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IknowRambo t1_jecne15 wrote

They lifted that a few years ago when they realized how fucking dumb it was to have a preference on primarily male children in a one child house hold. The logic was that the guy gives his name to the woman and he is the inheritor of the family’s wealth, possessions, etc.

Now they are looking around and realizing that, for lack of a better term a sausage party in China and the country is full of the elderly and primarily men and not enough children.


Aware_Pool5073 t1_jed41sp wrote

The problem is even worse because of the one child policy longevity. Most family’s in China still have one child and treat it as the proper norm. 20 years of brainwashing has fucked over the entire population of China for the next century.

China is a sausage fest.


az78 t1_jedcjsz wrote

Nothing ever bad happens to countries with an excess of male incels. Never. /s


echaa t1_jedkuk0 wrote

But lucky them! There's loads of newly single Russian women!


Dr_Vegetable t1_jedxv2n wrote

I know you joke. But russia is so nationalistic russian women will not be interested in chinese bachelors. Anything south (east?) of a wealthy arab is a no-no