Submitted by SelectiveSanity t3_1193raz in nottheonion
enderandrew42 t1_j9ka6lh wrote
It isn't unusual in keto diets to add avocado oil or some fat to coffee. Some people call it bulletproof coffee. I've tried it and I am not a fan.
Imnachopancho t1_j9kc11d wrote
PEVEI t1_j9ke3zx wrote
The keto people are a weird bunch, by the time they get to adding grease to coffee I figure their tastebuds died a loooong time ago.
BIH-Marathoner t1_j9ke5jv wrote
BIH-Marathoner t1_j9ke6lb wrote
InflamedLiver t1_j9kgf2j wrote
like the adding butter to coffee. I think it's gross but to each their own
drone42 t1_j9kggdw wrote
I wasn't sure it was possible to add more calories to their drinks but by jove they've gone and done it.
uwantSAMOA t1_j9kgxrk wrote
Ew olive oil. Please continue serving me heavy cream wet dream sweetener with a splash of coffee instead.
wanker_vision269er t1_j9kh56q wrote
I tried that, too. It's okay with espresso, but regular coffee not so much.
SilasX t1_j9khd5g wrote
"Wow, I love olive oil so much! It just seems to improve everything you add it to!"
'Hold my beer coffee.'
SilasX t1_j9khgtr wrote
Also, semi-related: I went to a Greek restaurant that added olive oil to ice cream. It's actually not bad!
NinjaWrapper t1_j9klp33 wrote
I've added vanilla ghee to coffee and I actually liked it. Gives it a little creaminess without the lactose.
HappyHighwayman t1_j9kx4xw wrote
Spoonful isn’t exactly a measurement
[deleted] t1_j9l35j1 wrote
SuitableNegotiation5 t1_j9l3i10 wrote
Shitty olive oil+shitty coffee=overpriced experiment that's definitely not really a big existing thing. I'll pass.
Also, maybe stop screwing your employees over instead of making up crap like this.
ThisIsSoooStupid t1_j9l5owk wrote
It is if they have a specific spoon dedicated for this .
HappyHighwayman t1_j9l5twp wrote
Sure but for informational purposes its meaningless.
ThisIsSoooStupid t1_j9l6bxz wrote
I think it's tablespoon because of how many calories they claim there are.
HappyHighwayman t1_j9l6h1k wrote
Perhaps but we’ll never know from this article!
ThisIsSoooStupid t1_j9l6pyj wrote
Umm, but we do now. The article mentions that spoonful of olive oil adds 120 calories to the drink. 1 tbsp of olive oil has exactly that many calories.
Crooked_Cock t1_j9lah1v wrote
In what world does vegetable oil go in coffee?
PancakeParthenon t1_j9lb1t6 wrote
Yes, I'd like the turbo-shits late', please
Matthew_C1314 t1_j9lcz8y wrote
IDK, to me the Keto diet looks like it was created by a cardiologist trying to drum up business.
SelectiveSanity OP t1_j9ldl4e wrote
Its pronounced Tur Bo-Es Hits Latte. /s
[deleted] t1_j9lg59y wrote
I’ll give you a little creaminess!
UnkleRinkus t1_j9lja79 wrote
It's been pretty well documented that the original doctor behind all of us fearing fat and cholesterol faked his data in his studies. Then the USDA (or FDA, I can't remember) started pushing grain based foods into the food pyramid' to pacify agricultural interests.
Icy_Associate8487 t1_j9lxvhl wrote
Eew!! How about a shot of liquid ginseng? Way better, more energy.
RaceSignificant1794 t1_j9lzycv wrote
What do you think is in the flavored coffee creamers? Oil. Lots of oil.
Coffee mate® Vanilla Caramel Liquid Coffee Creamer
Ham___Sammich t1_j9m1s8v wrote
> What do you think is in the flavored coffee creamers? Oil. Lots of oil.
But with delicious flavors like Crème brûlée and butter pecan.
MacDugin t1_j9m20p1 wrote
I like salted butter mixed in my coffee the salt takes the bitter edge of the coffee off, and satiates a bit of hunger.
ManyFacedGodxxx t1_j9m7i2j wrote
As if coffee doesn’t make stuff slide right out my rear end fast enough already, let’s add oil!!
SquirrellyBusiness t1_j9mc9xk wrote
Gonna need some mud flaps on that toilet.
calliatom t1_j9mddk6 wrote
I mean... vegetable oil is a primary ingredient in a lot of flavored creamers. Something fun you learn when you or someone you care about has food allergies.
DeaDGoDXIV t1_j9mgcne wrote
Someone with that username would say that.
"I showed up but where are you?"
Raptoer t1_j9mkjpc wrote
The keto diet is trying to force the body into a state of ketosis, where your body skips the step of converting fats to glucose. There are 2 potential uses for this, treating epilepsy, and type 2 diabetes.
However to actually achieve ketosis requires an EXTREME diet, and if you don't fully reach ketosis then you don't get any of the benefits. Just 50 grams of carbohydrates is too much. A true keto diet is like, 80% pure fat. Imagine sitting down for dinner and mostly heavy cream and butter.
It may have negative effects on your heart health, but since its primary use is for treating epilepsy that medications cannot control, that's generally considered acceptable. The halfassed keto diets that people do for weight loss are just pointless.
Washout22 t1_j9mm03h wrote
Big cereal...
newsman0719 t1_j9mnyad wrote
Yeah, Starbucks needs a few more calories in their concoctions
Rosebunse t1_j9mxlbw wrote
I wish they would bring back the caramel cloud macchioto.
Rosebunse t1_j9mxn59 wrote
I have been rather constipated lately...
Rosebunse t1_j9mxtlh wrote
This might explain why they're doing this, actually. Like, it's so crazy that it has to be a distraction for something.
GetOffMyLawn1729 t1_j9n4pff wrote
I would say it sounds like a waste of good coffee and good olive oil, but we're talking Starbucks here, so, whatever.
Jewrachnid t1_j9n5atm wrote
What are you talking about? It has been a well-established fact that high cholesterol significantly increases your chances of developing heart disease.
Allbymyelf t1_j9n7ok4 wrote
I wouldn't say low-carb diets are pointless. Study after study has shown that if you're going to cut calories from your existing diet, you'll be healthier and less miserable if you cut carbs rather than fat. What's pointless is replacing carbs with fat without lowering your food intake, and expecting health benefits.
Allbymyelf t1_j9n7tpr wrote
This is a pretty weird sentiment to me, as high-fat coffee drinks have been extremely popular for decades now. A frappuccino might as well be made with butter, y'all just can't stand it without sugar.
RobsEvilTwin t1_j9o36s9 wrote
Answering the question "How do I make this more shit?"
Msfracture t1_j9o93s7 wrote
Heated olive oil is carcinogenic. The majority of olive oils are not 100% real, they are a mixture of oils.
DJ_DD t1_j9oc3lb wrote
Had some gelato that was caramel and olive oil flavor. Ordered it because it sounded weird. Ordered it again because it was fucking delicious.
pseudocultist t1_j9ocb0e wrote
High bad cholesterol, and keto doesn’t increase bad cholesterol for everyone, nor significantly if it does. But some people shouldn’t be doing it at all for this reason, sure.
UnkleRinkus t1_j9ojv3n wrote
But the link between high dietary cholesterol and high blood cholesterol has been found to be weak. See these papers.
MoreRamenPls t1_j9osac9 wrote
Doesn’t this give it a laxative effect?
InflamedLiver t1_j9oyzbq wrote
More so than a regular coffee? I can’t say for everyone but it did nothing different for me
PEVEI t1_j9p3e1f wrote
Might as well replace the ice cream in a milkshake with oil, it will be just as delicious! /s
TheBounceSpotter t1_j9p7mw9 wrote
This could be to replace the oil that would be present from using actual cream. Bad idea though, as other oils had distinct flavors and don't mix as well as cream, which is naturally emulsified. Just go back to using real cream.
Feynnehrun t1_j9pqisz wrote
It's also well-established that high dietary cholesterol has a very weak if any impact on blood cholesterol.
Allbymyelf t1_j9qxog6 wrote
Again, I really don't get it. You think cream without loads of added sugar tastes terrible, or you think oil and butter are totally different foods? Anyway, people have been putting oil in coffee since the 1950s as a cream substitute. Don't understand why you're determined to get upset at "the keto people" for something that is, again, way more popular than keto itself.
ssbSciencE t1_j9x7avv wrote
In my two week long experience, yes. Very much yes.
cantthinkofone29 t1_j9ka20n wrote
Mamma mia!