[deleted] t1_j8p1yd6 wrote
Sczysz t1_j8p2wu1 wrote
As long as they can continue to marry the daughter wives, they are happy.
alexjaness t1_j8p4dp9 wrote
all a man needs in life is a lush green golf course and 6 13-year-old brides
Glittering-Jello-935 t1_j8p4u50 wrote
>Rep. Thomas Peterson, R-Brigham City, said at an earlier committee hearing. “These are substantive investments; communities make it. Golf is a significant driving force in our community. It seems like we are publicly shaming them.”
Really, what could possibly shame them about it?
SelectiveSanity t1_j8p4xko wrote
Funny thing, in Japan they have ways of banning criminals from playing golf.
I get the feeling if we started using a similar practice as punishment against corporations when they break the law, lobbying like this would quickly dry up. Like a golf course whose members barely break a six figure income.
SweatyTax4669 t1_j8p5qpj wrote
“Welcome to Utah, the Ohio of the west!”
wwarnout t1_j8p5rmm wrote
>...more information...might lead to "uninformed conclusions"
This ranks up there with the GOP's "alternate facts" logic. Republicans are adverse to knowledge, which is one of the primary traits of willful ignorance.
RockerElvis t1_j8pbm9w wrote
There is a great Revisionist History on golf courses.
zihuatapulco t1_j8pd9pj wrote
Conservative philosophy in a nutshell: We don't want people to learn because the truth is bad.
Drudicta t1_j8pdmw8 wrote
It's Unironically gotten a lot harder to breathe....
stabone369 t1_j8pdt2c wrote
Uninformed? Their arrogance know no bounds.
happyends t1_j8peivi wrote
War is peace, freedom is slavery
ICLazeru t1_j8pek2r wrote
MORE information will lead to UNINFORMED conclusions?
I'm sorry, that was the sound of the Bullshit-o-Meter exploding.
AmaResNovae t1_j8pf5g9 wrote
ED is masculinity.
SplendidPunkinButter t1_j8ph7h0 wrote
Mini golf is more fun anyway
jetdude19 t1_j8phl2a wrote
Welcome to Utah. We sold all the water and the water that we didn't is used to farm alfalfa.
blahbleh112233 t1_j8pi8cu wrote
Yeah, though the shitty fact is that any water saved upstream is just gonna get used by CA to grow more almonds and other high water intensity cash crops
WesternOne9990 t1_j8pivrh wrote
Have you considered moving out of a desert? I know it’s not as easy as I put it
SweatyTax4669 t1_j8pka44 wrote
Don't forget the golf courses.
johnzischeme t1_j8pkn06 wrote
Thoughts and prayers
csesium t1_j8pl9jk wrote
So what's the plan when they don't have enough water to bathe or flush toilets? Send community members complimentary bottles of Febreze and a bucket?
What am I saying. They'll offer Nestle a tax discount to move in so they can supply all the necessary water so they can get campaign donations from Nestle and keep on golfing.
SJW_CCW t1_j8pln19 wrote
TruthOf42 t1_j8pp9gg wrote
Steel man's argument: Golf course uses 5,000,000 gallons of water a year.
That sounds like a lot, but how does it relate to the average home? Do they use less or more water per acre than an average home?
orangesfwr t1_j8pq2ch wrote
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
euchrebot t1_j8pr625 wrote
Not 13x6?
4dailyuseonly t1_j8pr789 wrote
Republicans need facts to line up with the stupid shit they believe.
[deleted] t1_j8prjg9 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8prrnc wrote
Arcticturn t1_j8psyuo wrote
Utah is getting increasingly stupid
Spottydogspot t1_j8pt7pu wrote
Still haven’t accepted they live in the desert.
eulynn34 t1_j8pv98i wrote
Ah yes, more information leads to uninformed decisions
makes perfect sense
Captain_Arrrg t1_j8pxk1v wrote
Don't worry. Utah is praying for God to fix their water problem, so why not build a few more water-hungry golf courses.
81CoreVet t1_j8pxlf9 wrote
6 of one, half dozen the other - republicans probably
_mynameisclarence t1_j8pzoah wrote
Why care about facts when a sky god will save you
truthindata t1_j8q06j8 wrote
An important consideration is the type/quality of water used.
Drinking water vs mon-potable ditch water are not the same thing.
Using a ton of water for a golf course vs letting most that water flow through drainage ditches and evaporate or collect in retention ponds that breed mosquitoes is a nuance that would be hard to properly convey to the generally uneducated public.
CerberusC24 t1_j8q0fc1 wrote
Correction. They want facts to line up with stupid shit they want constituents to believe
Drudicta t1_j8q0fov wrote
All the time. But being disabled with no job and needing psych meds makes that difficult.
jfcmfer t1_j8q0no5 wrote
I've appraised many golf courses and country clubs as going concerns and exactly zero had a greater value than the land as vacant. Not saying there aren't any, but I've never come across one. Partly because they take up a lot of acreage, partly because they cost a lot to operate and maintain.
SaltyBarDog t1_j8q0wzp wrote
Forty years ago, Texas was in a huge drought and there were water restrictions everywhere. However, the base golf course got watered every day.
kreiggers t1_j8q2fts wrote
If only there was public health option and viable social safety nets
Absoluterock1 t1_j8q30et wrote
Can't eat a putting green.
blacknyourma t1_j8q3y6w wrote
So what happened is the drought over now?
blacknyourma t1_j8q4cva wrote
Lmao I feel like this is dumb because if we can can calculate the total water consumption and account for most of the water use with the exception of one industry. Then what your left with is how much that one industry consumes.
blacknyourma t1_j8q4ifv wrote
Almonds like the food almonds?
blacknyourma t1_j8q4kxo wrote
Lmao Mormons
Drudicta t1_j8q5snr wrote
That would be REALLY nice. Would be able to have some sort of...dunno, FREEDOM?
thewwwyzzardd t1_j8q7ip6 wrote
Start with the conclusion and work your way back to whatever made up problem you say caused it. Just like the scientific method. /s
yaroto98 t1_j8q8vhx wrote
In utah there is runoff from the mountains that is collected in reservoirs. That water is used pumped through the irrigation system to most places including golf courses, farms, and houses for lawns.
This system is separate from what they call "culinary water" which is used for everything inside the house. Comparing golf course's water usage to the similar acreage of a residential zone won't be exact, but here's some comparisons. In utah parks, schools, golf courses, and businesses don't really have restrictions on water usage. The irrigation system isn't metered for anyone, but residents are only allowed to use it on certain days on threat of fine if they're caught. Acre per acre houses will use less irrigation water due to there being less grass as houses, roads, driveways, sidewalks, etc will cover most of that area. In addition to that new builds in Utah right now (even the expensive houses) have TINY lawns. These massive houses are on lots measured by sqft not acre.
Conversely culinary water usage would skyrocket. The sources for the culinary water is different that that of the irrigation water. It's from wells and then treated.
However the complaints in Utah right now are due to the departments that handle the irrigation water asking residents more and more often to cut back usage, but residents see it being wasted spraying sidewalks by businesses, keeping golf courses hyper green when they don't go golfing, nor anybody they know golfs. And their tiny lawn and garden barely getting enough to stay greenish in the shade.
dwhee t1_j8q8vgg wrote
PaxNova t1_j8q9nsg wrote
> “I’m concerned we are putting information out there. I can see how that could be used as a club to those who are uninformed on this issue,” said Rep. Keven Stratton, R-Orem. “I don’t see a need to publicize it. If we’re going to be transparent, let’s be transparent with the information to those who can use it properly.”
> In other words, the general public might draw wrong conclusions from the data golf courses would have been required to post under the original version of the bill, which Welton introduced in hopes of encouraging greater efficiency.
PaxNova t1_j8qahvs wrote
Sure it can. I would pay good money if the initial results of ivermectin on covid weren't publicly released.
3Strides t1_j8qba00 wrote
Hey, also STOP the giant manicured lawns!!!! Shot. People that have Tom hose for STATUS SYMBOLS have no idea the plight of the farmer for water for OUR FOOD. Idiots Stop the nonsense.
tallkidinashortworld t1_j8qbg95 wrote
"But some lawmakers suspected the real point of water-use disclosure was to target the golf industry for criticism, arguing it gave a pass to other big users of outdoor water — cemeteries, schools, churches, parks, ball fields and ski areas."
Those darn children and their darn schools using up valuable golf course water.
Not like cemeteries, schools, churches, parks, ball fields, and ski areas are open to the public... Unlike some golf courses.
BeeBarfBadger t1_j8qbmp8 wrote
Why even rely on a sky god when you can be long gone with the money by the time the results of your decisions start to become obvious?
Acewasalwaysanoption t1_j8qbsxs wrote
California produces 80% of the world's almond produce, according to the wiki. It'a HUGE business.
blacknyourma t1_j8qc23y wrote
I'm just being an ass because he compared golf to almonds... Almonds that can be eaten.
Acewasalwaysanoption t1_j8qciac wrote
Yeah, sorry, I'm not in the state of catching on that right now. Cheers!
Sweatytubesock t1_j8qcr6q wrote
They have no plan at all.
Kazen_Orilg t1_j8qdih1 wrote
Why are we wasting water on stupid children anyway?
ZachMN t1_j8qej2x wrote
As Sam Kinison once said, “YOU LIVE IN A FUCKING DESERT!!!!! AGGGH!!!!”
Tylendal t1_j8qf2tq wrote
I mean... It's often a valid concern. Just look at anti-vaxxers with VAERS information, or people complaining about yoga mat chemicals. You can make unremarkable things look alarming pretty easily.
That said... I don't trust the state of Utah.
Xsy t1_j8qfi2m wrote
"If you stop testing for COVID, COVID cases will go down" logic lmao.
Luxypoo t1_j8qftml wrote
Hey, that's not fair. The governors plan is simple.
AnrianDayin t1_j8qftnz wrote
Yeah, the mayor in the city I live in just lost a million dollar fraud case and the library is censoring the books they have out. They aren't exactly swimming in moral correctness like they want you to believe...
Rednexican429 t1_j8qgfm4 wrote
It’s home, and before McMansions started popping up in the wetlands and our water was sold oversees, living here was sustainable. The legislators are governing as if God himself is going to save us from the tipping point then they distract us with culture wars over church/state. We do drive too much though that’s on us
Arcticturn t1_j8qgs22 wrote
What city if you don't mind me asking?
Sounds about par for the course. Ever since 2020 and COVID republicans have turned on turbo stupid. The Dems currently appear to just be regular stupid
Edit: people downvoting me after seeing a headline about how republicans are pushing ignorance as a policy
spoonfight69 t1_j8qgtb7 wrote
"God will provide."
They are delusional.
ZealousTigers t1_j8qgz2o wrote
Yep our golf course turned into the suburbs because it was worth way way more that way
Firm_Transportation3 t1_j8qhbyy wrote
Oh, I always thought more information was a way to get a more informed conclusion. Boy do I feel silly.
VrolikeFynbos t1_j8qhjon wrote
Thanks, that was interesting. So untreated water vs treated water. Is the irrigation system canals or piped?
Firm_Transportation3 t1_j8qhk2b wrote
Its not like every other developed nation has these things and shows a perfectly available example of how well it works. Wouldn't that be nice. If that were the case, there really wouldn't be any excuse to keep fucking over every US citizen.
Believeland-OH t1_j8qhw8b wrote
As someone who grew up in Ohio then lived in Utah for 3 years as an adult; Ohio is no where close to the crazy that is Utah.
KeanuSad t1_j8qiwbf wrote
Brigham city is a shit filled hellhole
Cycleguy57 t1_j8qktul wrote
Let’s be fair; if there are no golf courses, how would the millions of overweight and out of shape golfers pretend they’re physically active and participating in a real sport instead of the reality they they’re simply driving around on a huge outdoor tablecloth?
[deleted] t1_j8qkui2 wrote
seamorebuttz t1_j8ql967 wrote
Knowing nothing about Utah lawmakers, I’m gonna guess, mostly republican.
gmotelet t1_j8qm3bv wrote
Who cares about personal hygiene when you can spend all day golfing!
bc4284 t1_j8qmiwl wrote
Freedom to actually live is a privilege of the rich the freedoms you get and won’t get infringed is the freedom to be allowed to harm others with hateful words. Freedoms like being protected from hate infringe on the freedom of others to hate so that freedom only exists if you are a group Acceptable to white Christian’s
In short this is capitalist freedom where what level of freedom you have if reflective on how much monitory power you have and has nothing to do with the idea of having foolish notions of human rights.. seriously fuck capitalism and fuck this country
bc4284 t1_j8qmjp1 wrote
Capitalism is the problem
bc4284 t1_j8qmm3d wrote
It’s a state ran by fucking religious nut jobs how the fuck is this surprising
Ystasht t1_j8qmqhh wrote
yeah, it’s almost like they know that they can't hide that they’re wasting water just to keep mass fields of green grass that serve no purpose except to keep the rich happy
Ytonali t1_j8qmxp3 wrote
We live in a nanny state.
UsedToBCool t1_j8qoovx wrote
Water returned. But Texas will face the same issues eventually, especially when underground reservoirs that so many unknowingly rely on deplete.
symbiont t1_j8qq2qa wrote
Utahns didn't pay enough tithing last year. They'll get more seagulls when they do.
MeaningSilly t1_j8qr1hn wrote
Our governor did go on TV and implore the people of the state to pay pray for rain. That is the most proactive measure taken by our state leadership so far.
EDIT: Ducking autocorrect!!!!!! <Shakes fist>
hotlavatube t1_j8qrkyz wrote
"And the motion has passed unanimously, requiring all Utah residents to walk to the next state over and back to collect a bucket of water to pour on the golf course."
gusty_state t1_j8qrqje wrote
Who should the check be written to? And for how much. I'm assuming Nestle and $100k should cover me for a year.
Politicians never like to do an ounce of prevention. They'd much prefer to wait until it's tons of cure.
MeaningSilly t1_j8qrt02 wrote
You're thinking of the Colorado river. The Great Basin (where the overwhelming majority of the state population lives) doesn't empty into the ocean. Any water saved flows into the Great Salt Lake and then evaporates. Problem is we need some water there to hold down the toxic dust so we can more easily breathe the toxic car exhaust that gets trapped in the valley.
MeaningSilly t1_j8qsg9k wrote
Sorry, pray. I fixed it now.
VocalLocalYokel t1_j8qsye7 wrote
Don't forget it's also an indicator for fascism.
last_rights t1_j8qva46 wrote
I hate to tell you, but last year I had a run-in with the religious conservative hopeful representative from my area.
He legit told me that climate change does not matter because the second coming of Christ will save us. The Chinese or Russian governments don't matter because God is coming.
He told me to repent and asked if I was a dutiful Christian wife. I told him I'm atheist and I have a responsibility to vote for the most intelligent candidate, but I wish him luck.
TransmutedHydrogen t1_j8qvvtw wrote
Can they even play golf?
thejesterofdarkness t1_j8qvxmf wrote
Like a floor mat with a bunch of conclusions you could….jump to?
Beer-Milkshakes t1_j8qws9l wrote
If you want to see how corrupt your local government is go and see how consistently green the golf courses are
jhbedsole t1_j8qxoi1 wrote
Wait, I thought arsenic powder usually causes death by fluid loss. I don’t think they’ll live long enough to develop lung disease.
frotc914 t1_j8qyc43 wrote
Golf is a massive waste, but if you want someone to blame, it's farming, not the people actually residing in the southwest.
Like maybe you don't need to spend gallons of water growing a nut so you can process it down and add more water to it and drink it. Maybe you could just drink water instead. Crazy, I know.
MarasmialAnimal t1_j8r1bsx wrote
Here in the UK some people swear by golf courses for magic mushroom picking. So there's that.
Treczoks t1_j8r1cry wrote
How many Utah "lawmakers" are also golf club members?
stilllikelypooping t1_j8r1mri wrote
Mustn't let the peasants learn how much of their water we use, less they threaten the landed gentry.
the_ceiling_of_sky t1_j8r22ns wrote
No, pay is correct. Tithe your church so the pastor has a big enough mansion/yacht/private jet to catch god's attention and let him know the people need rain. God is a massive gold digger and only gets with the richest congregation.
SMF67 t1_j8r2kq3 wrote
Zoomwafflez t1_j8r36rs wrote
Living there was never sustainable, you're kidding yourself. Even before the mega drought the west was using it's water faster than it's naturally replenished, and then there's climate change...
Jagwires t1_j8r3bye wrote
Obligatory “fuck texas”
Jagwires t1_j8r3fw1 wrote
Sounds exactly like Salt Lake City, UT, talking there
Schiffy94 t1_j8r3pzt wrote
Yep, it's pee
alexmbrennan t1_j8r4cso wrote
The reason this law is applied to golf courses is that maintaining a lawn in the fucking desert wastes a fuckton of water.
mr_sven t1_j8r4ea1 wrote
musci1223 t1_j8r51og wrote
That is kind of the issue with belief in the idea that there is a almighty being with a plan. If you believe that there is an all knowing all seeing entity who basically got everything planned out then you will always end up assuming that everything will turn out fine. Had an argument with someone in conspiracy sub where they believed that it doesn't matter what they do on earth and no matter how much they hurt god's creation they will end up in heaven because they believe in Jesus
musci1223 t1_j8r527f wrote
That is kind of the issue with belief in the idea that there is a almighty being with a plan. If you believe that there is an all knowing all seeing entity who basically got everything planned out then you will always end up assuming that everything will turn out fine. Had an argument with someone in conspiracy sub where they believed that it doesn't matter what they do on earth and no matter how much they hurt god's creation they will end up in heaven because they believe in Jesus
SaltyBarDog t1_j8r5c6f wrote
I said that when I collected my discharge papers and headed for the state line.
SnarfbObo t1_j8r5nhh wrote
Saying "Ducking" encourages autocorrect to "duck" with you, it tells it you miss it. Why don't you give that a break for a few weeks and see if the situation improves.
Harvest_Rat t1_j8r5sxj wrote
If it’s like CA, it’s “functional” and not “ornamental” turf and is excepted from the restrictions that everyday household lawns are…
PotatoBus t1_j8r8t2c wrote
Also from Ohio; they're sure trying, though.
WesternOne9990 t1_j8r9xlu wrote
There’s no reason to grow alfalfa in a desert and yet we do
[deleted] t1_j8ra770 wrote
LGCJairen t1_j8ra7h7 wrote
The word you want is monetary bro.
If we had monitory power over the rich they would have been dead years ago
musci1223 t1_j8raczi wrote
Smurf_Sausage_Sucker t1_j8rb09b wrote
I'm moving out of this shithole this year. It's a good feeling
Torgo73 t1_j8rcc1i wrote
Texas: “I used to drought. I still do, but I used to too.”
ShamusTheClown t1_j8rceb5 wrote
> arguing it gave a pass to other big users of outdoor water — cemeteries, schools, churches, parks, ball fields and ski areas."
I agree, lets also restrict water usage for any for-profit usage of land.
ShamusTheClown t1_j8rcohb wrote
'National Security Interests'
Tracedinair76 t1_j8rediu wrote
Everytime I think "wow, that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard"..... something comes along to prove how naive I was 2 hours ago.
autrey87 t1_j8reh6u wrote
FLUFFCAT13 t1_j8rezbq wrote
I didn't know America had a 51st state?
Emceesam t1_j8rf8w0 wrote
Fuck golf. Fuck golfers. Fuck golf courses. Stop destroying the environment so you and your boys can day drink, drive go-carts, and knock tiny balls into tiny holes.
Nadaplanet t1_j8rjy88 wrote
>The legislators are governing as if God himself is going to save us from the tipping point then they distract us with culture wars over church/state.
Honestly, a lot of extreme religious conservatives literally do think like that. They legitimately believe that the rapture is just around the corner, so there's no point in planning too far into the future. No need to make laws regarding renewable energy, climate change, or any other looming issues because Jesus is going to come back and take them up to heaven within in the next few years. It's pretty crazy.
wtgreen t1_j8rkqwi wrote
You can't handle the truth!
yaroto98 t1_j8rre9q wrote
It is piped. At every house there is a shutoff box with a sediment filter. You're supposed to clean the filter annually, they announce when you can begin using it for the year and when they shut it off for winter so you can close the valve and not pop sprinkler heads while they pressurize the system in the spring. Another way they cut back usage is pressurizing the system later and later in the year.
I've seen people water on the wrong days all the time. I've also seen people use hoses from their houses to water on their off days. Which is kind of counterproductive as that water is the metered treated water, and the whole purpose of the irrigation system is to not use that for watering your lawn.
Oh and I forgot to mention that the golf courses aren't even profitable. They're subsidised by taxes to stay afloat because of corrupt city councils and idiots like those quoted in the article.
j6cubic t1_j8rrlxb wrote
It's not even capitalism. It's badly implemented capitalism. It's perfectly possible to have a fundamentally capitalistic society with solid social services, just not the way the States are currently doing it.
Dradcliff2009 t1_j8rsou7 wrote
Even worse, mormon republicans.
TopCheesecakeGirl t1_j8rth0h wrote
Want the true answer? FOLLW THE MONEY TRAIL.
metooeither t1_j8ru4mv wrote
🤣🤣 no, the average home doesn't use half a million gallons of water a year. No one could afford their water bill if that was the case
ph30nix01 t1_j8rwgq0 wrote
Nice to see someone is at least trying to close the loopholes these assholes use.
routerg0d t1_j8rwqvn wrote
Colorado should start curbing all water releases by the amount of the golf courses.
bc4284 t1_j8rz1qm wrote
True the problem is a lack of regulation in American capitalism and a excess of allowing corporate personhood that allows corporations do directly donate to politicians. The existence of lobbying itself is probably the biggest problem as it allows wealth to matter more than any group Of constituents and as a result politicians are so easily bought no matter What party they are a member of.
The fact is capitalism itself isn’t the issue it’s a lack of meaningful regulation of corporations, a lack of consequences for those corporations, and a system that rewards The rich hoarding wealth instead of giving the government the needed teeth to enforce tax Law on the wealthy.
It’s a known fact that the irs has blatantly admitted that they do not persue auditing and taking the wealthy to court for tax dodging due to the fact that they know the wealthy have the financial means to tie the irs in court for years before the irs will see a single dime of those taxes. The irs knows that if they took the hyper Rick to court the irs would go bankrupt from the legal fees of trying to enforce Tax Law and therefore they don’t even attempt to. Instead they openly admit that’s why if you are poor or middle class you are far More Likely to be audited and to be taken to court for tax crime. Because they knew normal people can’t fight the irs and we will end up giving them the money we owe.
The fact is the irs has admitted they don’t enforce Tax Law on the rich because they fucking can’t. And instead they keep a vice like grip on forcing the poor to pay every dime they can because of the poor are the only they can count on to pay their taxes They will squeeze us dry to make us for what they can’t force out of the hands of the rich.
This is how fucked the US is this is why we will never see nationalized health care, or a raise in federal min wage. Not that it will matter soon as they raise the non wage they people Renting houses will just raise the rent because they know they can now squeeze more money out of the working class so what the hell does raising the min wage even mater for anyways.
this is why every cent I have paid into Medicare and social security will end up gone And I will be told it don’t exist when I’m 75. This is why I will never be able to retire. Because the taxes I paid were taken and paid for my parents to retire while I will get to see jack shit of it.
And there is no way to change any of it because our system is so fucking broken the only thing short of a full blown revolution will do jack shit.
And the scary part is the right actually believes it’s the people for human rights that are the fascists, I literially saw just to say these jackasses arguing that the real Fascism is not letting people have the free speech to say racist jokes without being canceled.
I’ve within the last 24 hours literially heard the argument that the real naziism is not being allowed to call a Jew a k***. That’s right the real Nazis are the people who tell you not to be antisemitic. Because to the right any inhibition of the freedom to persecute and oppress is fascism. And guess what the fucking moderates eat it is and then say both sides are fascists.
No they fucking aren’t. There’s only one side that’s preaching ultranationalist rhetoric , yes the democrats are Shit. But I don’t even know what to call the republicans? The bar is already fucking low with the democrats there isn’t a comparison you can use for what they are. They openly applaud Hsing fucking Nazis at their rallies they broadly boast we Are All domestic terrorists.
And the moderates still go duuurrr huuurrr both sides!
You want to know why America is unrepairable fucked. Because the average white moderate American can not tell the difference between Republican fascism and Democrats just saying maybe we should have laws protecting human rights while also not having the spine to Actually push for that.
So yes this country is irreparably fucked and I would be so much more mentally healthy if I just Ignored it all Said not my problem And just became Comfortable that as a white cis het male I will be on the side that benefits from fascism and said not my problem, ignore the news because the fascism isnt hurting me yet, And as long as I don’t criticize those in power I will be fine.
Fuck this country I should really just give up stop Worrying and just make myself comfortable with being a Nazi if it comes to it. Because guess what no one wants to listen to me shouting into the void so what’s the fucking point in it
notRedorBlue_308Win t1_j8rzrz5 wrote
I think you mean Christians. It may be the Mormons here, but I don’t doubt for a second any Christian group would be doing this.
Zealousideal-Feed156 t1_j8s1mnd wrote
I’m absolutely fine with restricting water for churches and ski areas lol
Clunas t1_j8s26dr wrote
/facedesk. The Bible literally tells us to be good stewards of this planet. The book of Revelation just shows that humanity will still exist, not that we won't be living in a toxic wasteland of our own doing.
SifuEliminator t1_j8s2dsy wrote
If people actually read those "results" they would have seen that they were shitty (pun intended)
KerissaKenro t1_j8s461b wrote
It is not the golf courses that are the problem. Though they do use a lot of water. The biggest problem are the alfalfa farmers. Agriculture uses over 85% of the water in Utah. Stop farming in a desert, or find ways to use water more efficiently. That is the real answer. Pointing fingers at golf courses won’t solve this
[deleted] t1_j8s5549 wrote
VirgilCane t1_j8s640w wrote
There should be a regional threshold for annual rainfall before you can build a golf course.
JeanneGene t1_j8s74oo wrote
Nope, my city will not let us xetiscape our yard. We refuse to over water so the dicks with code enforcement harass us every year.
I just want to get rid of my ugly damn grass and put in native plants and wood chips.
Half the state forces you to have a green lawn for what? Its unsustainable and stupid.
RMSQM t1_j8s7udm wrote
Republicans are just domestic terrorists at this point
luckyhedron t1_j8s90e3 wrote
“Rules for thee, not for me!”, say Mormons time and time again. If they aren’t willing to redevelop it, well, fields can be burnt!!
PaxNova t1_j8saoq0 wrote
That's my point,too. The way information is framed and released matters. You end up with people who have no medical training reading an initial finding and claiming it's gospel without bothering to read further research explaining why results are not applicable.
If there were a law insisting that everybody have access to preliminary findings data, it would be very chaotic. Just because it's true doesn't mean it should be public. Wait for the final release.
SifuEliminator t1_j8sb2mn wrote
Yeah I actually agreed with you and just added to your point. Information can definitely be incorrectly interpreted. And that is a huge part of the current state of Qanon and christian extremists. They believe wrong information.
[deleted] t1_j8scx51 wrote
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kosandeffect t1_j8scx76 wrote
"if you read it on your own you might come to a conclusion I don't like. Therefore I want it to only be read to you by someone I can trust to spin it in such a way that you agree with me."
All it is.
j6cubic t1_j8senk3 wrote
Yeah, I once tried figuring out what to do to even just fix healthcare. It basically amounted to rebooting at least two branches of the government entirely and redoing much of the foundation they rest on as well.
It's gut-wrenching and I don't even live on the same continent. It's even more gut-wrenching that a lot of the brokenness stems from these systems dating back to naive early implementations that didn't have the foresight to anticipate perverse incentives and exploitable flaws. (Newer or newly-reformed countries get to use hindsight instead. Much easier.)
Citizens United v. FEC was simultaneously the worst decision on American legal history and a symptom of underlying systemic faults. Unfortunately they were already almost unfixable by then.
I wish I could tell you I believe in the death spiral ending and the States recovering to live up to their ideals. Because all in all you guys are alright with me and you deserve so much better.
Despite my doubts I hope, though. All I can do, I'm afraid, but I can at least do that. It's too early to give up on civilization. It's always too early.
[deleted] t1_j8sgbub wrote
cylonfrakbbq t1_j8shjcf wrote
I enjoy the fact they didn’t even mention the major consumer of water: agriculture. Especially Alfafa
h3yw00d t1_j8shkon wrote
Mormons are a subset of Christianity, so it's perfectly apt.
zoinkability t1_j8shun1 wrote
Watering caddies is acceptable. Otherwise, waste of good water.
— Golfers, probably
h3yw00d t1_j8shw0p wrote
Alfalfa that's then shipped overseas.
One of our local farms ships it to Japan to feed the fancy cows for the rich people meat.
FantasmaNaranja t1_j8si9em wrote
sometimes people call the basic idea of monetary exchange capitalism and that's just not right
capitalism doesnt work because it will always seek to draw in all wealth to individual private owners, that's literally the meaning of capitalism it's a temporary ideology of governing because it will inevitably collapse if not controlled
there are other methods of governing that still use money but whose whole point isnt just to accumulate capital until there's nothing left, like for example justicialism, or further to the left: socialism, if you no longer have a currency you've gone too far left and strayed into communism turn right again
Confused-Raccoon t1_j8sj256 wrote
When it burns down and sinks, can you lot not take the rest of us with you?
WouldbeWanderer t1_j8slxyp wrote
>would quickly dry up
I see what you did there.
Nervous-Daikon-5393 t1_j8sm0gc wrote
Me thinks their grass won't be too fond of that dust either lol
Mhunterjr t1_j8sm3re wrote
“In this instance, having more information will make people LESS informed, and that’s a situation that can only be avoided with secrecy. The less you know, the more… Ya know?
- Republicans probably
MrsApostate t1_j8smaxj wrote
I don't necessarily disagree with you, but Utah relies on ski areas for significant economic reasons. It's not just as easy as "stop skiing" when many people's livelihoods depend on ski tourism.
That said, the water usage isn't a non-issue either. There may need to be changes in Utah's ski economy to deal with the reality of the drought, and that may require tough decisions. I'm not saying "don't change it", I'm just saying it's really complicated.
adfthgchjg t1_j8sn3cq wrote
Sounds like you actually read the Bible, instead of just repeating… what someone else told you it said. How dare you! /s
bc4284 t1_j8so14c wrote
It’s up the all of you to be willing to stop the Nazis when they take over the US. I just hope you all see the threat and nuke us before we can launch. In reprisal. Because if you don’t the alt right ain’t stopping in America.
And look at American military and look at how much of the Christian world is so happy to throw its lot in with fascism to stop progressivism.
Tell me honestly if America goes full Nazi and decides that a Christian theocracy must rule the world. With our military is there any way to stop us other than preemptive nuclear strike and hoping we get vaporized before trying to retaliate
adfthgchjg t1_j8socl4 wrote
Yeah, no. That article claims it takes 7,000 sq ft of land to produce one gallon of milk, yet they supply no details for how they arrived at that number.
After reading the entire article, they seem to assume traditional farming methods… rather than the brutal methods of modern large scale industrial farms, where the animals aren’t allowed to wander across grassy plains like in the past.
TwoBionicknees t1_j8sog3n wrote
Nah, it's capitalism. It's just more advanced capitalism. The UK currently has the tories desperate to privatise every aspect of the healthcare service it can because capitalism. Ultimately capitalism leads to a state where the wealthy control everything and slowly turn everything to a profit generating machine. The US just accelerated down that path really quickly.
Profit above everything eventually seeps into every aspect of a capitalist society. The UK and other countries just aren't there yet. The NHS is one of the things us british people are most proud of, and yet morons vote for Tories and they are trying to tear it apart.
Clunas t1_j8sosgb wrote
how dare I
musci1223 t1_j8soups wrote
Doesn't matter if they are allowed to wonder or not. The amount of food they need will still need to be grown. Farming is take up a large chunk of water and if you know about basic food chain efficiency the higher up you are in good chain more energy and indirectly water is being consumed per unit of nutrition.
corky9er t1_j8sp0bp wrote
DoNt TeLL tHe PuBLiC tHeY WiLL cAnCeL gOLf
First world problems
Cindexxx t1_j8srefs wrote
Lol that's almost word for word what I was gonna say
Tooblicker t1_j8ssete wrote
Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
MyCleverNewName t1_j8stbrm wrote
Where I live, my yard gets 10x more precipitation than I could possibly ever use, but I still want to do this. (with local stuff of course) I don't care if I can easily water a lawn - lawns are fucking stupid regardless.
A "nice lush green lawn" is the absolute epitome of 1950s-stick-up-the-ass-absurd.
JeanneGene t1_j8sti58 wrote
Agreed, grass just really doesn't look appealing. I want wild flowers and bees!
MyCleverNewName t1_j8svfis wrote
Installing a bunch of lil raised garden beds and just sprinkling them with a bunch of packs of wild flowers last year was the best thing I ever did... wish I had started years ago! New flowers kept popping up into November (!!!) and the bees and humming birds loved it! Expanding on this this year for sure. 🐝🐦😎🐝🦜
JeanneGene t1_j8svth9 wrote
I'm going to start, my city by law says I have to have 70% living "green"material so I'm going to see how fast I can bend the rules
MyCleverNewName t1_j8swedx wrote
Welllllllllllll, teeeeeeeeechnicallyyyyyyy, most flowers have green stems and leaves. 😁 Good luck and enjoy! And tell the bees I said, "bzz. :)"
ghosr OP t1_j8sznfl wrote
It's possible to understand that the vast majority of water usage goes to unnecessary or wasteful agricultural and industrial uses and still be upset that a comparatively small but still massive amount is publicly allocated for the exclusive use of a tiny, affluent portion of the population.
It's also appropriate to be angry when one justification for this decision is that water is also used for things like schools and parks, as though there is no difference between the use for universally accessible public benefit and private businesses that cater to the wealthy.
And it's especially appropriate to be angry at the paternalistic Utah state legislature for restricting access to public information and otherwise undermining the will of the people on a regular basis.
Zealousideal-Feed156 t1_j8t0vl3 wrote
Same thing as golf courses to me. Make them public or have a day or two that’s free so that EVERYBODY in the community can enjoy them.
Inconceivable-2020 t1_j8t2b3j wrote
Utah lawmakers fear that details of the bribes they take might confuse people.
sofaking1958 t1_j8t6097 wrote
I moved to clover. Fast growing, pulls N from the air, so there no need to ever fertilize again.
MrsApostate t1_j8th2sm wrote
I grew up near a ski resort in Utah, and this is already a thing they do. Plenty of community programs that make it free to ski on certain days. I even got free ski lessons one year because I was on the honor roll at school.
The ski resorts bring in significant tourism (in a way the golf courses in Utah do not) that benefits lots of people (including plenty of small businesses that cater to ski tourism, everything from fancy lattes to winter gear).
I just don't think it's quite equivalent to golf courses (and now that I live across the country, I don't really have a dog in this fight. I don't even like skiing!)
biscobingo t1_j8tn3xo wrote
Given that before mega farms were a thing, lots of small farms with around 100 head produced plenty of milk, and most of them were smaller than 1000 acres. 7,000 sq ft per gallon sounds ridiculous.
birwin353 t1_j8tpk3s wrote
Republican here, don’t lump me in with this stupid decision. This is a clear case of special interests pushing legislation, that is not purely a republic an problem. This is the case in every party and finger pointing is not going to help one bit. We need to look at the real cause of these stupid decisions and push against those.
mckillio t1_j8ttnnt wrote
How did you go about implementing it? If you do a little here and a little there, does it just take over?
sunpies33 t1_j8tvhy9 wrote
paradoxofpurple t1_j8twrdb wrote
Huh. Didn't expect that.
rlindstrom t1_j8u48ic wrote
Just plant kale…. Stuff just explodes with green growth
JeanneGene t1_j8u4gz1 wrote
I did some in my garden last year and it got devoured. I think we have a family of moles and they seemed to love that more than anything else
AnrianDayin t1_j8u7qb6 wrote
Thanks! I thought I responded yesterday, but apparently I never hit post.
ArbitraryMeritocracy t1_j8u9e2u wrote
Is golfing enjoyable in full hazmat suits?
[deleted] t1_j8ubuul wrote
sofaking1958 t1_j8udbe8 wrote
My yard got wrecked by a front loader during an outdoor project. I just reseeded with clover. Had a few other bare spots from lack of rain and raked up the soil and seeded there. It hasn't taken over everything yet, but that's the goal. Bonus is that the seeds are incredibly cheap (or were, haven't looked recently).
sofaking1958 t1_j8udl37 wrote
It's also slow growing, so don't need to mow as often.
birwin353 t1_j8ue2x0 wrote
I don’t know where your getting your info from but I nor any republicans I know are for any of those things.
Spottydogspot t1_j8vdj16 wrote
Yeah I lived in eagle mountain ut. West desert. But damn if we didn’t have to have green lawns!! It was and is crazy though I think they got rid of the hoa where I was so maybe people are clueing in? We would get the lake stink from Salt Lake if the wind blew just right. Now it’s toxic.
thepastyprince t1_j8vo66u wrote
Yeah but golfing is no were NEAR as popular as snow sports are here. They had the Olympics here because of the ski slopes and because of how good our snow is to ski on. We have celebrities coming to visit the slopes all the time aswell. Shit there is even a skier on the license plate.
I don't ski or snowboard but no skiing would fuck utahs economy.
Puzzleheaded_Pay2466 t1_j8vqsxx wrote
VrolikeFynbos t1_j8vy0zs wrote
In my country everybody pays for commercial (including raw water) water use, even if they use recycled water, but we are a water scarce country.
Not sure why the need to declare their water use. Is calculable just by checking the hectares in use.
HartfordWhale t1_j8w5jr1 wrote
What did you expect from a body of water with everyone’s balls in it?
Final-Distribution97 t1_j8wdo60 wrote
Republicans really need a dictionary, I really don't think they know the meaning of words.
gusty_state t1_j8z4o58 wrote
Sorry the opportunity that the typo provided was just too much to resist.
Shmoop_Doop t1_j9ilusy wrote
I fucking hate grass lawns. Looks so corporate and wasteful. Its moss and trees and bushes for me once I finally get my own place.
JoeBoredom t1_j8p1pat wrote
They all gonna die from lung disease breathing the toxic dust from the dried out Salt Lake, but the golf courses sure will look nice.