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brotherenigma t1_j9x9rtz wrote

"Thus the existence of Israel is totally denied and “Palestine” is regarded as covering the entirety of Israel."

Which is true, because "Israel" didn't even EXIST until after WW2.


flamableozone t1_j9zf3c8 wrote

Germany didn't exist until after the unification of east and west germany, which didn't exist until after WW2, does that mean that "Germany" doesn't exist? The Czech Republic didn't exist until 1992, does that mean that it doesn't exist? The fact that something exists *now* means that it exists now, regardless of whether or not it used to.


brotherenigma t1_j9zhdes wrote

There's a difference - there is at least a shared ethnic, linguistic, and cultural heritage that connects a lot of those former Germanic kingdoms and princely states. Also, that union, although quite politically charged as well, had nothing to do with religion and everything to do with the economy. Many people who had been previously displaced actually got reunited with family across the Wall.

Palestine, on the other hand, has ALWAYS been a religious battleground. Not once in its 2000+ year history has there been peace in the Holy Land. And instead of making it not just a Holy Land in name but also in law where Jews, Christians, AND Muslims could all make a pilgrimage to and find peace in prayer, the British, in their infinite wisdom, chose to make it an EXCLUSIVELY Jewish state with no regard for those who already lived there. There was no question of unification or integration or any of that. Same with Partition in India. It was COMPLETELY arbitrary.


Rahm89 t1_ja2gasv wrote

And « Palestine » still doesn’t « exist » today. What’s your point?

EDIT: I mean Palestine as an independent State doesn’t exist. As for the Palestinian national identity, it started « existing » around 1964 with the creation of the PLO.

My point is, whether an identity is ancient or recent has no relevance. It either exists or it doesn’t.


brotherenigma t1_ja3zlcl wrote

My point is, Israel was manufactured from whole cloth as if it was Athena, springing full grown from the forehead of Zeus. Palestine has ALWAYS existed since even before Judaism was a thing - both culturally and ethnically.


Rahm89 t1_ja4sjot wrote

Are you for real? « Palestine » is the name the Romans gave « Judea » after quelling the Jewish uprising and annexing it. Judaism predates Palestine by a few centuries at the very least. And that’s a conservative estimate.

Not that any of this matters in 2023 to determine rights and wrongs. But confidently spewing nonsense and historical fallacies is not helpful.