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valeramaniuk t1_janp4be wrote

>right of free speech
> Perhaps too seriously;

Go fuck yourself.


ShadowDragon8685 t1_janpcl4 wrote

Yeah, no.

Maybe if we'd cracked down on the fucking Nazis when they decided to march through Skokie back in '77, they wouldn't have been parading their fucking swastikas and slavery banners through the Capitol building on 6 January of last year.


valeramaniuk t1_janpskm wrote

The only fucking Nazi here is you. Your kind loves to gag people.


ShadowDragon8685 t1_janpzkj wrote

Oh look! Hey, look! We've found the Nazi with his amazing argument of "No you!"


valeramaniuk t1_janq7td wrote

Right, and it's you.

Parading with a flag doesn't make a Nazi; physically silencing other people does.

I'll go wash my hands after talking to you.


shalafi71 t1_jap2e53 wrote

Parade that flag around me you goddamned fascist, see what happens. What is it you filth say? "Fuck around and find out."? I am game, all in. "Gagging" would be the kindest result I can think of.

"We have hateful views and speech, so what? Why are we being cancelled?!"

You're being cancelled because polite society finds you to be vermin.

Now, would you like to talk about current Republican legislation to limit the 1A? Money says you do not want to talk about that particular cancer. Fucking coward.