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Esselon t1_jam4dnw wrote

>The thing is it has been looked into for 75 years, but there's no information forthcoming.

I imagine for a lot of those 75 years it was just talking to pilots and collecting details/anecdotes. Consider how far technology has come since then and it's not an insane idea to consider that we've only recently come to the point where we may be able to glean some information from them.

>Information is apparently being held back from the office of the president.

The President isn't the king of America. The prime duties of the President as the office was originally conceived is as a chief diplomat and the overall commander of the military. I'm sure the president doesn't get briefed on every single CIA mission and undercover FBI operation in existence, because unless that president has a background in counterterrorism or law enforcement, what's the point? It's not like any of the last presidents were physicists or engineers who would be able to lend insight into the situation.


kensingtonGore t1_jaqc6q5 wrote

>It's not like any of the last presidents were physicists or engineers who would be able to lend insight into the situation

Right, lets not tell the commander and chief about the impossible things recorded by credible witnesses flying with impunity over american missile facilities. And certainly don't tell him about the paper trail and opinion of the former UAP director regarding 'recovered materials.' That's none of his business...

imo, I completely disagree, all of humanity is owed the knowledge, not just a select few the military deems appropriate.


> it was just talking to pilots and collecting details/anecdotes

There might be no link at all. Maybe it's a co-incidence that the US military suddenly, and for no rational reason began funding anti gravity, memory metals, and fusion research in the early 1950s. Just a few years after Trinity. And they're still at it, they just funded 8 universities last week for LENR (aka cold fusion) research.

Why are they intent on studying these fields which are so scientifically unfounded that they are/were almost taboo to study seriously? For 75 years? What do they have to show for that multi-trillion dollar investment?

They know alot more than they say, and they're not sharing observations, or materials which could be studied at greater speed in public. Even the prosaic things.

What's the motivation at this point?