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GogglesPisano t1_jahg3jv wrote

Nothing to see here, just carrying a bag of meat onto an airplane, as you do.


KuhLealKhaos t1_jahhebt wrote

The real question is if he declared it. Food can be expensive to fly with and there's lots of restrictions for different places.

Also, Freek Posthumus is an unfortunate name


whooo_me t1_jaij0u2 wrote

"Booking for one, or two?

- Two. No... one!

"Got you!"


vBricks t1_jaim1zc wrote

Freek Posthumous. Amazing.


Actaeus86 t1_jaiuhnc wrote

The EU is pretty serious about transporting meat across borders.


thorntron3030 t1_jaj4c37 wrote

Good thing those eyeballs are censors helping obscure his face. Lol


kjlo5 t1_jaj4jzs wrote

I usually travel with random bags of meat in my carry on. Now because if this guy I’M going to look suspicious? Way to ruin it for the rest of us, jeez.


Universalsupporter t1_jajhbw8 wrote

He’s part of the Meat too movement. The empowerment of cannibals.


Tc2cv t1_jajtnfo wrote

Victim was found on Vegastraat (vegetarian street) so the meat couldn't have come from there!


DFWPunk t1_jak0f4j wrote

Your know what I don't get about everyone who gets caught with something?

Maybe they've never flown, but have they never watched TV, or a movie or read a paper or ANYTHING showing how through screening is? If it's in your bag, they'll see it. If there's anything remotely suspicious, they'll search. I got searched because 3 big bags of M&Ms was unusual. They're gonna notice a bag of meat.


LaughableIKR t1_jak3puc wrote

Just wanted to say thanks to OP for posting this. I needed some humor today.

PS: At least they caught him.


ZachMN t1_jakb1gi wrote

It’s some special stuff.


Retrobetty t1_jaknchs wrote

I literally know people who's done this lobster (I'm from east coast Canada)


sharksnut t1_jakocwh wrote

KLM has been letting him fly with human meat for years as long as he buys a second ticket


taizzle71 t1_jakvbof wrote

In the 90s my grandma froze some beef and packed literal pounds of it into my bags and told me to take it home. I didn't think twice and when I landed the beef had melted and fucking blood is dripping all over the place. Like I'm painting the floor red as I drag it. I duno how no one stopped me but that shit won't pass anymore.


throwdroptwo t1_jalw2go wrote

There are no guns allowed in amsterdam so how was there a murder ?


Brener69 t1_jam8o1q wrote

Why did they blur out his eyes? Like that makes a difference in being able to recognize this douche nozzle


LilG1984 t1_jamcgfk wrote

"hold my beers & liver" Hannibal Lecter