elmonoenano t1_j8z65tn wrote
Reply to comment by attanai in Sidney Powell cited woman who claimed to be headless, time-traveling entity in email pushing election conspiracy theories by Oldkingcole225
Also, Dominion did cherry pick quotes. B/c they were making a case for themselves. Its' fox's job to defend the case, not dominions. So, yeah obviously Dominion picked the stuff that supported their position.
The Fox spokesperson who said that should be thrown into the sea.
generally_sane t1_j8z7bl7 wrote
I vote for throwing everyone at Fox into the sea.
Electrical_Ingenuity t1_j8z8l6g wrote
I thought we were trying to reduce the great Pacific garbage patch.
Corrigar_Rising t1_j8zcpv5 wrote
Toss 'em in the Atlantic then
chupathingy99 t1_j905cwi wrote
We don't need another garbage patch
SnarfbObo t1_j90pkbz wrote
TricksterWolf t1_j92ca5v wrote
Space them for being sus, then
bodrules t1_j91giz8 wrote
<checks current flows>
Hell no, you keep them, we've got enough conservative nutters as it is.
GenericElucidation t1_j913ybp wrote
It's okay, they're mostly organic, so it'll be a net good for the environment.
pseudocultist t1_j919nhv wrote
Except the faces which are at least 60% plastic and will float eerily along forever.
AlternativeFormer559 t1_j91y1a1 wrote
Human corpses would quickly rot and be eaten. That's not garbage, it's fertiliser
Electrical_Ingenuity t1_j923y9g wrote
Surely they are full of toxic chemicals. I’m so torn.
AlternativeFormer559 t1_j92494d wrote
You have my sympathy. One organism's toxic chemicals are another's antibiotics.
AmiInderSchweiz t1_j91i3o1 wrote
Pre-chummed, shark infested seas.
LogicalHeart6094 t1_j93f1e9 wrote
Nah , let's not pollute the sea.
Magimasterkarp t1_j917j5x wrote
Your honor, the DA is clearly cherry picking his evidence. He only showed the security footage of me killing that guy. What about the 23 hours and 50 minutes of footage from that day where I wasn't committing murder?
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