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t1_j9uw9of wrote

Yeah....can't have anyone except "god's chosen people" being victims.

Especially not the children of Gaza that apartheid Israel treat like animals and force them to live in the largest concentration camp on the planet....

Fuck those patients.


t1_j9uxwbb wrote

Could have been simply the word Palestine on a canvas, and somebody would complain.


t1_j9uy811 wrote

>UKLFI: Supporting Israel with legal skills

Sounds like a very impartial website.


t1_j9ve48q wrote

In 1967 the (very Jewish) Mad magazine made fun of the victim hood politicians on both sides. I wish someone would put the “ersatz Israel” map online.


t1_j9vgogl wrote

Did they have artwork from other disputed territories or just the one dedicated to destroying the only Jewish country?


t1_j9wkhig wrote

You could ask the same question about every city which has an jewish holocaust memorial. "do they have a memorial for all minorities or just for the one committing genocide on the Palestinian people"

I always find it absurd that especially the Jews which had to suffer under Nazi atrocities do not understand why the dispossession and destruction of an ethnic group is not OK.


t1_j9wyvfe wrote

Oh noes the inconvenience of genocide!


t1_j9x4wxa wrote

Why the fuck did anyone think shopping around a collection of plates denying the existence of Israel as 'Crossing Borders' was a good idea?

Like, read the article. This wasn't just some kids artwork, shit was literally Palestinian flags over Jewish holy sites and passive aggressive denial of Judaism.


t1_j9x8dno wrote

Have any of you read the article? They’re all obviously done by one person lol


t1_j9x9rtz wrote

"Thus the existence of Israel is totally denied and “Palestine” is regarded as covering the entirety of Israel."

Which is true, because "Israel" didn't even EXIST until after WW2.


t1_j9xbmk8 wrote

It's not like Israel as been electing angels every year. They literally keep electing the most right wing factions possible in their Government. The only difference between Hamas and the far right government that Netanyahu governs is that the latter has nukes and one of the most well armed terrorists on the planet they call the IDF, while the Palestinian terrorists are armed with firecrackers.


t1_j9xkqld wrote

Beyond not criticizing it, if you post links to the official UN human rights councils published opinions about human rights abuses in Israel you can be banned as well.

Literally acknowledging wrong doing is viewed as wrong doing.


t1_j9xpa9v wrote

Yeah we got some stupid folks living here....


t1_j9xvav3 wrote

Boo wha! It’s artwork by children. Grow the fuck up.


t1_j9y1c2t wrote

Imagine feeling 'victimised' by people your country is actively oppressing


t1_j9y7eml wrote

“In the display, “Palestine” was described as covering the entirety of Israel and the Temple Mount was depicted with a huge Palestinian Flag. The explanation for one plate says: “Fishing with nets is one of the oldest industries in Palestine. The shoreline stretches for 224 km from Rafah in the south to Ra’as al Naqoura in the North.” Ra’as al Naqoura is the Arabic name for Rosh HaNikra, an international border crossing between Israel and Lebanon in the North. Rafah is the border town with Egypt, in the South of Gaza. Thus the existence of Israel is totally denied and “Palestine” is regarded as covering the entirety of Israel.

Another description of a plate says: “The olive branch is the symbol of peace and is used to express the wish for an independent Palestinian state”. However, the picture on the plate accompanying the text shows the Dome of the Rock with a large Palestinian flag, implying that Jerusalem and in particular the site of what had been the Jewish Temple, would be part of a Palestinian state. The Temple Mount is the holiest place in Judaism and it is offensive for Jewish people to see a Palestinian flag over their holiest site.”

Seems fair the Jewish people were upset.

Also, isn’t there a rule about making up fake headlines?


t1_j9z8972 wrote

The entire conceit of the victimization is that one group of people has the inalienable right to their own religious ethnostate. Palestinian is not a religion or an ethnicity- there are Jewish, Muslim and Christian Palestinians who have all been equally affected by that conceit. The Temple Mount has always been a shared religious icon. I will never understand the position.


t1_j9z8qt7 wrote

Please note this is Israel Jewish people specifically and it would be about as misleading as a headline saying Christians are upset that a hospital said Nazis are bad when it's talking about Russian Christians

Them feeling victimized has nothing to do with the fact that they're Jewish and everything to do with the fact that they are Israeli colonizers who want to erase the history of the country they are trying to take over


t1_j9zf3c8 wrote

Germany didn't exist until after the unification of east and west germany, which didn't exist until after WW2, does that mean that "Germany" doesn't exist? The Czech Republic didn't exist until 1992, does that mean that it doesn't exist? The fact that something exists *now* means that it exists now, regardless of whether or not it used to.


t1_j9zhdes wrote

There's a difference - there is at least a shared ethnic, linguistic, and cultural heritage that connects a lot of those former Germanic kingdoms and princely states. Also, that union, although quite politically charged as well, had nothing to do with religion and everything to do with the economy. Many people who had been previously displaced actually got reunited with family across the Wall.

Palestine, on the other hand, has ALWAYS been a religious battleground. Not once in its 2000+ year history has there been peace in the Holy Land. And instead of making it not just a Holy Land in name but also in law where Jews, Christians, AND Muslims could all make a pilgrimage to and find peace in prayer, the British, in their infinite wisdom, chose to make it an EXCLUSIVELY Jewish state with no regard for those who already lived there. There was no question of unification or integration or any of that. Same with Partition in India. It was COMPLETELY arbitrary.


t1_ja04odi wrote

Because I expect an elected government to provide for its citizens instead of building bombs and digging tunnels to kill their enemy?? Weird logic but I learned long ago reasoning with people about this topic on Reddit is impossible.


t1_ja065vl wrote

Yah if you fire missiles at a neighbouring country they are gonna fire back. That part isn’t rocket science. Again. Are you gonna get mad at their own government for not investing in schools, roads, hospitals, irrigations systems, anything. Nope. Instead it’s Israel’s fault. Why? Cause fuck them Jews.


t1_ja07bym wrote

What a stupid chicken or the egg situation you’ve presented. One side morally deserves to be on that land, and the other is supported by tens of millions in military aid yearly, with a defence system unmatched by most other developed nations. Why are you riding Israel’s dick so hard as if they are a shining example of morality??


t1_ja0s01x wrote

Wtf. I didn’t say anything about morality. Did you read what I wrote or just copy and pasted your replies from other times you complained about Israel?

Also the fact that you hold onto idea that only one side has a moral right to be there is truly illuminating.


t1_ja2gasv wrote

And « Palestine » still doesn’t « exist » today. What’s your point?

EDIT: I mean Palestine as an independent State doesn’t exist. As for the Palestinian national identity, it started « existing » around 1964 with the creation of the PLO.

My point is, whether an identity is ancient or recent has no relevance. It either exists or it doesn’t.


t1_ja3zlcl wrote

My point is, Israel was manufactured from whole cloth as if it was Athena, springing full grown from the forehead of Zeus. Palestine has ALWAYS existed since even before Judaism was a thing - both culturally and ethnically.


t1_ja4oosp wrote

It's not though, this is in the UK and UKLFI never says the people offended were Israeli. They said they filed the complaint "on behalf of some Jewish patients" who felt victimized. UKLFI's complaint specifically says they felt victimized because they are Jewish: "it is offensive for Jewish people to see a Palestinian flag over their holiest site."


t1_ja4rle7 wrote

The Dome of the Rock is in Occupied Palestinian Territory (East Jerusalem) under international law. How is showing a Palestinian flag flying above a mosque used by Palestinians offensive to Jewish people? It's odd that the article is alleges the existence of Israel is denied but then puts Palestine in quotation marks, as though it doesn't exist.


t1_ja4sjot wrote

Are you for real? « Palestine » is the name the Romans gave « Judea » after quelling the Jewish uprising and annexing it. Judaism predates Palestine by a few centuries at the very least. And that’s a conservative estimate.

Not that any of this matters in 2023 to determine rights and wrongs. But confidently spewing nonsense and historical fallacies is not helpful.


t1_ja54rcy wrote

Well, there is the whole Israeli court decision that said the settlements were illegal and as expected Israel backed off of doing that. Oh wait, the government actually just INCREASED the amount of settlements and encouraged more. They told their own courts to screw off. There are also plenty of videos of Palestinians asking this settlers to get off their land with Israeli citizens saying "don't worry it will be ours soon regardless".

No offense, you don't get to tell someone else how to live as long as it doesn't hurt you. If they want to live on the ground and sleep all day, that is up to them.


t1_ja6fzob wrote

Right up until the moment they stop sleeping all day and instead build and launch missiles at their neighbours….

Again the focus on Israel is hilarious considering the article is about Palestinian artists depictions of a world in which Israel doesn’t exist.


t1_ja6hyx2 wrote

Lol ok sure. You side with Hamas. I’ll side with the IDF. If you think the IDF is at all in the same universe as the terrorist organization posing as a government known as Hamas then you have deluded yourself to a level that is light years beyond saving.