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Safety_Drance t1_j9063do wrote

>Once the foot was removed, Brown instructed staff to place it in a freezer to preserve it. Multiple witnesses said that Brown intended to taxidermy the foot “as a reminder to wear your boots,” which one nurse described as “weird.”

I have so many questions after reading this article. First and foremost, when is a nurse at a nursing home authorized to amputate limbs on their own?

Second, only one other nurse thought that was weird?


Welpmart t1_j92i1v0 wrote

Also... HOW did she amputate it?


Safety_Drance t1_j92jcpx wrote

That was my next question.

>Some of the witnesses said that the man did not appear to be in any pain during the amputation, and there was no blood loss as a result of the procedure. However, other witnesses said that the man “moaned” as the procedure was being performed. Another witness said that “it was not a very good amputation.”

What the fucking fuck?


PlaguePA t1_j92kfms wrote

It was probably a diabetic foot that was completely necrotic due to diabetic vasculopathy and neuropathy. She probably wanted to use that foot as a macabre reminder that it is important to protect your feet as a diabetic to avoid ulcer, necrosis, etc. Still, she shouldn't of performed the "amputation" and she is messed up to even attempt something like this.


cowvin t1_j93j89j wrote

No, it's in the article. His foot was already destroyed by frostbite:

> The man had been admitted to the nursing home in March after he had fallen in his home when the heat went out, and he suffered severe frostbite on both of his feet.

> Other nurses interviewed by investigators said that Brown removed the foot for “compassion and comfort” as the foot was necrotic, had begun to smell, and was barely still attached to the man’s body.


Natganistan t1_j93east wrote

You don't wanna know

I read about this a couple months ago and it's so fucked


censorized t1_j9cefb5 wrote

From what I've read it was only attached by a small tendon and strip of skin. She probably just snipped it off with scissors.


Psychomadeye t1_j9358gt wrote

For the second one, nurses often have a dark sense of humor. It develops when your job includes watching people die.