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vagfactory t1_j8xcd7g wrote

Where did I tell him how to feel? I was saying how I felt, which was done to help others in this situation to feel better about it.


EquivalentInflation t1_j8xdedd wrote

>an actual person in a wheelchair: This was a humiliating and painful experience that I hated.

>Some random internet fuck: OMG, no, it’s actually super inspiring babes! Yass queen, it’s so empowering for me to watch you be denied civil rights!


vagfactory t1_j8xdris wrote

The reason someone would find something humiliating is because they think others are judging them negatively about it. I am saying I am not judging him negatively, but actually in a positive manner.

Why are you so toxic?


EquivalentInflation t1_j8xi7ek wrote

The man in the wheelchair is literally the one who called it humiliating. You’re really trying to argue he is the negative one here?


vagfactory t1_j8xpcaw wrote

Again, not once did I attack his opinion like you want to think I am. Not once did I say he is the negative person. Why would I say I was impressed by his actions if so?

YOU are the negative one refusing to accept a positive statement supporting a disabled person overcoming adversity.
