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[deleted] t1_j9tejli wrote

Witnessing a crime doesn’t give you a free-pass to join in without consequences. The article says he was aware of what was happening and took the fallen chips for himself.

Imagine the person was stealing clothes from a retailer. If they were walking out with 10 shirts and one dropped, would we expect that anyone who notices can pick up the shirt and claim it for themselves? What if it was a stack of iPads? If you know it’s stolen merchandise and choose to keep it, you just stole.

It’s shocking how far we’ve gone as a society when the concept of doing right and returning someone’s stolen property is not only unexpected, but we are mad at the people who are asked to enforce the laws around it.


bigsoftee84 t1_j9u7qjw wrote

Do you believe a couple of bags of chips is worth the cost of housing and trial?


[deleted] t1_j9ubyhx wrote

Do you believe our world would be better if we decriminalized all retail theft valued under $5?

I get your point and I’m not asking them to throw the book at the guy. I am also not even advocating that they arrest or charge him. My comment is just that, if he knew it was stolen and chose that opportunity to take it for himself, it’s still theft. If the headline was cops arrest man for stealing 2 bags of chips, it would still be a low level offense and still probably not worth the time to seriously prosecute, but we could maybe stop calling all the cops racist and pretend the man is a victim.

I’m just pointing out that we don’t seem to expect any better decisions from the people breaking the law (even when it’s not a serious infraction). It’s the soft bigotry of low expectations.


bigsoftee84 t1_j9uddw8 wrote

We don't need to arrest someone for such a paltry amount, and to do so is just silly and a waste of time and resources. Exponentially more is going to be spent on trial and housing for this individual. How many days of incarceration is worth, what, ten dollars? People should not be arrested and imprisoned for a crime whose value is single digits that involved no violence or threat of violence. The guy ate some chips, that were stolen by someone else. He isn't a criminal mastermind or a danger to the public, the arrest was excessive and unnecessary based on the alleged crime committed.


[deleted] t1_j9uux6r wrote

Again, I’ve said that you don’t need to prosecute and punish him for this but the man needs help. Picking him up, housing him, and getting him real help is worth the cost in my mind. He has a long history of mental illness and domestic violence. We need to not have such an adversarial relationship with police and hope that them responding to a crime scene and picking this guy up can lead to the right governance in his life for him to get a support system and change. My comment was not that this guy needs to be punished but was noticing how we look at this situation and only want to call the cops idiots, racists, and evil. All the celebrated comments are about hating the cops. You don’t have to pick sides. This is a man who needs help and him being seen by the system is a good thing. Now, if you want to criticize the system for releasing him without help, I’m with you there


bigsoftee84 t1_j9v0ulq wrote

Arresting homeless folks is not the way to address the issue. I can't get behind that mentality. I'm sorry, have a wonderful day.


[deleted] t1_j9v6t5z wrote

His mom would disagree. She says she keeps asking the police to get him psychiatric help and to get him assessed. Again, you don’t need to prosecute him, but picking him up and getting him help is a good thing. There are services for homeless and the mental ill to admit themselves. If they don’t do it on their own, sometimes police need to help usher them into better care. You can’t look at every arrest as a punishment and shaming. Sometimes it’s to get people off the street and get them support and assistance.


bigsoftee84 t1_j9v7ff2 wrote

Then get the dude help, not arrest him. I don't understand why you're trying so hard to make this arr a st seem like it was justified, it's a waste of resources. There are a thousand better ways to get that individual help. You are doing him more harm by processing him on petty theft charges for dollars, single digits, of merchandise. Additional bullshit charges on his record isn't going to help him get a job or pass a background check. This isn't the police being altruistic, they would have just paid for his chips if they were.

Edit: a word


[deleted] t1_j9v91np wrote

You’re right, you convinced me. It’s a much better world when cops don’t enforce laws, don’t get homeless people off the street, and are exclusively viewed as racist demons. You have solved our problems. Thanks! I look forward to your opinions changing when you reach adulthood.


bigsoftee84 t1_j9vaayr wrote

Lmao, yes, wasting thousands to recover damages amounting to less than ten dollars is a real solution. Enjoy trying to create a police state where they can just collect those deemed undesirable.


knockatize t1_j9tqjpo wrote

Nobody needs to try on a bag of chips to see if it fits.


BoneDogtheWonderBoy t1_j9uro82 wrote

No it’s shocking how many authoritarian, empathy lacking, privileged babies like you that think prison is appropriate for a homeless person that found food on the ground. Food that would have been thrown away anyways. Who are the police protecting by throwing a hungry person in jail? Are you worried that if he wasn’t properly punished, that homeless person might stumble across more unclaimed food some day? I hope that you are given exactly as much empathy as you give to others if you were to ever lose your life of comfort and privilege.


[deleted] t1_j9uxhzf wrote

The man obviously needs help. I think the system is failing him for not getting him help, not because police are enforcing the law. I don’t support prosecuting him but picking him up to get him off the streets is a good first step. Now they need to get him help and assistance


BoneDogtheWonderBoy t1_j9wi2gx wrote

So apparently compassion or understanding aren’t helpful? So when you need help, I hope that your first step is also jail. Since apparently that’s helpful to hungry people.


[deleted] t1_j9wue05 wrote

The guy is mentally ill and has multiple domestic abuse charges. Let’s not pretend he’s harmless. Sometimes people are unwell and it’s not safe for them or others to leave them on the streets. But you’re enlightened because you can use your parent’s keyboard to type tough and aggressive to strangers. And yes, I do hold myself to my standard. If I beat women and steal from stores and need psychiatric help, I hope the police do pick me up. That only sounds threatening to other women abusing psychos and young children (I’ll assume you’re the latter).


BoneDogtheWonderBoy t1_j9ym312 wrote

Tough and aggressive? Pointing out that you think that jail is an appropriate consequence for $3 worth of food that was on its way to the trash anyways? You’re projecting awfully hard there champ. Was he actively beating anyone at the time? Was he being threatening at the time, or even at any point that day? That week? That month?! Or are you suggesting that he should be arrested for crimes he’s already been punished for? Or because he “might” be dangerous T some point in the future? Do you actually think that jail is “help” for the mentally ill?

It’s borderline hilarious that you’re taking offense and feeling insulted by me repeating your own words back to you and wishing you the same level of help you want for others. If you had any self awareness you’d see what a self own that is on yourself. Or how fragile and projecting it looks for you to baselessly claims I’m either a woman abusing psycho or a child because I dare repeat your words to you. Everything that you’ve been offended by is because you know how shitty your stance is, but you can’t own up to it, so you instead make baseless personal attacks on the person showing you a mirror. Bravo.


[deleted] t1_j9zo5y8 wrote

You completely missed that I welcome my own standards. I’m not offended by my words. I honestly believe what I’m saying. I believe in justice and wouldn’t want soft, feminine men crying for me and whining for more chances if I get in trouble for my actions.

I get your point. You’ve been very consistent. You believe that people are justified in breaking. The law and harming people and I don’t. It doesn’t mean they all need to be dealt with harshly, but I don’t support decriminalizing theft or abuse because it’s inconvenient or expensive to enforce. I know you are pro-women abuse and pro-theft. I know you celebrate the chaos but it’s not me.


[deleted] t1_j9zrcm2 wrote

By the way, please keep replying. I’m enjoying your outrage and your tantrum so much. Please give me more for my entertainment. It’s so upsetting to you that I have an opinion that you don’t agree with. Please go on. Maybe try to convince me that this isn’t upsetting you and that I’m the one who is worked up… haha - that will be fun.

I look forward to your next reply… or you not replying and pretending you didn’t see this, but we will both know. Either way is great with me - thanks sport!



BoneDogtheWonderBoy t1_j9zs6vf wrote

There are imax theaters that are envious of your projection capabilities. These are ridiculous, pathetic, childish strawman arguments, even by internet standards. I don’t think that a jail sentence is appropriate for someone eating $3 worth of food bound for the trash, so that means I think it’s ok to break the law and harm people?! Even you know how pathetic that stretch is. You keep saying harm and abuse, who was harmed or abused by those chips being eaten rather than thrown in the trash? You keep avoiding that question, because you know the answer is no one.

I don’t think that we need to needlessly contribute to our already astronomical incarceration rate over such trivial acts, so I celebrate chaos?! And me vocalizing these things makes me soft, whiny, feminine, and crying?! LMAO How fragile is your sense of your own masculinity if that’s your immediate go-to for someone having the audacity to call you out on your apathy to people in need?

You’ve done nothing to defend your own words, only make wholly unfounded (and almost surely purely projecting) personal attacks on me without actually addressing anything that I’ve said.

Congratulations, you’re an internet caricature.

EDIT:LMAO!!!! Omg you actually wrote “checkmate” on an internet argument. I can’t tell if you’re 12 years old, actually this inept and unaware, or are actually a performance artist satirizing pathetic internet trolls. But if it’s the last one, while impressive, you laid it on a little thick. It’s hardly plausible that any adult human being in this day and age would actually think that made them sound cool or like they won something. I’m not exaggerating, or using hyperbole or anything, I’m literally, audibly laughing at how sad and pathetic you are.


[deleted] t1_j9ztchq wrote

Perfect - thank you for delivering… I know it takes noting more than asking for you to comply. You are so outraged, so worked up at the idea that I think this man needs help and that police should pick him up and give him a warm dry place to sleep and get him help and NOT prosecute him. You are so incensed at the notion that police policing can be a good thing. That this man not being on the street and not harming anyone or himself is a good outcome. You have the strangest, sickest, most twisted worldview and I love watching you spiral into mental despair at the notion that you shouted into your Reddit echo chamber and didn’t hear your voice in reply for once.

This is delightful. Please send more.


BoneDogtheWonderBoy t1_j9zub5y wrote

What help are they offering him? What assistance besides a jail sentence awaits him after being arrested? And who was harmed by him eating the chips rather than throwing them away? You keep cowardly running away from simple questions and instead make wild strawman arguments and keep fantasizing about the possibility of upsetting a stranger. Does that sound like the response of a rational and well adjusted person? To relish in the outrage caused by their words?

“I love watching you spiral into mental despair” I mean for fucks sake, you sound like someone that tortures cats. And the fact that you formed this weird fantasy of yours based on nothing but the fact that I’m replying to your comments? You’re replying to me, are you also spiraling? It’s just ridiculous on its face. And the saddest part is, I know that you know that you’re pathetic. This isn’t how happy compassionate people react to having their values questioned.

You legitimately need help.


[deleted] t1_j9zuiut wrote

More… this is good. I’m the problem… go with it


[deleted] t1_j9zve1l wrote

Keep in mind that I simply voiced my opinion that him getting picked up isn’t racist or stupid. That was it. And you had to reply to me, a stranger who committed the sin on not saying what you wanted, was to call me an authoritarian, empathy lacking, privileged baby. And it’s only gotten more spiteful and harsh from you since then. That was the first thing you said to me in a conversation that YOU started by replying that insult to me. Now I’m finding humor in the fact that you can’t help but run me down and insult me more and you claim that I am the one with issues. It’s really funny. I know you can’t see it. I’m sure you’ll have to bring this up to your therapist later but trust me, this is a creation of your making


BoneDogtheWonderBoy t1_j9zzi0d wrote

Ah yes the “I told them to reply, so if they do, I win, and if they don’t, I win” play. Really only makes sense if you’re that desperate for wins in your life that making up some weird self serving conditions that guarantee your “victory”. Your every attempt at a comeback just makes you look sadder. Still dodging those simple questions huh? Can’t be faced to defend your own words so you’re just doubling down on the fantasy you made out of me to try to recover some of your wounded ego? Sounds like you need the W more than I do.


[deleted] t1_ja007cd wrote

Keep in mind. This is all because I said a thing and you disagreed. I voiced a benign opinion and you lashed out calling me an authoritarian, empathy lacking, privileged baby. You don’t know me. I gave an honest opinion and even after you repeatedly insulted me, I gave honest replies without insulting you back. At this point, it’s spiraled. And yes, I’ve been enjoying how outrageous your replies have been. I have not been kind today but you keep taking swing at me and have from your very first sentence. You have been rude and argumentative and initiated an argument with me. You’re now trying to make it seem like this is all me. That’s fine. This is very fun for me. I’m enjoying your replies quite a bit. But you’ve been a bully this whole time so I’ll never apologize for where this has gone. I said a thing. Get over it.


BoneDogtheWonderBoy t1_ja0bd09 wrote

You said a thing attacking the entire post with a ridiculous straw man. You claimed that because people found the arrest to be uncalled for, that somehow law & order has broken down and people are advocating for anarchy. Your innocent comment was straight up dishonest at best. When me, and many other people called that out, you immediately got defensive and instead of actually trying to defend or explain your opinion, you went straight to wholly unrelated, based on nothing personal insults about masculinity. You lost your mind because people accurately called your callous comment, callous.

And STILL you won’t answer the simple question of who was he harming or abusing? This is your chance to explain your position, or admit that you’re using wildly inaccurate statements to appeal not to logic or reason, but to emotion. You brought up his past charges as if that has any relevance on whether or not the arrest was warranted.

And since then, you’ve tried to claim some kind of moral high ground, pretending that you thought that a jail sentence would actually be of help to him.

So far you’ve used absurd strawman arguments, went straight to personal attacks, brought up unrelated issues to character assassinate the suspect, “relished the confrontation”, made a “heads I win, tails you lose” conditions to assure your “victory” regardless of response, and now youre trying to walk it back and paint yourself as the calm rational one. It’s hilariously, textbook predictable and transparent. Seriously, just compare me to Hitler and you’ve filled out the entire sad internet loser bingo card. If you have the capacity for self reflection, I hope that this was a humbling and eye opening experience for you. But I somehow doubt it will be.


[deleted] t1_ja0d33w wrote

That’s not what my post was at all. I said people were attacking the cops (calling them racist and idiots) rather than acknowledging that taking the chips is still stealing if he knew that they had been dropped in the act of theft. I was suggesting that it’s still unlawful and the right thing would have been for him to return them. I didn’t call for his life to be ruined. I’ve even said multiple times that I don’t think he should be prosecuted. I’ve said he needs psychiatric help and assistance. The police have ways of getting people assessments and help. I said that him getting picked up can lead to him getting the help he needs. No straw man. No attacking the post or people. My post wasn’t at all what you are pretending it was. You came looking for a fight which is why you attacked and bullied me right away. You weren’t trying to have a conversation. I can look through your past posts and see that this is what you do. You look for comments that reflect alternative ideas and then you lash out at those people. This is no exception. This is what you do regularly. Your post history is full flog arguments with strangers. The proof is right there


BoneDogtheWonderBoy t1_ja0kdtz wrote

Ooh thanks for the reminder, I left “go through their post history for anything to attack them with” off of the bingo card. Well done.


[deleted] t1_ja0l78k wrote

Go through and attack? It takes no going through. It’s all you do. As far as attack, you have a funny definition. I point out that you do it, you claim that me noticing offends you.

Just like me pointing out that you completely mischaracterized my comment but instead of owning it, you pivot to being shocked that I pointed these things out.

The truth is right in this discussion. I said a thing that you don’t agree with. Maybe you think my comment or opinion is wrong, and so you decided to call me names and insult me.

There is no rewriting history. This is what happened.