hurt by upstanding members of the community. Why, the old lady expressed surprise he wasn’t dead, considering he was clearly lost.


Mitthrawnuruo t1_j9tmxnt wrote

Neighbors assisted suspect gently to the ground with minimal amount of force needed to control the situation.

Unfortunately due to suspects continued combative behavior and resistance, serious injuries were sustained despite citizens efforts to avoid such.

Afterwords the citizens effecting the arrest promptly sought medical attention for the patient.


williamwchuang t1_j9u9uo7 wrote

>Grandma showed 7News her scar from the teen snatching her keys. The
police report said the would-be-carjacker left the scene in an
ambulance, and Grandma said the teen is now in lockup."And they
said it’s a wonder he wasn’t dead," she said. "On 22nd Street? He must
didn’t know where he was. Nobody has seen this boy before."


PhuckBigMoney t1_j9v28e0 wrote

The title should read "15 year old carjacker will never do it again"