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geckobrother t1_j7v73vw wrote

They do, but over the last 50 years, we've developed vastly better dams and systems to help offset their effects. I wouldn't say dams don't reduce salmon population, but it's I'm the 5-10% range, as opposed to global warming which has pushed the 15-20% mark already, and is likely to continue to increase.


Throw-a-Ru t1_j7w8jql wrote

>They do, but over the last 50 years, we've developed vastly better dams and systems to help offset their effects.

We have the technology, sure, but that doesn't mean that old dams were retrofitted, nor does it mean that the new technology was installed properly. For instance, at least one dam I know of has a salmon ladder that's easily 100' above the water line.


geckobrother t1_j7wrpm8 wrote

Depends on the state. Where I live (Oregon), we do retrofit. But we're a pretty pro-fish and nature state.